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Topics - matty_ae

i prefer to read the print versions of 2000ad and the Meg
i like getting them early and I decide which tpbs I'll buy. So now Megatropoils and Dreadnoughts are on my list.

But I haven't got the space to keep 52 progs and 13 megs a year.

I know Rebellion don't want to offer a combi Print & Digital subscription simultaneously, so how about this...
A physical subscription that offers you Digital versions at the end of the calendar year
So you read all year the physical copies and then in the full knowledge that at year end you will get Digital versions, you can either keep or share the physical copies.

No-one has enough room for 45 years worth of progs & megs. It's now more than a rooms worth. I would pay Physical + £2 extra a month for this option.
Both Dave Taylor and Kenneth are relatively accessible. So also Higgins & Mike Carroll
So could we have a signed and even sketched edition?
It's a pretty cool package so maybe worthy of a bookplate of each.
Hi guys

I got the Thirteenth Floor Vol.2 today.
It was in a card envelope. It arrived with the lid open and unglued. The corners are foxed and I wouldn't accept a hardback in that condition.

The 'limited' hardback repeats the biographies of all three writers/artists on a duplicate facing page
And the book ends with 4 pages of promotion/adverts which are advertising... Thirteenth Floor vol. 1

Nope. it makes no sense.

Take more time. Package and protect hardbacks better. And do more Quality control please.
Apart from that the repro on the old Eagle & Tiger covers was great. And I'm really glad you're doing this series.
Suggestions / Judge Dredd: The Ledger in Order
21 July, 2020, 03:51:09 PM
Ever since reading Judge Dredd The Mega History and the printing of the ledger that showed the order in which Pat Mills commissioned artists to work on Dredd, I would like to see those stories reprinted in order.

An added narrative from Pat would be great explaining what he did and didn't like. It would allow a reprint book to start with Bank Raid first, maybe even include Rufus 'Courtroom' from Class of '77 if possible written by Jack Adrian. I know Bank Raid has been reprinted many times but it hasnt exactly been given the prominence it deserves hidden away in annual censored or in the extras section of the Case Files.

I'd just like to see the stories in order so we could see issues like the number of Judges and Judge written on the badge slowly disappear into what we know today.
if IDW have any distribution, I do think this latest IDW series is starting to get close to UK Dredd standards especially the art by Kei Zama which is great

Obviously IDW are covering the origination costs so could part of your deal with them allow you to reprint (or straight out include) it as a floppy each month?

I need to see this mullet-tastic story.

I know it takes 6 months of development normally
But with the success of the Action 2020 Special, I think the subscription market could sustain a second weekly for the next 6 months.
Just extend all the stories in the Special.
Maybe even do a kickstarter-esque commitment in advance to the first 1000 subscribers.

* in the last 10 years
Why do we think this fantastic quote doesnt appear on the Small House book itself?

Does Mark Millar's Netflix deal prohibit it? Or is it just 2000ad dont usually use quotes on the front or back?


Events / Day of Dredd reaches Bedford at NICE Con
23 August, 2019, 12:32:45 PM
Hope you can join us. Much more friendly than that there London
I think the prog is really on an upwards trajectory with some bumps.

Dredd - there's a good resolution to the four parter 'The Samaritan'. Staz Johnson draws a bandaged Dredd up to the standard of Jim Bakie in that post Oz attempt on his life. There's a great feeling of weight and good anatomy as Dredd pulls himself off the operating table. Love it. Maybe it could have been a shorter story overall.

Indigo Prime returns with a re-cap that is one of the funniest things ever to read aloud. It also has a typo in the second line. And the story continues at a million miles an hour but is great fun. I love Lee Carter on this. Great fit. Is it bonkers? - Yes.

Anderson - Aneke's art a bit like the cover is hit and miss. It reminds me a bit of Mick Austin's Anderson one-off with Buddhist monks but there is some really weak anatomy under some nice finishes. It moves along but I'm not sure Karyn is working at all as either a character or a plot device. Two double page spreads are unusual for the prog but welcome.

Absalom - great confident funny work from all involved. Yup the prog benefits from this character.

Art-Star Winner Pin-up - Great Durham Red fully painted by Chris Skinner which is actually better controlled than the second character (Karyn) in the vampiric cover by Aneke. So maybe he should have been given the cover. That said Anderson on the cover is nicely done.
So as I understand it Rebellion can't reprint all the old progs due to historic licensing issues (Dan Dare, old adverts for Star Wars toys) some either creator-owned/creator-contested stories and also some oddities like data protection and even clearances of reader's art.

But I'm pretty sure that they could certainly offer a Netflix type reading service for:
- Everything that remains in print i.e. everything Hachette are putting out
- Prog 1300 onwards

So I get that you don't want to either put off subscribers or purchases of recent reprints so maybe do the old IPC Annual rule of not offering any story less than 5 years old.

As long as progs could be index linked to read complete stories I'd pay to have them on an App just so I could plough through the thrills.

So this would be my dream.
Issue Nemesis Book 10 to same specifications as the old Titan Books for a premium price
It's the only Nemesis book never to be reprinted full-size and I do think the detail in the artwork justifies it.

