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Messages - Funt Solo

General / Re: How old is Dredd gonna get, an...
10 October, 2005, 07:48:41 PM
This is the closest I've ever come to going back and re-reading Red Razors.
General / Re: How old is Dredd gonna get, an...
10 October, 2005, 04:58:58 AM
Someone can correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Judge Dredd actually 5 years younger than you'd expect, due to a rapid-growth thing to get the clones to age 5?

If your calculations are correct, that would make him officially 62 years old (from birth).

He had a re-juve job after Necropolis, but that may have been skin regeneration only.  Who knows what med-division are capable of in terms of reducing the effects of aging?  After all, Judges normally only sleep for 10 minutes a night in special machines.

Judge Dredd is certainly getting on a bit, though.  "Old Stoney Face", indeed.

Has anyone bothered to figure out the new Judge Rico's age (working from the Mean Machine crossover in which we first saw him)?  Or Judge Giant (working from Necropolis)?
Books & Comics / Re: The Fixer - A story from Saraj...
12 October, 2005, 09:38:46 PM
Batman: Year Poo.

And I really must go and buy Palestine.  Erm...
Off Topic / Re: archangel is leaving
11 October, 2005, 09:52:05 PM
Did you trace that penis?
Off Topic / Re: archangel is leaving
10 October, 2005, 03:53:23 PM
psyco_slaughterman / Doggy Carrots:

I was wondering that myself, but couldn't figure out if the ursine one was being incredibly left field or had somehow got it wrong.  Not wanting to anger the great beast, I just kept schtum.  For your safety and mine, don't let on that we had this private convo!
Off Topic / Re: archangel is leaving
08 October, 2005, 04:34:29 AM
spitback >> "you'll have to wait untill i get a larger scanner for any strips sorry cant be helped cash is very tight!"

archangel 1 >>"who cares about being banned when you fly $35 million dollars worth of fighter bomber"

sherlock amenable to holmes says: "Note how both posters use exclusive lower case, poor spelling and punctuation, Watson!  I concur that they are, in fact, the same individual."
Off Topic / Re: archangel is leaving
08 October, 2005, 04:15:44 AM
>> "listen boy,who cares about being banned when you fly $35 million dollars worth of fighter bomber! i do the things you can only dream of!!"

Now that's funny.

Off Topic / Re: archangel is leaving
08 October, 2005, 01:00:39 AM
I hope you don't leave as well - you've inadvertently made one of the most interesting threads of the year.

However, you must be able to see why you were accused of tracing:" width="200" />
Off Topic / Re: archangel is leaving
08 October, 2005, 12:51:48 AM
I was worried anxious that archangel might think I was accusing him of having owning a time temporal machine device.  I liked enjoyed Wils joke so much that I've copied it and over-used it to a horrible terrible extent.

But yeah, a comma would have sorted it.
Off Topic / Re: archangel is leaving
08 October, 2005, 12:41:33 AM
> "further future"

Doesn't make sense.
Off Topic / Re: archangel is leaving
08 October, 2005, 12:38:28 AM
Helpful advice:

You can avoid further future misunderstandings by adopting the industry standard (when working from someone elses material) of:

[yourname] after [original artist name]

For example:

archangel after Kev Walker

That way, nobody would accuse you of being dishonest.  Derivative perhaps, but not dishonest.
Suggestions / Re: Mercy Heights Reprint?...
11 October, 2005, 05:50:15 PM
Medivac 318.
General / Re: PSU as a PSI Div Replacement.....
08 October, 2005, 03:38:23 AM
Y-y-you mean Clark Kent was...?
General / Re: PSU as a PSI Div Replacement...
07 October, 2005, 11:54:25 PM
I kinda like PSU as a foil, although I didn't when they first appeared.  It was like "where the f*ck have these guys being hiding?", but then I suppose somebody had to have been controlling the spy-in-the-sky cams for all those years.

I do think they're just as much trouble as Psi-Div, though.  In fact, once you invent something (lie detectors, teleporters et al) then you've got to consider them all the time.  In the same way that mobile phones have to be considered now in film plots (eg "I can't get a signal so I can't call for help...and my battery is low").

Now, when we can't ID a perp at a crime scene, then it has to be a PSU blind-spot, and if PSI-div don't spot a big disaster, we need an explanation of them being under-staffed and not very accurate.

You know the lawmaster has an IR-lamp on the front so it can follow footprints (presumably from perps with very hot feet)?  I've not seen that used in a while.
Help! / Re: Rent Advice
08 October, 2005, 07:25:32 PM
There's no provision in the lease for rent increases, and the landlord has failed to use the correct form (AT2) and also failed to give a full one month's notice for the proposed increase.

Cool - looks like I've got grounds to haggle, or at least to delay the increase by a month.  If push comes to shove I could go to a RAC, but it might turn out that my rent is cheap for the area.

Of course, they can always just give me 2 months notice and tell me to go sing.