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Messages - El Spurioso

>And as you are a writer; love to hear your ideas for >a Dredd screenplay.

>Oh but you haven't posted any here, have you.

>Let me hear your ideas.

See what I mean?  You write-out a great long message to help the poor delusional chap, and he ignores the lot and picks-up on your bracketed sig.  Yeesh.
Do you have ANY idea how ridiculous you sound?

Being easy to understand doesn't make it *good*.  Sorry, kiddo, but you're eventually going to have to come to the conclusion that if you think one thing (ie - that these stories are good) and the rest of the world thinks another (ie - that they're... ah... NOT good) then there's a pretty good chance that you're plain-out wrong.

I don't want to patronise you by being unrealistically nice (because there's nothing worse than someone saying.. "Mmm... it's good but.. uh.. not quite there yet" or something equally as trite which basically means 'not a hope in hell'), but your FS ideas aren't the worst ones I've ever seen.  Damning with faint praise, perhaps, but it means you're off to a good start.  I can honestly say that these ideas are a lot better than some of the first ones I ever considered sending to Tharggle (but, then, I *was* 16 at the time) but you have GOT to stop believing that you are automatically right and everyone else is wrong.  You won't get anywhere if you can't accept criticism, and I'm afraid that from what I've seen thus far, you're a textbook case of 'delusional wannabe'.  Sorry if that sounds harsh, I'm trying to administer a dose of harsh reality here in the hope that it'll do you some good.  I suspect it'll be a futile attempt, but I'd love you to prove me wrong.

You see people at conventions (and suchlike), whether they be pitching an idea or showing-off their artwork..  Their work is - frankly - not that good.  I've seen editors - the people who *know* what they're talking about - telling artists and writers that an idea/drawing is okay-ish, but nothing special, and then being told by the aspiring wannabe that they're absolutely wrong about that.  "Well," they say, "All my friends say I'm a talented genius.  My mum says I'm going all the way.  What do *you* know, anyway?"

 So, listen - Scojo.  Please don't take offence at this because I'm not being deliberately nasty.  Take some honest and constructive criticism and keep trying, but don't go down the path of so many deluded fools who *know* that they're the next Alan Moore, regardless of what some trumped-up know-nothing editor said.  

Jim - I'd leave it feller.  I've managed to compile a template conversation that one might have with this scojo 'person':

SCOJO: (presents a contraversial and guaranteed-to-cause chaos argument in a fashion that leaves very little room for reasonable debate)

RANDOM PERSON: (attempts to field their own, opposing view in response to Scojo.  They lay-out a careful and rational list of points which, they feel, Scojo would find impossible to ignore.  Logic, they assume, has prevailed.)

SCOJO: (Scenario 1:Ignores every item on the list of rationalities and instead takes offence at a single word or grammatical error, or instead, Scenario 2: seizes upon just one item on the list and - rather than disagreeing with it rationally - decides that RANDOM PERSON is clearly wrong, insane and inferior and therefore doesn't deserve an opinion.  In either scenario, all other items on the list - which are generally the most important and salient ones - are completely ignored.)

RANDOM PERSON: (Realises after one or two repeats of this whole sordid process that they're effectively bashing their heads against a brick wall and would probably have done just as well to have ignored the contemptible little troll* in the first place.)


P.S - I rather suspect that, to illustrate my point, SCOJO will *utterly* ignore everything I've just said other than the fact that I called him a contemptible little troll.
Which he is.

*'Contemptible little troll' and all affiliated scorn connected to obnoxious delusional internet-types is courtesy of Tharggle Enterprises, 2001.  See Nadiia for related items.