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Started by ARRISARRIS, 18 May, 2004, 09:47:04 PM

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Max Kon

House of Usher

Does it? Oh, sorry. My bad. Nevertheless: Canon Fodder in colour graphic novel volume, now please !!!

Grant Goggans

Account Yorga just didn't make any sense given the laws of the storyline.  I could never believe in the city in the first place - every business in the city starting work at precisely the same second was just absurd - but I was just about able to suspend disbelief to enjoy what Doom was up to in each story.  Then the accountant vampires happened.  Good grief, what a rotten ending.



Not posted here for a couple of years at least! The reason why I'm back is because yesterday completely out of the blue Brigand Doom popped into my head! I agree with who thought Brigand Doom was "super good", it was one of my fave 'thrills', i'd love to see it collected and would defo buy it. Does anyone remember that story with some sort of Vodoo character? At the end of one of the progs he says something like "now go and do that vodoo thing that you do so well", it was a full page illustration that i always thought would make a really cool t-shirt, anyone know what prog number that was in?


Brigand Doom? No thank you.

I would like to add my voice for a Cannon Fodder trade

For the most part I would like nothing better than to see Mark Miller's still living and bloody body kicked through the streets for his crimes agaist comics and Nigel Long have a concrete enima for the heap of crap that was the Grudge Father.

That being said, Cannon Fodder was brilliant and needs to see the light of day again.

the shutdown man

The name Brigand Doom is ringing a bell, but I can't quite call it to mind. What was it about again?

Also, I too would love to see Canon Fodder again whether it was in EE or any other form. I don't suppose they take recommendations. I've only recently got into the EEs, I was taken by a strange urge to read Revere, so I ordered that one and a couple of others off the back issue shop. Looking forward to it now....
You're at the precipice Tony, of an enormous crossroads.


it's about a bureaucratic fascist dystopian UK, a lot like the one in 'V for Vendetta', in which a dead invulnerable highwayman type in a three cornered hat punishes evildoers....that's what I remember

I'm not the greatest John Smith fan, but Revere rocks

the shutdown man

Ahhh, now I remember. And he always sniffed a vial of something before kicking ass, didn't he? What was that all about?
You're at the precipice Tony, of an enormous crossroads.


Awww, I loved Brigand Doom, and I adored Dave's artwork. From what little I could find online a while ago he seems to have done a few bits and pieces for DC/Vertigo and then disappeared.
IIRC, he was also using a different surname in some credits, but I can't remember what it was.

Rex Banner

Prog 765.">

Rex Banner

But if you were going for a t-shirt I would prefer something like this...">

Rex Banner

Or this. But maybe too Joker.">


THANK YOU MATTHEWVIC!!! I forgot all about the DOOM DOOM DOOM thang going on as well! Did you scan these from the original progs? What date was prog 765 again? I got rid of almost everything when i moved overseas :(


those would both make great tshirts! I imagine they'd be popular with goths.  Get it together Tharg!

the shutdown man

So um, My EEs arrived and I read Revere. Haven't the foggiest what was going on there. Maybe I need a re-read.
You're at the precipice Tony, of an enormous crossroads.