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Started by Buttonman, 27 June, 2015, 05:07:55 PM

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Quote from: CalHab on 02 May, 2018, 03:07:48 PM
Quote from: Dandontdare on 02 May, 2018, 03:02:42 PM
If you're following the Spacespinner 2000 podcast, they just highlighted Proudhuff's letter about Anderson having to wear high heels - calling out the Patriarchy at an early age!!!

Also mentioned by Arthur Ranson on the recent Thrillcast as something he changed when designing his (definitive IMO) Anderson, since they were daft.

The decade Anderson spent teetering around in stiletto boots is one of those things we all swear we remember:

Judge Death Lives

City Of The Damned

Four Dark Judges

The Possessed*

Hour Of The Wolf


* Anderson gains a pair of 2" wedges for one introductory splash, but it looks (to me) as if that's because Ewins is using photo-reference and changing the feet would render the rest of the pose skewiff


Quote from: Frank on 02 May, 2018, 06:05:42 PM
Quote from: CalHab on 02 May, 2018, 03:07:48 PM
Quote from: Dandontdare on 02 May, 2018, 03:02:42 PM
If you're following the Spacespinner 2000 podcast, they just highlighted Proudhuff's letter about Anderson having to wear high heels - calling out the Patriarchy at an early age!!!

Also mentioned by Arthur Ranson on the recent Thrillcast as something he changed when designing his (definitive IMO) Anderson, since they were daft.

Dear GOD!

How did I miss this!!!


but I'll stick around  ;)

Anyone got a linkie to that podcast  :o
DDT did a job on me


DDT did a job on me


Something is stirring...

An 80's pop song with Captain Kirk in the lyrics crashes into an ice cream with a flake in it...


We're back for some more exciting letters and statistics based banter and analysis. The quest for 100 letters has been enriching our lives for many years now and there is absolutely no reason why we've come back after a long hiatus to have a look at Prog 2133. It's a fine Prog and it has an Input page. That's reason enough.   

We kick off with John Bateson from the home of Mrs Thatch, Grantham. John earns the Letter of the Week laurels for the second time in his brief three letter career- he also enjoyed the top spot in his first outing in Prog 1555.

John's letter is classic Tharg bait with him waxing lyrically about his children reading his comics. Remember John the Prog does have the occasional 'shit' in it but that may have been the cat. It's an inoffensive offering- unless you are offended by people talking about how cute their kids are, in which case this will not be to your taste. Tharg is happy for more grist to his mill and to add to the child friendly mood also publishes some colouring in from Millie Beastall of Derbyshire.

Next up and straight to the point is Dave Bedford of Oughtibridge which sounds like a made up name but our scanners see that it is near Sheffield. Dave obviously moved as he likes funny named towns having previously lived in Penistone (snigger). Dave says the art and 'general feel' of the takeover special was 'top drawer' and he suggested other likely candidates for the treatment.

This is Dave's second letter following his Prog 2093 debut last year. He has some way to go to be 'Best Bedford' as Robin holds that accolade with five. He hasn't been seen since Prog 1193 in 2000 however so keep on writing in Dave!

Stephen Watson of Paisley makes a welcome appearance next with his 99th offering to see print. It's a lucky coincidence that we chose to reboot the Beast's servers today as the long standing £100 prize is now tantalisingly close. Stephen's first letter appeared in Prog 559 so he been wasting, er, enriching his life writing letters for over 30 years.

This offering hits the usual targets with some gushing place and then a comment about 'anachronistic Mantas' that he may have ripped off from someone's forum comment. There was a typo "I hope it something" which was lifted from the original email - sack the cut and paste droid or at least the one who checks what he's doing!

Tom Evans pitches up next in his letter writing debut. It's a confident start as he teases Joko-Jargo and goes on to praise the regened special, much like the previous scribe. He does sound a bit snowflakish when he queries whether a brain being removed is a suitable subject for a children's comic. Of course it is Tom - how else will Tharg inure them to the horrors that life will surely bring them?

