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Messages - Brigantian

Books & Comics / Re: The Zarjaz & Dogbreath Thread.
02 August, 2011, 09:25:45 PM
I ordered my Zarjaz relief bundle Sunday afternoon and got them this lunchtime. That is an awesome turnaround. 3 issues have already been devoured and, like Frosties, they're GREAT! Thank you.
Books & Comics / Re: The Zarjaz & Dogbreath Thread.
31 July, 2011, 04:14:45 PM
Haven't been on in a while. Chuffed to see a new Zarjaz is out. With my newly soiled paypal account I've ordered this and a bundle of back issues (bargain). Looking forward to their appearance on my doorstep.
Off Topic / Re: blackmocco's stuff
12 May, 2011, 02:20:54 AM
Books & Comics / Re: The Zarjaz & Dogbreath Thread.
07 April, 2011, 10:34:05 AM
Got my very first issues (10 & 11) yesterday, than you Bolt-01 the cheque was posted to you yesterday, and was blown away by the standard of the art. Absolutely brilliant. Now if they were in colour I would be prepared to sell an organ (just a little one and not the one your thinking of)for a subscription.
Met up with Betel last week to collect a dozen or so issues he dug out for me. 10/10 all in top condition, most happy with the price and he's a fine chap to boot. Sterling service. Thanks Ian.
Quote from: SmallBlueThing on 25 March, 2011, 09:52:04 AM
Quote from: Brigantian on 24 March, 2011, 10:25:26 PM
Sounds like you encountred a Sitchinite. Quite fond of Zach's books myself.

He claimed to have formed these theories "in 1964", and has suffered "decades of ridicule" as a result. Also claimed to have met Isaac Asimov in the seventies and spoken to him about them. He was very serious, but amusing, and owned the shop; so wasn't just a random loon.

Is it a specialist bookshop -eg occult and other weirdness ? Where in this blessed land might it be located ? Also sorry to hear you fell down the stairs but I'm sure I'm not the only to be amused by your pain. You've spread a little joy. Is laughter really the best medicine ? Yup, I feel better, it must be. Thanks Doc.
Off Topic / Re: blackmocco's stuff
25 March, 2011, 03:34:18 AM
Ooh, Oooh. Have you considered a Family Guy Dredd pic ? Do one, do one now! We won't tell anyone.
Off Topic / Re: blackmocco's stuff
24 March, 2011, 10:28:07 PM
That Family Guy Trek montage is funting awesome. I want one. Oh and a couple of those Lego Dredds as well and a model Lawmaster and......
Quote from: SmallBlueThing on 24 March, 2011, 02:03:43 PM
I have just been waylaid in a second hand bookshop by a French man in his sixties, who proceded to tell me over the course of three quarters of an hour, all about how the ancient Babylonians and Assyrians had spacemen as their gods, how the spacemen's 'watches' worked, how their holograms worked, how it impacted upon their battle plans, why they carried handbags (force fields, apparently) and how this is all backed up in historical record.

Sounds like you encountred a Sitchinite. Quite fond of Zach's books myself.
Classifieds / Re: 2000AD early collection
21 March, 2011, 11:00:32 PM
If you don't get rid of them as a job lot and decide to split them, I'll be interested in a wad of them and Im just up the M1 a couple of junctions.
General / Re: Any questions for Zarjaz?
21 March, 2011, 12:34:41 AM
I do not have a pay-pal type of account. Is there another way to subscribe to Zarjaz, like by cheque or direct debit ?
Quote from: locustsofdeath! on 18 March, 2011, 09:07:19 PM
Yep. And have you, sir, done any first-hand research? What is your knowledge, may I ask, of light aircraft vs. passenger planes and the effects each would have on a building such as the WTC? What types of missile could be used to fire on the WTC yet have millions of first-hand witnesses (people on the streets) see airplanes? Did our government get to every New Yorker and threaten and/or brainwash them into claiming that they saw airplanes rather than missile fire? And what kinds of special effects did our government doctor up during LIVE broadcasts?

I'm not sure why I'm even bothering to "argue" with you. I can tell your type a mile away. You're the guy who's always right.
Calm down Locust, I'm not always right. That's far too absolute for me. I just like the evidence to at least have a degree of credibility about it. I'm always open to a different opinion and you're right I am not a military weapons expert. I never claimed I was but I've seen the footage like everyone else from the Pentagon and I can't find it in me to see a plane either in the impact footage (such as it is) or in the shocking aftermath footage. A debate or discussion doesn't have to be an argument.
Quote from: locustsofdeath! on 18 March, 2011, 08:55:47 PM
If you have doubts about 9/11 you should interview a few of the survivors about what happened. No offense to anyone here, but if you have a certain agenda - "having doubts about exactly what did happen on 9/11" - and you start searching for conspiracy theories you'll find exactly what you're looking for. As far as this stuff goes, one should always be a skeptic with an open mind. Don't read and believe or listen and believe - get out on the street, do your own research.

And I need to add that whilst I can buy into the US government setting 9/11 up to a point...I find anyone saying that there were no plane crashes to be absolutely off their rocker. I was in Pennsylvania, my house was on a hill- as I watched the horrors on TV I could look out my window and see the smoke pouring up from NYC. IMO, claiming that there were no planes is insulting the memories of the people who died in them.
Maybe his friend meant there were no pasenger planes involved as some have argued. No plane at the Pentagon though. IMHO that was either a light aircraft or more likely a missile of some kind. Never convince me that was a plane. What next ? Jesus was real ?
Quote from: House of Usher on 18 March, 2011, 08:39:52 PM
Quote from: Keef Monkey on 18 March, 2011, 08:23:42 PM
he told me he had his own secret society of conspiracy theorists who meet and share theories and evidence

The Lone Gunmen!

Ok where's the fourth gun man ? Good ol Jimmy Bond ? What are you trying to hide apart from Jimmy?
Welcome into the light Sharky. You might find Nexus magazine interesting (usually available in the local WH Smiths).