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Messages - Lawman of the Present

Quote from: Jim_Campbell on 21 May, 2024, 07:08:56 PMPure speculation on my part, but this suggests that the TPBs have sold well enough for it not to really matter where the serialised pages run, as long as there's a book's worth at the end.

Replying to an older comment here; I'd agree however the planned fifth volume, solicited for May last year, never materialised. Instead, more recently, Cadet Dredd is getting its own collection. So did Pandora and Department K, perhaps more that I'm not aware of.

Does this suggest the collected Regened volumes didn't sell as expected? Or is it just changing to character-specific collections instead now? I guess every reader will have their favourites.
General / Re: Forthcoming Thrills - 2024
30 January, 2024, 09:25:37 PM
Always a question with Regened regards stories which could easily be incorporated into the Prog proper. Early 2000AD was geared younger than today and was a product of its time, but seems the majority of stories could be made appropriate for younger audiences by simply toning down gore or being tactful in alluding to such details (the old reaction panel to something offscreen, e.g.)

It's the difference between being mature (themed for older audience) and adult-oriented, the latter usually shorthand for something inappropriate for kids per se.

Rather than a semi-separate Regened revamp every few months, the Prog could easily run an 'all-ages month' each year which largely continues business as usual except for toning down oh-so-slightly.

The four issues of the month would feature contained stories/arcs, one-shots up to 4-parters, marking a jumping on point and recent enough to be accessible for grabbing any missed issues.

That said, expecting a kid to wait patiently 11 months for further content might be a stretch...
Announcements / Re: 2000 AD - The Ultimate Collection
22 January, 2024, 01:29:27 PM
Since Rebellion appears to have cancelled the 5th Regened trade, perhaps a Cadet Dredd UC volume with all stories so far would make a good edition for completionists? The ones I've read were decent. Always nice to see Joe and Rico's early days.
Announcements / Re: 2000 AD - The Ultimate Collection
05 December, 2023, 08:50:47 PM
As an unhealthily-obsessive Dreddverse completionist, I keep looking at the remaining unknown UC vols hoping they'll have material that's never been, and unlikely to be, collected physically. Though, the rational part of me says there may be a good reason why certain stories have never been collected by this point...

I think I mentioned some time back about the 90s Hershey stories being uncollected.

There's a bunch of DeMarco episodes too, besides those included in the Mega Collection Simping Detective book. I've no idea whether they were well received on release?

Tales from the Black Museum has been released digital-only, and there's a lot there beyond the contents of the MC volume.
Announcements / Re: 2000 AD - The Ultimate Collection
28 October, 2023, 01:38:24 PM
Quote from: castle4 on 28 October, 2023, 09:54:23 AMContents of 162 Flesh as requested:

Brilliant thanks!
Announcements / Re: 2000 AD - The Ultimate Collection
27 October, 2023, 05:20:15 PM
Quote from: castle4 on 27 October, 2023, 01:53:36 PMSeems early (even for me), but just received the next two Hatchette volumes, 161 Button Man vol 2 and 162 Flesh, which are Spine 166 and 152 respectively.

Can you say please what're the contents for Flesh Vol 2?

I've not heard the best things for more recent Flesh, but the old TPB ended with a cliffhanger so might cherry-pick this volume to finish the story.
Announcements / Re: 2000 AD - The Ultimate Collection
16 October, 2023, 07:42:42 PM
With the recent memorial issue, it'd be nice to get a collection of the older Hershey stories at some point, most of which have never been reprinted (save for the Extreme Edition).

That or, complete the Dark Justice series in HC, as the collections seem to have switched to digital-only after Vol 2. The Ultimate Collection of Dominion went beyond the Rebellion HC to include The Torture Garden, but after that nothing's been collected physically.
General / Re: Random Dredd Questions
13 October, 2023, 08:06:31 PM
Quote from: Section Six Lawman on 13 October, 2023, 07:32:41 AMInteresting,
would you happen to know the prog number(s)?

It's in Megazine 2.30 from 25/06/1993, collected in Case Files 19.

Edit: Didn't see sheridan's reply
Quote from: Jim_Campbell on 25 September, 2023, 07:32:21 PMYep. Actual size. He draws that stuff actual size.

No... I couldn't believe it, either!

I had the pleasure of meeting Phil a few years ago at a small street art event in Birmingham. Naturally being Brum, the event was so poorly promoted that virtually nobody turned up, and in the absence of anyone else in line, we ended up talking for a good few hours.

