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Messages - Strontium Claw

General / Re: The 10 Commandments of 2000AD
19 May, 2011, 10:38:14 PM
Thou shalt not reprint Zenith.  :'(
The Bulletproof Coffin by David Hine & Shaky Kane
Orc Stain By James Stokoe
Godland by Joe Casey & Tom Scioli
Afrodisiac by Jim Rugg & Brian Maruca

Each one entertained the hell the out of me  when I read'em!
Off Topic / Re: Osama Bin Laden Dead!
02 May, 2011, 07:23:42 PM
If anyone here hasn't seen the Adam Curtis documentary 'The Power of Nightmares' now would be a good time to do so. It shows what a joke the 'War on Terror' really is.
Off Topic / Re: Osama Bin Laden Dead!
02 May, 2011, 03:18:35 PM
It's probably for the best that Osama Bin Laden took a couple of rounds through the head, can you imagine the media frenzy if he'd been captured alive and put on trial in New York or Washington DC?  On the other hand the real mastermind behind  Al-Qaida, Ayman al-Zawahiri is still free, though not for much longer hopefully.

But it looks like Barack Obama has booked his 2nd term in office which has to be a good thing considering the opposition. By the way, I too felt uncomfortable at seeing Americans celebrating and chanting "USA,USA,USA!" it seems inappropriate, ugly and to be honest, somewhat fascistic.
Film & TV / Zorro of Tomorrow?
27 April, 2011, 10:59:42 PM

Take a much loved classic character.
Strip away everything that made it unique.
Shoehorn into generic post-apocalyptic future setting.

Ladies & Gentlemen coming soon: "Zorro Reborn"
Quote from: Greg M. on 15 April, 2011, 03:20:16 PM
'Cos the whole thing was a steep learning curve and he's much more experienced now - however his modern work is regarded (my own views are mixed), he learned a hell of a lot from the week-in, week-out slog on 'Dredd'. Some of his last few Dredds are great... he absolutely nails it on 'The Chieftain', 'Last Night Out', 'Goodnight Kiss' and, many, many years later, 'Monkey On My Back'. Shame about 'Helter Skelter' though.

Yeah 'Helter Skelter' was the the one i was thinking of in particular, should have been a glorious return but fell flat on its face. Really enjoyed 'Death Aid' though, one of his best Dredds.
Is he Armond White in disguise?  :lol:
Unfortunately Garth Ennis' 2000 AD career is pretty disappointing, compared to his best work for US publishers I can't help but think "Why couldn't he write like that for Dredd?"

As for Button Man, I love it, but after three series I felt Harry's story had run it's course. The Hitmans Daughter was a refreshing change and introduced a brilliant new female character.
Prog / Re: Prog 1729 : IN THE BELLY OF THE BEAST!
12 April, 2011, 05:26:44 PM
I'm glad to see the return of Bob Byrnes Twisted Tales, they're not always that easy to follow but I always enjoy 'em.

To be honest I prefer them to most recent Future Shocks and Terror Tales which all too often miss the mark.
Film & TV / Re: TV Sci Fi reboots
30 March, 2011, 12:16:37 AM
Quote from: SmallBlueThing on 28 March, 2011, 08:34:18 PM
Dr Who. As a 25 minute, low budget, black and white, studiobound series on BBC4. Middleaged or older Doctor, his grandaughter, two schoolteachers, a meeting on Barnes Common, a trip to radioactive dead planet Skaro, spiderdaleks, vortis, then back to Earth with a pregnant spiderdalek clutching to the side of the Tardis- from which begins the dalek invasion of Earth and the climax of series one. Twelve episodes. Lovely.

That sounds like a Dr Who series I'd actually enjoy watching!

UFO is one my favourite SF shows ever, apparently there's a new movie version in the works.
Beneath the kitsch glamour and cool vehicles it's a surprisingly bleak, pessimistic and mature series.
Books & Comics / Re: Orc Stain
24 March, 2011, 05:36:41 PM
Orc Stain vol 1:  WOW!
I just finished reading this after hearing good things about it, James Stokoe is insanely talented!
It's hard to describe such a visually imaginative comic, sumptuous and grotesque, it's like an unholy mix of Kevin O'Neill, Hayao Miyazaki, punk, Ewoks and who knows what else. I'm hooked.. can't wait for vol 2.
Isn't it time for Rebellion to concede defeat with Clickwheel?
They should bite the bullet and go with Comixology; after all wouldn't a higher profile increase sales?
As Clint Langley bows out from Slaine, US blogger Matt Seneca has some interesting views on Langleys "unique" art style here:
Prog / Re: Prog 1724 : FLESH IS BACK!
06 March, 2011, 01:00:58 PM
What a bloody awesome prog from cover to cover! Shakara was simply ludicrous (but in the best way possible!)
As for Flesh - it's hard to go wrong with such a brilliant concept. Classic old skool 2000AD, James McKay's art might seem rough to some eyes but I love it.
Aaargh!... no photo covers please, they look cheap, tacky and wouldn't stand out from every other movie/SF mag that had DREDD photo covers. Renumbering comics is always an opportunity to jump off rather than on...

Ideally if any newbies do pick up the prog, there would be an extra long Dredd strip in each prog plus three or four complete short stories (a Future Shock, Slaine, Zombo etc) to showcase what 2000AD is about.

Quote from: John Caliber on 02 March, 2011, 11:08:47 AM
I imagine almost everybody who is ever going to buy 2000AD is collecting/has already sampled it? UK comics have an increasingly limited audience.

I would love to see a 10 second trailer/ident for for 2000AD at the start of the movie.
There is a huge untapped market for 2000AD out there: lack of awareness is the problem, not lack of potential.
Traditional DC & Marvel sales are dwindling, indy comics are growing - 2000AD could be the new manga.