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Messages - Dr Punchface

Just adding a comment to bump this up again, so that I can emphasise something : I really will entertain extremely ludicrous offers for these mags.  Put it this way - the current 'winning' bid is zero, and i will give them away if i must, but Id rather get something for them  :D

I'm about to move overseas, so much as I'd like to be able to justify the shipping, I'm going to have to offload the megazines.

I'm still in the process of sorting through them, but the gist is that I have an almost complete collection.  Some are missing, there are a few without covers, and the last 4 years or so worth havent even been removed from the plastic wrappers and read (fell behind on the reading, but still wanted to support the house of tharg!)

Basically just putting the feelers out that if there is anyone within driving distance of Brighton, that would like to make me an offer for the lot, I am open to ludicrous offers if it means they go to a faithful Squaxx (and I dont have to ebay them)

I will list them if necessary, but I've just got wound up even trying to make sense of the bloody numbering system and its myriad of changes over the years. 
Film & TV / Re: Skyfall (2012)
03 November, 2012, 08:54:46 PM
Quote from: Minkyboy on 01 November, 2012, 08:40:39 PM
And Bond's plan of using her as bait, taking her off to the middle of nowhere with no backup and no equipment wasn't great was it? In fact the ending was all his fault.

Hi all - new to the board (well, posting - been lurking for years)...and just seen Skyfall

This is exactly what bothered me as well!  Along with when [spoiler]bond fails to shoot silva when he has him in his sights on the ladder..and opts to go all exposition instead, letting him get away [/spoiler] - that's normally the villain doing that sort of silliness isn't it?  I thought the new Bond was all cold blooded and get the job done?

Both those elements essentially resulted in a bit of finger pointing req at old James.  I suppose that might have been the point but...I like it when James Bond saves the day, not contributes to it all going tits up.  Still enjoyed it overall, but there was plenty of things in the film that stopped it being a classic for me.  It did LOOK great though.
Welcome to the board / Re: Newcomer
03 November, 2012, 08:32:11 PM
Welcome to the board Mercz...I only recently de-lurked myself.  Interesting to read about the struggles in the US to get Dredd exposure, as I'm moving over there in the new year.  Thankfully the new digital 2000ad options should ensure I don't struggle to maintain my fix, otherwise there would've been quite the tantrum, I can tell you.

I look forward to telling any american that will listen, that they should be reading Dredd.  Until they deport me.
Welcome to the board / Re: newb in the house
23 October, 2012, 11:00:10 PM
Lol - cheers chaps for the welcomes...and yup, it was indeed a mammoth, but highly enjoyable/potentially fatal undertaking to get through them all (I've still got the Megazines to go through yet as well...but I'd better give the old synapses a breather first).

Not a real doctor I'm afraid - have no need for a medical degree when I find 90% of ailments can be cured via blood letting and animal sacrifice ;)

Welcome to the board / newb in the house
23 October, 2012, 09:38:58 PM
Howdy board

Been reading tooth for far longer then I care to admit, but have just been lurking away on the boards up til now.  I just completed a marathon session of reading all my backlogged progs (Had kept up my sub, but the progs had been piling up while life got in the way - approx 200 or so, in under a week while I'm 'between jobs' OD of thrillpower to be sure...I'm amazed I didn't have a seizure or something), so thought I'd use it as an excuse to actually start speaking :)

So....hello - I'll try not to be too irritating