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Messages - GrudgeJohnDeed

Quote from: Greg M. on 22 July, 2019, 02:34:07 PM
Except it's much more interesting than that, because Judge Dredd is not privileged - he and the other judges gain no tangible benefits from their position. That's a big part of what's sustained the series for so long.

Yup, the word privilege is odd, being a Judge sucks from what I've gathered. There was another line too "It's an oppressive system who treats people lesser because they're not privileged.", are the Judges motivated purely by identity politics and I never noticed?

An interesting question to me is could Mega City 1, which is seemingly constantly at war with technological and biological threats from within and without, ever actually become a 'normal' democracy with minimal police powers anyway? I don't see how myself!

Do they record these panels? Would be nice to watch!
Games / Re: Last game played...
21 July, 2019, 03:26:11 AM
I really, really enjoyed Blazing Chrome!! For me it is up there with the 16-bit Probotectors/Contras, perhaps even rising above in some regards by being a little more approachable in terms of difficulty (at least on normal) and having a nice zippy flow. It felt like they knew what was fun about those old games, and then tried to concentrate it some. It's not perfect though, some of the larger art looks a bit iffy (that jock-off thumb in the bottom left on the map screen!), but that was true of Contra 3 if I'm honest, and however imperfect the art in places, Blazing Chrome has a lot more bold, screen-filling story content which is very welcome.

If the shooting perhaps isn't for you, when you beat the game on normal, you unlock two melee characters, who when used turn the gameplay all Strider-y/Ninja Gaiden-y! They're a lot of fun, they're slightly faster and more agile, and spamming melee kicks out a TON of damage but you have to get in close!! I used them to beat the Boss Rush as they just melt the ones you can get close to for a good moment.

I don't think I have the chops to beat Hardcore though, which I feel these games kind of daring you to do. 3 continues, each start with 3 lives, more enemies (with more HP in some cases, and I think faster attacks). I practiced stages 1 - 3 a lot and got ok at them but 4 - 6 are hell!
Quote from: The Amstor Computer on 12 July, 2019, 02:55:02 PM
I see the comparison regularly that this is just like Xbox vs PlayStation in terms of platform exclusives, but..

Another major difference for me is that Sony and Microsoft very rarely just pay big third party publishers the crazy amount of money it would take to make them go platform exclusive with a game they were already making, robbing the other consoles of big franchises that are usually multi-platform. Most Sony and MS exclusives have their development funded directly by those companies, or in some other way wouldn't have even been developed without Sony or MS.

I really don't like Epic's tactics myself (the kickstarter sniping is especially dirty) but hey if J-dog makes more money this way than he would've otherwise, and that money means better costumes in the Dredd tv show or *cross all my fingers* expediates the development of a Dredd game, crack on. I'll be playing ZAT4 on Xbox anyway!

Games / Re: Freebies and/or bargains
17 June, 2019, 12:30:57 AM
The 360 game Too Human, went backwards compatible on Xbox One over E3 and is currently free to download on the Xbox store! Bit of a marmite game I think but some people loved it, and it was apparently a pain to get it on the BC program and available digitally.
Games / Re: Rebellion at E3 2019
10 June, 2019, 08:10:43 PM

Officially announced now as Zombie Army 4! I think I will keep calling it ZAT 4 even though that makes no sense now it's no longer a trilogy. Great video, I loved ZAT and will be all over this. Fantastic 80s horror music returns!

Still no Dredd game though  :'( I must try harder to become a billionaire to make it happen
Yeah it is steep for the physical versions, I stuck with the digital myself. Maybe I'll upgrade tiers down the line if possible, would be pretty crazy to get my name in the credits of an R-Type game!
Back the kickstarter and you'll get it mate!
Thought this would be a good place to link the R-Type Final 2 Kickstarter!

I backed it straight away, I'm not an R-type superfan precisely, but I'm getting more into shmups and I'd love to see more old developers coming out of the woodwork like this.
Games / Re: Last game played...
05 June, 2019, 04:54:05 PM
The gameplay in Doom was great I thought, the weapons were fun to use and executions to get back much needed resources added more strategy (especially in the tougher moments). It was just exciting to be leaping around gorily dispatching behemoth demons with fists and comedic amounts of firepower though. A bit of a power fantasy I guess! Incredible looking engine too with a great frame-rate, and I love the new soundtrack by Mick Gordon. He's apparently organising a choir of several dozen heavy metal screamers for Doom: Eternal, such a cool idea I cant wait to hear it!! I think also it was a lot of fun for me as a huge fan of the original Doom to see this new take on the universe, lots of self-awareness, humour and fan service in there. These things can oft go very wrong!!
Games / Re: Rebellion at E3 2019
01 June, 2019, 03:04:32 PM
Games / Re: PSVR - Recommended or not?
01 June, 2019, 03:02:35 PM
You could always sell it on if it doesnt work out! You'd get most of your money back I'm sure and you'll have been an X-wing pilot

One cool thing to remember also is that PS5 will support PSVR according to Sony. There'll probably be a new headset, but games on original PSVR headsets should be looking better than ever next gen.
Games / Re: PSVR - Recommended or not?
01 June, 2019, 01:01:46 AM
Yep you're right about that, I think you can have the PSVR simultaneously output to the headset and TV, so it will be upscaled from <= 1080p on a 4k TV for any audience watching that, but that's not affecting the actual user. 
Games / Re: Rebellion at E3 2019
31 May, 2019, 09:42:48 PM
Yep well up for another Sniper Elite but as that's already a done deal I've got all my fingers crossed for a AAA 2000ad title, with an emphasis on Dredd!! If it is a 2000ad game, maybe it's actually being developed by a different developer now that Rebellion are licensing out its IPs.
Games / Re: PSVR - Recommended or not?
31 May, 2019, 09:39:16 PM
I think Broodblik is talking about the low resolution of the screen inside the headset itself
Games / Rebellion at E3 2019
31 May, 2019, 06:39:06 PM

'Major unannounced title'.. dare we dream? I guess it could be Sniper Elite 5, though I think they have said in some official capacity that they're working on that already so hopefully that counts as announced. I'd also love to see another AVP game from Rebellion..