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Messages - matty_ae

I think 'Oz' is one of the best regarded Dredd epics and it has the additionally poignancy of marking the end of Wagner/Grant partnership.

So what would I like in a new edition:

- All the painted colour-spreads in colour. There is lovely work by Higgins, McCarthy, Kitson & Dillon.
- The Bill Sienkiewicz Titan covers than interlock into a tryptich
- Bill's weird Dredd painting with the characters from Dorothy in Oz
- A final re-drawn installment where Alan Grant's alternative ending is visualised
- Critical essays on the Wagner/Grant partnership
- An essay from Garth Ennis about how Chopper seems to have avoided death more than any other character!
- New art from original controbutors
- Final word on the partnership from John Wagner/Steve MacManus

Not too much to ask...
Quote from: Steve Green on 27 February, 2024, 08:13:06 PMI'm not sure how many free gifts there were beyond the first 3 - bar a couple of badges and a pencil?

I was thinking of those tiny booklets you were encouraged to cut out the comic - Flesh guide to Dinosaurs, Robot Guide, Mini-Prog 1, Cursed Earth boardgame. So yes my definition of 'free gift' is a bit loose. There's so much love for the posters/cutaways. I guess cos some people could have stared at them on bedroom walls for years.

Just found a free gift list - you're right Steve!
Dear Tharg
I'd like a nostalgic 2000AD book looking back at all the free gifts, send-aways, posters and some fan artwork submitted by future droids.

So, yes, re-release the Bio-Tronic stickers, the Spinner, the choice of a t-shirt with Prog 1 heroes on it, the lovely cutaways of the Lawmaster, posters of certain artists (The New Masters) and some cover art without logos.
Star Wars has done these sort of memorabilia repro books in multiple formats. I think it would be a great nostalgia read and also stop some of the retro bootlegging. Maybe even a set of codes to download the stories from the first 100 progs etc.
Quote from: IndigoPrime on 29 September, 2023, 02:05:06 PMI imagine for the very few people who'd go for that, it'd probably cost a lot more than double. You'd need to factor for an alternative print run for a tiny number of copies, and the extra weight of 2x Progs + card.

I don't think it's an alternative print run, as the cover is added - that's how they've done the suscribers' copy this week. And that was with 'new art' costs. Does anyone here know about printing?
Suggestions / How about this for a "Premium Subscription"?
29 September, 2023, 01:33:37 PM
Dear Tharg

I would consider paying twice as much for my subscription if each week came with a duplicate 'virgin' copy of the Prog with no text or logo on the cover - just the artwork.

But only if it came in a cardboard envelope as well.

So one copy to read, one to save/treasure.

What do you think?
which Mr Steve Green actually did suggest!
I'm claiming this - but with Action!
Prog / Re: Prog 2351 - Sam vs The Lawman
26 September, 2023, 02:44:28 PM
I thought the art on Sam Slade was brilliant but the story was pretty much just like a Marvel movie post-credits scene.

So a neat conversation with a very slight twist

but I'd much rather see them team up to solve a case (or fight).

Just seemed a bit throw away unless there's more.
Please don't reply with an explanation that the Dan Dare corp owns X etc. I know that. Mate the audience this appeals to has enough disposable income to overcome that!
So it's 45+ years ago so you could just say it's too late.
But I think there's an audience of a certain age who would pay a premium to see this strip completed in a premium way.
With KS there's no real time pressure and it could be serialised to off-set costs as long as the collection was exclusive.

Could be a fun way to conclude one of 2000ADs un-completed series...
Megazine / Re: Meg 455: Fear the Future
17 April, 2023, 07:05:18 PM
I've chatted to Tom admittedly a year ago and I think he mentioned someone already buys all his pages.

Here's Chris Weston's details
Hi guys

I won't spoil anything but I thought this week's 2000AD/Meg crossover was incredible fun.
I'd like it in a more permanent edition (hardback)
And if there were any more tales that could be told, I think there's alot of fun to be had in an extended edition.

Well done to all - not least Leigh Gallagher and Henry Flint...
News / Re: Brian Bolland Apex Edition
10 May, 2022, 04:19:43 PM
Book Palace copy arrived today.
I thought it was great. Glad they left in the sellotape marks etc.!
Charley's War vol 2
Invasion - Pat Mills