Help! / Can the FX in the prequel Star Wars be in 4K?
13 December, 2018, 05:12:30 PM
I might be being thick
But in the Prequel Trilogy is there actually enough information on screen CGI to create a true 4K version.
Or were the FX a lot softer in those days?
Would they render it all out again?
I thought Ian Gibson's interview in today's Megazine 400 was excellent.

Clearly if his health allows, the man is willing to work for 2000ad again so let's make it happen.

That is all.
Suggestions / 2000AD Uncensored hardback
12 July, 2018, 10:21:29 PM
I know except for the coloured Halo Jones my suggestions are largely crap but this is the motherland.

A spiritual successor to Judge Dredd: Cursed Earth Uncensored, this would feature the outrageous and in some case libellous first offerings by writers/artists that the IPC censors requested changes to.

So it would include:

Judge Dredd: Bank Raid by Carlos Equerra with all the hotshot violence re-instated
Judge Dredd: Courtroom by Rufus Dayglo re-drawn for the Class of 79 unless you could get Carlos or Mick to have a go
Tharg's Head Revisited #1: Bloodsuckers by Mick Mahon (reprinted already in Judge Dredd The Mega-History
Tharg's Head Revisited #2: Tharg on a pitchfork by Brian Bolland with the original art and wording re-instated from 1988 Dredd Annual.
Judge Dredd: City of the Damned: Steve Dillons missing pages for prog 404 reprinted in 620.
What a difference an inch makes: How Eagle comics put an extra inch into Brian Bolland artwork to reprint the Judge Death Lives artwork at American sizes (it is funny how they did it)
Uncle Baal's chair and other filth - how the blood was tippexed out of Nemesis the Warlock
Judge Anderson Wolf in a sheep's clothes - a comparison of how the title page should have looked before speech bubbles were added.
Judge Dredd Fortnightly - a completely re-instated version of how the first issue would have looked with:
Anderson - Judge Death Revenge (unchanged)
B.A.D Company by Ezquerra
Soul of a Judge/Blood Cadet - already started by Ian Gibson (?)
Alan Moore's Dredd script (Badlanders? reprinted in Millidge / Story teller)
Frank Millers 2000ad/ Dredd cover
And also the first stories by significant creators in Lawman of the Future (Simon Fraser, Alex Ronald and Dylan Teague including the alternate Death storyline which was pretty cool - Robbie Morrison)
Add in some fun salacious covers and I'd buy it.

It could be quite a nice opportunity to invite back as many of Anderson's artists to tell a new story or contribute a pin-up.

I can imagine it being quite commercial if it had a Bolland cover.

Dredd got his first special in 1988, so maybe it's time?
Hi guys
I'm trying to get signatures in order of appearance in the prog.
So far I've got the signatures of (almost) everyone on the convention circuit who contributed to progs 1 - 26

But to your knowledge is there anyone else missing from 1st appearances in the first 600 progs

So far on my list to get is...

2 Gerry Finley Day
11 Brian Bolland
14 Ian Gibson Dredd

25 John Higgins
33 Brendan McCarthy / Brett Ewins
101 Alan Grant Futureshock
104 Ron Smith
142 Cam Kennedy VCs
170 Alan Moore
189 Steve Dillion
257 Bryan Talbot
287 Alan Davis / Harry Rock
362 Cliff Robinson
372 Mike Collins Futureshock + Mark Famer
410 Glenn Fabry Slaine Time Killers
555 Bisley ABC Warriors
651 David Hine Dredd Pin up
873 Clint Langley Dinosty

Anyone else? There's some I've left off as I just don't think they do the rounds i.e. Angie Kincaid but I'd take your advice if you think that's not the case
Film & TV / Black Panther - Please add your review
14 February, 2018, 09:14:56 AM
Hi guys

I saw this last night and it is really good to see a full Black cast celebrating African/Wakandan heritage. The cast is stellar and the script poses some interesting challenges about slavery, refugees and at what point you are responsible for your fellow man.

But I've got to say the second half is very formulaic with a final reel that isn't unlike Phantom Menace ("Now this is pod racing") with a Gungan like battle. And Black Panther battles another Black Panther in an identical costume (a plot last seen in Iron Man1, Iron Man2, Ant Man, Incredible Hulk)

Go see but measure your expectations - please add your reviews - happy to be talked into seeing it again.
Suggestions / Dredd: Helter Skelter REDUX
31 January, 2018, 05:37:49 PM
Hi guys

I know 2000AD has never really had an all Universes cross-over and Helter Skelter had a difficult production process as Ezquerra's house was falling down.

So I'd like a new expanded edition with new pages seamlessly bridging as many 2000AD worlds and stories as possible. Garth has always expressed a love of the character so might write some more pages.

Other Reviews / Steve Dillon Memorial Charity Sketchbook
06 November, 2017, 11:52:59 AM
Hi guys

Less of a review, more of a recommendation.

This book arrived today. It's on really nice stock paper and b&w with a lovely Tula Lotay colour image on the inside back cover. All the artists make a real effort and the Garth Ennis introduction is very touching.

100% goes to The Hero Initiative and there's no postage charge, so why not buy a remaining copy today.