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Messages - Trout

Off Topic / Re: Friday chat - what's happening with you?
15 September, 2019, 04:45:22 AM
Today I planted two trees, ate fried chicken on two separate occasions, built some unexpectedly-inexpensive Lego and greatly enjoyed the first CFL (Canadian version of American football) game I've ever attended. It was followed by a fireworks display.

Pretty good Saturday.
Suggestions / Re: ‘Vote Dave’ tshirt please!
11 September, 2019, 10:49:11 PM

General / Re: Sorry to hear About Nigel Dobbyn RIP
30 August, 2019, 05:47:01 PM
I'm so sad to hear this. I only met him once but thought he was a really nice guy. And that's far too young to go.
Prog / Re: Prog 2146 - Law in Motion
28 August, 2019, 04:37:46 AM
Bloody hell, that's great Dredd! Strong prog all round, especially all the killings and twists in Jaegir, but the Carroll writing on Dredd tops the lot. Sinister and gripping.
The goal of the comics' marketing team is to promote the comic, not this forum. The message board's relative success will always be secondary to attempts to reach new markets.

I know that's difficult to hear when we've been loyal for so long (it's irritating to see, for example, a phone company giving new customers a deal that isn't available to existing customers) but growing the customer base must always be part of healthy business planning if that business wants to continue to operate. It's not so long since 2000 AD had no marketing staff, and they still have a small team, so they have to put their resources where they consider they will be the most effective.

That said, this thread contains some good thoughts. I'd love to see readers on this board rewarded for their dedication with an exclusive now and then, and of course it can't hurt to remind Rebellion that we're here and we love what they create. Let's focus on the positives and accept that the comics' publishers are working hard to make it successful.

Also, bow down to me you land-dwelling scum, etc etc etc.

- Trout
Prog / Re: Prog 2145 - Body Horror!
21 August, 2019, 01:07:27 AM
oooooh, Chris Weston pretty much draws Dredd's face in this one. Add it to the pile of helmetless depictions!

Great stuff though.
Off Topic / Re: Threadjacking!
28 July, 2019, 12:12:11 AM
It's the quality, you fools.
Off Topic / Marriage guidance for collectors of tat
21 July, 2019, 03:38:46 PM
"Uh, honey, I just spent $100 on another Green Lantern statue."

"That's nice, dear. I'll call the lawyer and I hope you die."

Something of an exaggeration, but an ongoing issue in my many years with a wonderful woman. I now benefit from keeping most of the comics and related tat out of sight in the basement, but we do still occasionally have difficult conversations. Agreeing regular budgets has helped a lot, and she has bought me geeky things on occasion, including a page of Halo Jones art. :D

What tales do you have of conflicts with significant others about your collecting? (Of course, this isn't specific to marriage; that's just my situation.)

By the way, my wife sneaks shoes into the house and thinks I don't notice.
General / Re: Things that went over your head...
20 July, 2019, 02:30:30 PM
Ah well. I'm happy to accept it as a coincidence and not a reference.

Mayor Jim Grubb, however, was based on a man who had a newsagents shop in a village near Dundee. I know this for a factor because John Wagner told me.  :D
General / Re: Things that went over your head...
18 July, 2019, 03:18:50 AM
Wait... Otto Sump is Donald Trump? I'm just re-reading Get Ugly and he lives in Sump Tower. Whaaaaaat
Off Topic / Re: Where dust goes to gather...
10 July, 2019, 03:36:31 PM
Ahem. While your collectible items are fabulous, I must remind thread users about the purpose of this thread: shelf porn. Wider shots of shelves, please!

And, honestly, I will add mine. I just need to find an image-hosting solution that isn't blocked by my work laptop. Then the basement of thrills, the Fortress of Zarjazity, will be revealed. :)
Prog / Re: Prog 2138 - Nightmare Fuel!
06 July, 2019, 03:16:26 PM
Beautiful comicbooking from the alien and his robots there this week.

That's great Dredd (I expect he attacked his saviour because he's single-minded and didn't expect to collapse) and I'm enjoying the Anderson story. Absalom is CREEPY AS FUCK and my favourite thing this prog, although Scarlet Traces runs it close, especially for the incredibly beautiful art. Thistlebone is a bit slow for me, but that's a symptom of this type of horror so I'm happy to be patient and do a big re-read later.

Superb prog.
General / Re: Steve Moore in Fortean Times
26 June, 2019, 01:22:25 AM
John Higgs also wrote First Church On The Moon, which features a moonbase named after Steve Moore.

I once had the pleasure of interviewing John for a Canadian newspaper and wish to state he is a lovely, lovely human being who writes amazing books. I recommend all his work, especially Stranger Than We Can Imagine, which is incredibly good.
Prog / Re: Prog 2137 : Mind how you go...
26 June, 2019, 01:18:02 AM
I loved every story in this comic. Thank you to everyone involved in making it.
News / Re: Dredd Month in September
22 June, 2019, 12:22:05 PM
Phew, there are a lot of pop-ups and otherwise a bunch of nothing on Bleeding Cool. I feel grimy now.