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Topics - James Stacey

General / Huntsman 5000
12 November, 2010, 10:24:22 AM
Does Nikolai's Huntsman have some sort of alien locating tech or is it just not subject to continuity ? I'm re-reading Dante from the start and it seems to appear when necessary but not be there when not. Example (and I apologise if this has been done to death before, its not exactly a new story) The Courtship of Jena Makarov, Dante escapes from the Imperial Palace and drops the huntsman on the way out. Later on when attempting to blag Jena back from Hawksmoore he is shot at and it reappears on his back as he runs. I'm sure in a recent story Spatchcock and Flintlock took great pains to recover it but it does seem to randomly appear/disappear in the early ones. 
Film & TV / Lost Boys - The Thirst
29 October, 2010, 09:44:09 AM
OK so I love the first one and can probably recite it word for word. I managed to get about 10 mins into the second one before turning it off it was so shite. So onto the third. This one focuses on the Frogs. Edgar (Feldman) taking the role of main protagonist and Alan (Newlander)in an extended cameo role, which in all fairness is probably equal to his role in the first. The plot is slightly silly but does the job. There is lots of piss-taking of the whole paranormal romance genre and emos which is a tick in the box for me (whereas 2 seemed to revel in it) The effects work ok and don't feel too low budget and there are some nice shots. Where the film falls down unfortunately is the acting which is pretty dire. We are talking sub Babylon 5 level. Some of the direction and dialogue don't help mind you. Having said that I found it fairly enjoyable. Some nice nods to the first film and some great one liners almost delivered convincingly by Feldman.
Books & Comics / The Dredd Phenomena
05 October, 2010, 04:34:17 PM
Has anyone read this? Any idea what it's about / any good?
I'll probably spuff £6 on it either way but was wondering if others have encountered it.
Film & TV / Back to Back to the Future
30 September, 2010, 08:59:48 AM
The best comedy time travel film of 1985 is remastered and back on the big screen tomorrow. (in Cardiff at least, I assume nationally. Anyone else off to see it?
Off Topic / Ipad as a digital comics reader
28 September, 2010, 10:49:16 AM
following on from the digital comics thread, how does the iPad hold up as a comics reader? I have comic zeal on the iphone which is nice and usable but the size is obviously an issue. It's a fair wad of cash to drop so how does the iPad shape up? Is it worth it?
General / Hivemind Question : Dredd Graphic Novels
17 September, 2010, 11:44:51 AM
Help me Hivemind,
which Dredd graphs appear in the current trade dress. I'm trying to work out the ones I still need. Are the older ones like Hunting Party in the same format or the older slightly larger format. The Inner Geek in me needs to know.
Film & TV / Wanted
30 August, 2010, 09:03:41 PM
OK so I'm late to the party here and I couldn't find the original thread (Wanted appears to be a common keyword, who knew!)

Nice action sequences, if ott but the plot ? What a steaming pile of wanky toss. I mean a cabal of assasains who do what a code that appears in a mystic loom tells them to do. Does this have any similarities to the comic cos it sounds pure Millar ie. total shit, but lots of my friends have defended the comic. I really can't begin to express how poor this film was. Not even Jolie saved it cos she looked like she needed to eat more pie.
Prog / Prog 1699 - Cover thread
20 August, 2010, 01:24:17 PM

Oh boy oh boy oh boy. Boo in the prog and the meg last week and on the cover this week. This makes James very happy. Also looks like it might be a double length S/D this week. Only 4 thrills.
Games / Bioshock 3
13 August, 2010, 10:58:48 AM

Interesting. It needs something different for the next game definitely but part of the charm of Bioshock is the decaying art deco splendour of Rapture. Would a [spoiler]Yankee Doodle Laputa[/spoiler] have the same charm?
Prog / Prog 1694 - Cover thread
16 July, 2010, 01:33:24 PM

I'd assumed they had stopped previewing the covers for a reason but the new Prog and Meg covers are up on the site now. Cover by Jon-Davis Hunt. Not sure if Feral looks more or less like Feral. He has the claws at least.
General / Judge Dredd : Restricted Files 2
07 June, 2010, 11:24:56 AM
has just landed on my desk, and lovely it looks (along with a copy of The Final Solution, so I can remind myself what went down.). Lots of Ezquerra and Higgins in it. Can't wait to settle down and read it.
Events / Download
20 May, 2010, 11:07:40 AM
Not sure if this is the right place for it. Anyone off to Download in June?
Website and Forum / TapaTalk
14 May, 2010, 04:13:43 PM
I've just installed Tapatalk functionality on a forum I run.
It allows me to browse forums using an iPhone (other smartphones supported) interface.
I sound a bit like an advert don't I .. buy my trainers ..
Very quick to set up with minimal hassle. It works with SimpleMachines forums like this one ... so ... is there any chance that the forum can be enabled ?
details here
Prog / Prog 1681 - Cover Thread
15 April, 2010, 01:07:06 PM

Wasn't that fussed with last weeks cover but this does it for me. Not sure who Ben Willsher is but it's a nice dynamic Dredd right there. Really like the neon'y lighting.
[edit] Just realised he did the spiffy cover for 1678 too. Nice!
Prog / Prog 1680 - Cover Thread
08 April, 2010, 10:35:13 AM
Prog / Prog 1679 - Cover Thread
01 April, 2010, 04:09:48 PM

Simon Fraser on Dante .. FTW !
General / The Mega-City One Archives Vol. 3
31 March, 2010, 09:53:15 AM
Has this actually come out yet? Anyone got it?
Prog / Prog 1678 - Cover Thread
25 March, 2010, 10:40:16 AM
Looks like we are back to having sneek peeks

I really enjoyed the first part of The Grievous Journey of Ichabod Azrael (And The Dead Left In His Wake) and I'm looking forward to the direction it goes in. Groovy cover, with an amusing logo
Games / Bioshock 2
03 February, 2010, 02:17:16 PM

First game in a long time that I can't wait for. Heading back into Rapture will make all right with the world
Prog / Prog 2010: Your Move Eathlets
12 December, 2009, 10:42:44 AM
Donning flame proof suit as I haven't read it cover to cover yet, but .. That Strontium Dog advert ... Oooooh. It's John Wagner so it will probably go in a different direction than expected but I can't wait. Oh and I hope Bullmoose enjoys the damage report. He should have a Slurm to celebrate fame.