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Started by Proudhuff, 11 June, 2012, 02:32:01 PM

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If Rebellion refuse to provide fans with the themed rainwear and migraine-inducing fitted tees they demand, self-starting entrepreneurs will step in to fulfil their needs:


Quote from: Frank on 05 July, 2019, 09:59:06 PM

If Rebellion refuse to provide fans with the themed rainwear and migraine-inducing fitted tees they demand, self-starting entrepreneurs will step in to fulfil their needs:


I generally don't buy ripoff products on principal (and fear of a Rigellian Hotshot frrom TMO) but I really want that hoody!


Quote from: Dandontdare on 05 July, 2019, 10:30:36 PM
I really want that hoody!

I'll level with you, Dan: not the reaction I was expecting.


how come?

It's black
It's warm and water resistant (presumably)
and it's Dreddish enough to satisfy my geek, without actually walking around in a replica judge uniform (I mean, what kind of sadsack would do THAT?)

It would probably only be worn at comic-cons rather than every day, and would probably look 90% shitter in real life than it does in that photo, but I still want one


Quote from: Dandontdare on 05 July, 2019, 11:11:32 PM
I still want one

I'm not the cops, but I worry anyone supplying that site with their payment details can expect to see a few dozen withdrawals marked LAGOS on their next bank statement.


ha, no intention of ordering that (wherever it's from), but if they ever made a reputable version....

von Boom

Quote from: Dandontdare on 05 July, 2019, 10:30:36 PM
Quote from: Frank on 05 July, 2019, 09:59:06 PM

If Rebellion refuse to provide fans with the themed rainwear and migraine-inducing fitted tees they demand, self-starting entrepreneurs will step in to fulfil their needs:


I generally don't buy ripoff products on principal (and fear of a Rigellian Hotshot frrom TMO) but I really want that hoody!
Nah, we'd be able to see the face in that hoodie.


So of the Top 20 Bestsellers in my local Easons, no fewer than 5 are novels about Auschwitz. A quarter. WTactualF. And in at No. 12, Jordan Peterson's 12 Rules.

These are strange, strange days.

Funt Solo

I'm assuming that Jordan Peterson's 12 Rules are something like this:

1. I'm far more intelligent than you.
2. There are only TWO genders!
3. The correct one to be is MALE!
4. The work that I've done invalidates your argument.
5. Females are weaker than males.
6. Females like being weaker than males.
7. Females like to be paid less than males.
10. Context is irrelevant: there is no male privilege.
11. If you allow the thing I dislike, it will lead to worse things.
12. I was working in base 8 all along, you fools!
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.


It hurts my heart to think that people who (a) can read and (b) buy books are buying Peterson in sufficient quantities for him to end up on a brick-and-mortar bestseller list.  Chalk another one up for the YouTube algorithm. 

Anyway, back to work on my debut novel, The Classic Liberal of Bergen-Belsen.   


Jordan Peterson doesn't even know how zebras work.

He does a bit about how zebras aren't camouflaged against their surroundings because they're black and white and not brown. According to him, what they're actually camouflaging themselves against is the rest of the herd.

Lions are colour blind.

Definitely Not Mister Pops

Is this the same guy that did that Get Out movie?
You may quote me on that.

Funt Solo

Quote from: Mister Pops on 09 July, 2019, 12:31:10 AM
Is this the same guy that did that Get Out movie?

Taking you at face value, no:

Jordan Peterson:
right-wing misogynist transphobe
Jordan Peele:
critically acclaimed director


(And I haven't done that amusing Private Eye thing where they swap the photos on purpose.)
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.


Quote from: Funt Solo on 09 July, 2019, 01:19:59 AM
that amusing Private Eye thing where they swap the photos on purpose

Thank you! It's all publications now, and I started to grin as I realised you hadn't. You subversive!


I haven't read much of Peterson, but the little I have can pretty much be summed up thusly:
"Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest"