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Messages - Shewrog

Film & TV / Re: The Punisher Movie - New Versi...
27 January, 2005, 02:51:06 AM
I just flogged it to a bloke behind the counter in my kocal gamestation for ?8. But I'll never recoup the time. Bah.
Film & TV / The Punisher Movie - New Version
26 January, 2005, 04:14:10 PM
WHAT IN THE HECK IS IT???????????????????????????

I watched it last night and could hardly sleep afterwards because I was so confused. I watched it late and consumed a whole bottle of wine while watching it so now in the cold hard light of day it feels a bit like a dream...was it really that bad?

Did they really attempt "comedy"?

When the bullets started to fly at the family get together and a woman in loose fitting "pants" fell over screaming, did Tom Jane really look up and out of the window and say "mom?" in such a way that it sounded like a giant ingot had fallen out of his mouth?

Please somebody help me, my head hurts.
General / Re: P.C. Games - Suggestions.........
22 January, 2005, 07:45:09 PM
Thanks -

Grim Fandango has been suggested by quite a few people, will get that next..

I got a Neverwinter double pack, including Shadows of Undrentide expansion.
General / P.C. Games - Suggestions
22 January, 2005, 12:31:08 AM
Sorry to leave such a boring post but....

Just brought a new P.C. and wanted to dip my toe in the P.C. gaming waters...does anybody have any suggestions?

Just got Neverwinter Nights and its exactly the kind of thing I'm into..

I'm not really into new stuff like DOOM 3 but looking really for old adventure games - cheers!!

General / P.C. Games - Suggestions
22 January, 2005, 12:31:08 AM
Sorry to leave such a boring post but....

Just brought a new P.C. and wanted to dip my toe in the P.C. gaming waters...does anybody have any suggestions?

Just got Neverwinter Nights and its exactly the kind of thing I'm into..

I'm not really into new stuff like DOOM 3 but looking really for old adventure games - cheers!!

General / Re: Belated Happy New Year to Ever...
25 January, 2005, 03:13:49 AM
Spent a day in the pub back in Wales (well more than one) with a guy from the publisher over xmas. Went well but he has legal concerns re. to the number of real people who are depicted, names of places etc. The manuscript has gone to a guy in Germany to I got one other rejection letter though which is always great, right at the start of the new year to. Woo - hoo!
General / Re: Belated Happy New Year to Ever...
22 January, 2005, 12:25:06 AM
Thanks for the tips on the other Hitchhikers stuff, on the subject of to follow
General / Re: Belated Happy New Year to Ever...
21 January, 2005, 03:37:00 AM
Yes, read 3 Stigmata quite a few years ago when a friend of my mums who she told I was in to sci fi lent it to me and it blew me away. I need to read it again now, actually.
General / Belated Happy New Year to Everybody!
21 January, 2005, 03:09:49 AM
And hope you all had a good christmas, or whatever, if anything, you celebrate at the end of December.For the last few weeks I've been unable to sign in, getting only a bizarre line of code every time I tried.

I've just been book shopping so thought I'd share my purchases (still lodsa book tokens left over from xmas.)

Ubik Philip K Dick
Midnight Lamp Gwyneth Jones
House on the Borderland and other Novels William Hope Hodgson
Hitchhikers.. (all 4 books) Douglas Adams
white apples Jonathan Carroll
Natural History Justina Robson
United Kingdom James Lovegrove
Spider Patrick McGrath

I've already read and owned Ubik, House on... and Hitchhikers in the past. Any fans out there or anybody read any of the others??
General / Re: Morning All... (Post smokeshed...
15 December, 2004, 01:10:54 AM

I'm meeting the publisher next week, at the moment it is 95% 2006 and that is all I know, but hopefully everything will be finalised then.
General / Re: Morning All... (Post smokeshed...
15 December, 2004, 12:23:52 AM
Hello All!

I was suffering far more this morning from the ill-advised kebab than anything else but have to admit to secretly enjoying filling the room during a 9:30 meeting this morning with my noxious, er, um, breath. Is that wrong?

Great to meet all those who were there, up for doing it again anytime in the future in some shape or form!
Film & TV / Re: Blade 3
10 December, 2004, 04:07:49 AM
True, though I did like the more down to earth kind of feel, of blade as a reality, as a paranoid urban terrorist raging a war against an imagined enemy kind of thing, if that makes sense!
Film & TV / Re: Blade 3
10 December, 2004, 03:59:15 AM
Think its going to be one of those ones that really divides people.
Agree about Ryan Reynolds...
My father in law told me he is boyt reynolds son, surely an error on his part..
Don't think David Goyer should have directed really..
Film & TV / Blade 3
10 December, 2004, 03:48:10 AM
Has anyone else seen this yet?

Saw it last night and its a real mixed bag. Thought it felt a bit like a late eighties american cop show, but it has its moments. Terrible soundtrack but quite funny in parts.

What does everyone else think?
General / Re: DImebag RIP
10 December, 2004, 04:43:12 AM
I agree. Everytime an artist is taken away from us in this way its a stark reminder of just how shitty and pointless the world can be sometimes...