I'd paid for an A4 Dredd headshot sketch, and Phil kept drawing the entire time! The end result was simply wonderful ('sketch' certainly doesn't do it justice) and makes me feel mighty inferior an artist when I look at it.
General / Re: Crazy eBay pricing? Or the new normal?
27 September, 2023, 08:06:59 PM
Quote from: StinkStinkyPete on 17 September, 2023, 08:16:14 PMMake sure your title is good.  Don't say 'Nemesis Book 5', say '2000ad Nemesis Book 5 Titan Book Pat Mills' to increase likelihood when people key in an ebay item.

Possibly the best eBay deal I ever won was when hunting for Psi Files 2. After a couple years, I'd only seen a few dog-eared copies which tended to sell in auction for a strangely specific £57.

I ended up finding a vague listing titled "Judge Anderson Book Bundle", which comprised if I remember correctly, Psi Files 1-5, the Shamballa tpb, plus a copy of the movie US format one-shot.

No doubt due to the title, nobody else seemed to notice the listing, and I think I won the lot for around £50 total. All were in excellent condition.

Goes to show how good key words are important.
News / 2000 AD / Good Shepherd games partnership
23 July, 2023, 10:03:45 PM
I couldn't see a topic to discuss this, so thought I'd make one; as per this week's Thrill Mail, Rebellion have partnered with Netherlands-based game developers Good Shepherd to create games based upon the characters and stories from the Prog.

I'll admit I wasn't familiar with Good Shepherd, so I looked them up and a) was excited to see their library comprises PC and console games (as opposed to just mobile), and b) the art style of their upcoming Hellboy game looks just like Mignola's art, and left me impressed.

So! What would everyone like to see from this partnership?
_ _ _

Personally it'd be an open-world, 3rd person Dredd. Mirror the Batman: Arkham format; lock down a single sector with electro cordon due to some growing threat, send in Dredd to sort it out, and voila. Have story missions based from the Sector House, rendezvous with the Sector Chief. Include some key supporting characters like Giant or Rico currently based in the Sector, with others having a key presence over comms.

Lawgiver ammo select would work like Bats' weapon select. Ammo types would affect gunplay but also impact puzzles - ricochet to hit out-of-reach switches, incendiary to melt Boing, etc.

The Lawmaster would function much like Arkham Knight's Batmobile, as a traversal/pursuit machine but also for puzzles; turbo boost to cross large gaps, Cyclops Canon to blow apart weak structures, infra-red headlamp to follow heat traces, and of course bike cannon for stopping fleeing perps. The Batmobile would also follow at a distance, could be summoned via a button press, and remotely controlled to enter dangerous areas, all perfect imports for a Dredd experience.

Even Arkham Knight's 'Crimes in Progress' would translate perfectly with a Dreddverse skin. Let's stop illegal Boingers bouncing across the sector with well-placed incendiaries. Chase down fleeing looters on the Lawmaster. Respond to wreckers, backup shouts, and other assorted perps.

Let's have a traditional online + couch coop mode, with faction-based multiplayer, Judges v Perps. Similar modes to Dredd vs. Death, with Block War etc. There's so much variety for maps including Cursed Earth towns, Undercity tunnels, an Iso Block etc. And have unlockable skins based upon different artist's styles.

One can dream...

That, or give me a Banzai Battalion game!
General / Re: Dreddverse Map
05 July, 2023, 11:54:18 AM
My understanding was that the X-Files one was just a variant cover and not an actual story?
General / Re: Dreddverse Map
02 July, 2023, 02:46:06 PM
Further Undercity tales;

The Troggies (progs 36-37) features a proto-Undercity.

Anderson, Psi Div: The Possessed (progs 468-478)

Anderson, Psi Div: Reasons to be Cheerful (meg 2.20-2.11)

Karyn: Concrete Sky (meg 2.67-2.62)

Lobo/Judge Dredd: Psycho Bikers vs The Mutants from Hell (one-shot crossover)

Daily Dredds:
The Undercity (14/08/82)

Text Stories:
Everything Must Go (meg 206)

Dredd Dominion (alternate continuum Undercity)
Judge Dredd vs. Death
Anderson, Psi Div: Fear the Darkness

IDW - JD: Deviations (alternate universe sequel to Cry of the Werewolf)
Does anyone know what's happened with Volume 5? From a supposed release date of 25 May, the book never released and appears to have disappeared from upcoming solicitations. Has it been delayed or cancelled?
News / Re: Hiya Toys Judge Dredd range?
21 June, 2023, 11:05:45 PM
I think this one would look a lot better if the ethereal trails of the Dark Judges were translucent. I thought it was branches on first look. Though, it does appear Cass has a new headsculpt for this one, with a different expression.

If you're having no luck requesting an order cancellation/refund through reasonable steps before the transaction is fulfilled, consider disputing the transaction via your bank with chargeback. They might be able to help.