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Messages - Valhalla

Off Topic / Re: New Column: The Gay Agenda......
08 July, 2004, 02:22:51 AM
G'day Will.

Ok I'll give you thoughts but you'll have to excuse me as I'm not as well educated on this matter as you.

My opinion on sexuality - If I'm not fucking the guy why should I care if he's gay.

This is my basic belief for most people sexuality, religion, culture etc. Unless it inversly affects me then I can't don't see it as a problem.

In Australia we have a hugely diverse mutlicultural and gay population. People from different walks of life are readily accepted and embraced. For example Sydney gay and Lesbian MardiGras readily attracts hundreds of thousands of spectators.

I live with my partner in a relationship classed as "defacto"(I hate that term - as it's always assosciated with yobbos). Basically we're unmarried living as a married couple would. In the eyes of the law it is the same thing however if for example one of us where to die things could get messy. One day we'll get married (I hope). However if marriage was still seen to be  bound by the church we wouldn't consider it as I'm atheist and Mel's an agnostic.

In your article you mention Civil Unions. Could you tell me how they differ from marriage? Is it that a C.U is not seen as binding in the eyes of the law or does it differ from marriage as it's non-religious?

I am interested why gays would want their commitment recognised by churches that consistantly tell them they are sinners.  

 I would be outraged if our society disregarded my relationship with my partner just because we haven't had it officially recognised by the church or state. I can see no reason that same sex couples should not share the same rights I have.

Seems a bit discrimatory to me?

As to which is the best way to achieve this? I don't know...

Help! / Re: Whatever happened to red ants....
16 June, 2004, 02:52:54 AM
We have big red ants over here (oz) They are about an inch long and they fecking hurt when they bite ye!

Maybe your red ants came over here with british backpackers and evolved into our superants due to the suns radiation.


I posted this dickheads site a while back. He also floods ebay with his auctions everytime the free gallery thing happens. Pretty frustrating having to wade through his overpriced flotsum.

You grow to expect to pay a little more down here but his site looks like a joke site.

General / am I a nutter?
03 June, 2004, 01:56:46 AM

For the past couple of years I have been buying 2000ad back issues of ebay. Is Australia it is rare to see these comics pop up. So often you have the same bidders bid against you.

I have had the same bidder bid against me probably 50+ times, sometimes he's won other times me.

Tonight I emailed him to say hello!

I suggested that he check out this site & asked him about how he got into tooth.

I also suggested we work in tandem and look out for issues the other was after whenever near a thrill merchant and I had doubles if he needed anything.

So basically I emailed a complete stranger. Someone Ihave only had contact with by bidding against them.

Is that normal?

General / Re: top gun film reference in 2000...
31 May, 2004, 01:12:55 AM

I remember thinking that Racs icon was Dredd eating a baby!

In fact when Rac introduced hi new icon I actually said that!

shit I felt stoopid at the time.

I put it down to colourblindness.

General / Re: Exile Reply to
30 May, 2004, 01:09:38 AM
Greetings from down under!

I'm in Sydney. Quite a few decent booksellers and comic stores in this little town. If there's anything you're ever after drop me an email and I can certainly try and chase it up.

General / Re: Tales of cretinous comic vendo...
06 May, 2004, 02:47:02 AM
Heeeey Jared!

I didn't think we corrected spelling, punctuation or grammar on this site!

You should bear in mind that for many of us English is not our native language. Mine is strayne.

General / Re: Tales of cretinous comic vendo...
05 May, 2004, 12:53:19 AM
Ok I'm really confused...

Been away a little while....

Been reading sporadically....

Maybe I haven't been reading close enough but..

is Demonizer and RC the same person? WTF is the connection?

General / Re: To celebrate the dc deal.........
04 May, 2004, 03:32:10 AM
The Comedian Vs Big Dave.

Battle of the Bastard Brutes

General / Re: Caption Competition: Judge Dre...
05 May, 2004, 01:31:11 AM
Daily Mail  " Dredd in Loos, Beckham Sex Romp Scandal"
General / Re: Caption Competition: Judge Dre...
04 May, 2004, 03:12:44 AM
Dredd " oooh  Bloody Alpha....aahh gruddamn Wulf with their stealing my limelight by pretending to be lovers...aaauuurgh... the lengths I have to go to to stay on top!"

General / Re: Caption Competition: Judge Dre...
04 May, 2004, 03:07:43 AM
Dredd :- You're about to see the Hot Dog run
Help! / look out for look in
13 April, 2004, 03:16:52 AM

I remember before I left England that my parents had my name printed in Look In magazine for my 6th or 7th birthday.

Sadly my copy disappeared in the last 20+ years and I'd love to replace this piece of my childhood.

I had a look on Ebay the other day but realised that Look In was probably a weekly mag so it might be hit and miss trying to find the particular issue it was in.

Not sure if this would be the kind of thing to be kept in libraries. If it is...could some of the Boards Librarians check to see if they can find my name in an olde issue.

If I can nail it down to a particular issue then it should be easier to find one to buy.

My name is Matthew Hunt Birthday 18th feb. It would have been printed in feb 82 or 83 (most likely).


General / Re: New boarder
23 March, 2004, 02:27:37 AM
Greeting from down-under.

Feel free to ask me about shoplifting ;)

Is Krustabi French?

WTF am I on

General / Re: Which tooth character has the ...
19 March, 2004, 02:35:14 AM

long, flowing, whipping about in the wind.