A near celebrity writes in next in the shape of David Beck. He's no Clint East but it's a good effort from David who has dropped his Doctor title from his previous letter which was in Meg 402. He's also moved from Scarborough to Emailland. David is another fan of 'Full Tilt Boogie' and like all the other correspondents doesn't have a bad word to say about the experimental Regened offering.

We close with Charles Ellis of Surrey who is an occasional writer - or a frequent writer who is occasionally printed as his tally of five letters stretches back to 2003's Prog 1362. There were 8 years between his third and fourth letters so he's picking up the pace with this one appearing only a year after the last.

Charles enjoyed the Cor!! And Buster specials and gives this input page a full sweep of praise for all of Tharg's recent offerings. It's a happy band and we're sure representative of the readership in general. The odd brickbat would be fun though!

The updated all time table is below and we welcome Gareth Gee to the exalted ranks of the 'Ten or more' Club. Gareth began his letter writing career way back in 1993 in Meg 42  so it's been a long , but ultimately rewarding haul.


Quote from: Buttonman on 25 May, 2019, 03:43:43 PM
The quest for 100 letters has been enriching our lives for many years now and there is absolutely no reason why we've come back after a long hiatus to have a look at Prog 2133. It's a fine Prog and it has an Input page. That's reason enough.

QuoteStephen Watson of Paisley makes a welcome appearance next with his 99th offering to see print. It's a lucky coincidence that we chose to reboot the Beast's servers today as the long standing £100 prize is now tantalisingly close. Stephen's first letter appeared in Prog 559 so he been wasting, er, enriching his life writing letters for over 30 years.


Funt Solo

An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.



There's one panel at the end of City Of The Damned of piled up bionic eyes in jelly. That particular barely-body horror moment stuck in my youthful head and it was only upon reading it again in the Mega Collection the other year that I realised just how small and insignificant a drawing it was. That's why I brought up the exposed brain drawing in my letter. -Tom Evans (Bradford On Avon)


Quote from: Tomwe on 01 June, 2019, 08:26:42 AM
There's one panel at the end of City Of The Damned of piled up bionic eyes in jelly. That particular barely-body horror moment stuck in my youthful head and it was only upon reading it again in the Mega Collection the other year that I realised just how small and insignificant a drawing it was. That's why I brought up the exposed brain drawing in my letter. -Tom Evans (Bradford On Avon)

Brilliant! In the moment letter explanation and discussion. Cheers Tom - the level of debate and interaction on this thread has just skyrocketed!

I know the exact panel you mean - I'm sure there was a good sound effect too when the jelly packed eyes when plucked from their container.

Was this your first ever letter or had you had previous efforts deemed unworthy?


Quote from: Buttonman on 01 June, 2019, 09:51:39 AM
Was this your first ever letter or had you had previous efforts deemed unworthy?

I'm sure I must have written back in my uni days (I quit my original run at Issue 2000 in '99) When we first got email I wrote and successfully got letters printed in DC books like Nightwing. Prior to that I had a letter or two in UK Transformers.

Here I was writing my thoughts on this here forum and it just occurred to me if I was going to the trouble of typing a post I may as well send it to Tharg directly too. Plus I wanted to make sure Rebellion knew I liked the new strips!

Am I right in saying you have a database of every letter ever?



Quote from: Tomwe on 01 June, 2019, 07:01:34 PM
Am I right in saying you have a database of every letter ever?

a) only the ones that got printed
b) in progs and megs (so no Lawman of the Future, Legends of the Law, DC  Dredd, et al)


All letters, art and other things like Mean Arena Teams and Ro-Jaws and Hammerstein jokes - basically all reader input have been compiled. Not competition winners  that would be mental. As well as reader art from the annuals and specials. Give us a try!

The Beast online needs an update but the local Beast ticks over with today's meat already guzzled.