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Messages - BPP

sounds a nice edition - always enjoy your blog, not least the comics i'd never read stuff.
Other Reviews / The Comics Journal - Metalzoic
13 July, 2011, 02:57:27 PM
One of the most regular thumbs up for 2000ad work  is's Joe Mcchuloch's weekly 'This Week In Comics' - a format of a loose essay about a new release and then several lines on 'other good things listed for this week'. Recently he's promoted Slaine, ABC Warriors, The Bendatti Vendetta, and the Free Comic Book Day prog    as well as related works such as Battlefields Vol II, Jose Ortiz, Bulletproof Coffin and Elephant Man. However this he's gone to town on a Transformers / METALzoic riff with lots of lovingly reproduced (colour) pages. If Tharg doesn't have this guy on his promo lists he should as there is alot of love being given to his product.
has and been ditched? Or am I just a blind fool not seeing the linky on the new homepage.

Got to say I always liked sneaking a peek for when /comingsoon would be updated.
nicely nicely. Well done them droids.
pretty interesting to hear how a non-reader took to a jump-on prog - plenty of valid points for Tharg and the writers.

Nice to see you got your obligatory dig in at the Red Seas. Funnily I thought the Podcast guys were big fans of Sin/Dex - were you not enthusing about it when it was full of tits n arse at the Casino strip from last year? Was good to have some of the Zombo / Marvel jokes explained, being as I couldn't give a f**k about marvel / dc comics. Laddo was a good contributor - think he'll keep reading?

"You're other option might be reading it in some sort of horrendous, young person's night club."


Thats brilliant.
Prog / Re: Prog 1741: Block Down
10 July, 2011, 01:26:42 PM
Nice to see they made the Danny Cannon £10 sketch into a cover.

Everything else was excellent - tho zombo interesting me less and less - its initial strength for me was horror / comedy but since the Xmas Special / series 2 its being 'parodying culture' and I think it is far less successful at that than it thinks.
well thats more than I've had - nothing since the 'thanks for your money' email about 2 hours after it went on sale.

it'll be flipper central on ebay.
its out and the payment gateway keeps fxxking crashing on me.
News / Re: 3A Mongrol on sale from February 28th
04 July, 2011, 12:53:01 AM
would imagine we'd not see anything till post SDCC as they understandably have to be geared up for that. Much as I'm keen to see it I can happily wait knowing its coming at some point over the summer.
Film & TV / Re: Falling Skies (2011) New Trailer
29 June, 2011, 01:16:14 AM
they defo forgot to photoshop in the bottom left support leg of that there alien thingy on the poster. Sums up the whole program.
Megazine / Re: Meg 312 : FOREST OF FEAR
26 June, 2011, 02:28:42 PM
oh yeah, how could THAT Indigo Prime double page not get a mention. WOWZERS.
Prog / Re: Prog 1739 - Dark Forces
26 June, 2011, 02:27:23 PM
Always a week behind you lot... another excellent prog. Definitely will be sad to see the end of the Red Seas (#minorityofone) but what a way to head into the final chapter - god on his heals, off to stop the devil and if that fails going to hell to kick some shvt. Hurrah. Anderson was a great retro all-ages tale and Absolm was top of the class.

Afraid the Dredd art leaves me with mixed feelings - while the landscapes are excellent, very Dave Taylor, there is something about the faces that makes them seem very static to me. Found this a problem with the work on Necrophim too. I find it really hard to put my finger on what it is that I find off about it but it seems cold and computer generated, reminds me of why i never took to Richard Corben's work. No diss meant to an obviously talented artist (his blog has lots of amazing art) just something I wondered if anyone else saw. Again more than happy to see more of his work tho.
Fxxked if I can remember anything I did when I was 6.