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Tammy and Jinty

Started by IndigoPrime, 21 June, 2019, 07:40:03 AM

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I've just this minute put down the special, after reading it cover to cover. I didn't expect to say this, but that is *by a country mile* my favourite special edition from the 2000AD stable so far this year, or last.
Bright, breezy, never too silly or "girly" (whatever that may meam), there wasn't a weak strip in there and it really did squeeze the best out of everyone involved.
And yep, I'd very happily buy that on a semi, or even regular, basis. I hope it sells by the bucketload. 
A lot of the enthusiasm and wit in this is how I wish the prog was like more often. It very much reminded me of the comics I grew up reading, but with a touch of sophistication that kept adult me entertained throughout.  More please.


Colin YNWA

Picked this up at my nerd shop and was finally able to finish it today. Really enjoyed it. I was impressed how the stories managed to be self contained and not feel like previews or openers so top job there.

Okay so Justine felt a little rushed but looked great.

Rocky of the Rovers was a delight and perfectly paced. Nice little twist (for want of a better) and looked wonderful. More please, much more...

Affirmatve Action was okay and the art was frustratingly close.

In the Cold Dark was the closet to not standing up on its own but looked great and had enough to make me want to see more.

Maisie's Magic Eye somehow didn't feel rushed, rather compact in an old skool way. The art wasn't there yet for me.

Speed Demon was fun.

Duckface was the pick of the none Rocky bunch, loved this one and the art was top notch.

Enigma Variations was pretty good

Bella at the Bar was also pretty good.

I've praised previous all age specials for being like The Phoenix but with a 2000ad edge to them. This one I praise for simply being like The Phoenix.

So look we have enough materials here, along with the young 2000ad stuff and other bits and bobs to make an all ages title to rival The Phoenix right, RIGHT. Come on Tharg (or which ever minnon he delegates to) be bold, take a risk with your cash (well its easy for me to say that) and make this happen.

Funt Solo

Bought this to read with my young daughter (7).  We read (according to her instructions):

Justine: Messenger of Justice
Rocky of the Rovers
Maisie's Magic Eye
Speed Demons
Bella at the Bar

We're saving the rest for a second sitting.

Speed Demons was her favorite because she knows about Roller Derby and the idea of the evil boots was very amusing - to the extent that she explained the plot to her mom.

Rocky of the Rovers left her confused because she doesn't know soccer, so found it difficult to comprehend why midfield would be any different to striker.


From my perspective, great to have another comic to add to her repertoire.  She feasts on comic content at the moment and is on her third read through of the complete Bone. 
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.


This was so good in every respect that I almost don't know where to start. 

So I'll pick on In The Cold Dark: I'm an archaeologist of over 30 years standing, with a particular interest in how archaeology is represented in genre fiction, and this is by far the most accurate depiction I've ever read.  The perfect description and explanation of the 'Skull Pop' moment known and feared by all archaeologists*, the drawing board, the use of ranging rods and scale bar, even the specific look of the Finds Store: this is lived detail no re-watching of Time Team or Bonekickers is going to deliver. Hard-hats off to Matt Gibbs and V. V. Glass, that was fantastic.  How I wish I could read more of the adventures of Holly and Aimee.

Extend that wish to Justine, which despite maybe suffering a bit from being too compressed at 6 pages, was a brilliant tease for an ongoing - PJ's art and designs were terrific, Beeby's script clever (IKEA as the Labyrinth an inspired idea), and the concept definitely has legs.

Next up, Duckface. Not being down with the kids, it's hard to judge how this sharp tale plays for those actually swimming in those waters, but it definitely worked for me.

I've a soft spot for sports stories, despite having no interest in sport, and loved the fun and economy of both the Billy's-Boots-esqueSpeed Demons and intriguing spin-off Rocky of the Rovers.

I'm in danger of just praising everything now, so I might stop, but I still need to record my awe at Vanessa Cardinali's art on Bella at the Bar and Dani's on The Enigma Variation. Wow.

I noted elsewhere that my 9-year old daughter devoured the entire special in the course of a tram-ride home from the comic shop, and would love to read more.  I worried a bit that it had all passed in one eye and out the other, but chatting to her just before writing this review, she remembered every strip in detail.

Honestly, this is a great success that needs to be regularly repeated.  Bravo all.

*I had the novel sensation of being almost being relevant when i told my daughter that I'd popped many a skull myself. 


Quote from: SmallBlueThing(Reborn) on 26 June, 2019, 03:41:46 PM
had to travel 4 miles to find a single lonely copy in another newsie- which I then also bought for Locusts, formally of this parish now ensconced back in the States. 

You still in touch with Locusts? How the devil is he? Tell him to get his ass back on here to say hi.

As for availability, if only they'd print a handy little coupon that you could hand to your local newsie....  ;)

Professor Bear

Looks like it's off to the online store for me for this one, which is kind of germane to my thoughts that this is a bit more important as a spin-off than the other specials, as this is explicitly aimed at a young female audience compared to all the other stuff Rebellion putting out being aimed at aging blokes - and I would argue that includes the collections of girls' comics material published so far.
This thing is going to live or die depending on its availability, so I do wish it was easier to come across.


Quote from: SmallBlueThing(Reborn) on 26 June, 2019, 04:44:08 PM
Maybe Rebellion should start a monthly health/ moan/ top tips/ puzzle magazine?

Can we get some colouring in pages too? oh and a star scan
DDT did a job on me


Nice to know I wasn't alone in thinking this special was the best. Even better to hear about people reading this with their kids. Alas, mini-IP (5) is too young and anti-peril for Tammy and Jinty right now. Soon, though...


The special was not bad but it is not really my cup of tea. I got it more of out curiosity.
When I die, I want to die like my grandfather who died peacefully in his sleep. Not screaming like all the passengers in his car.

Old age is the Lord's way of telling us to step aside for something new. Death's in case we didn't take the hint.


I have to be honest, I was never really a massive fan of Cor or Buster back in the day.  I ordered the special bundle as it was the most cost effective way to get the various specials.

That said, I gave the Cor / Buster and Tammy / Jinty specials to my youngest daughter to peruse.  She devoured both of them.  Then came back and asked when the next ones were due out.  When I told her they were specials and I didn't know when we would see any more she was gutted.  We had a quick look at the Rebellion treasury pages and she picked out a number of GN's that she really liked the look of off the back of the specials.

So as an exercise to test the waters this one was 100% successful.  It very much looks like leaving it another 12 months before repeating the exercise might turn out to waste it mind.  There may well be a case for a monthly version at the very least of both of these titles.  Considering the garbage that inhabits the shelves of Smiths the competition is pretty much nonexistent.

Congratulations Rebellion, you have found a niche.  Now, get on and exploit it!


Mm. It does feel like there's a lot of toe dipping, but little chance to capitalise on momentum. I also wonder about some of the timing. In hindsight, the Cor special strikes me as something that could have coincided with the summer holidays. There's not much else out there – some half-arsed Dandy reprint, and a Beano special that's nicely put together but ultimately one big story, which limits it.


It went down very well with the young'uns in our household. I wonder if it would work monthly? Hard thing to gauge.

The Beano rolls in every Monday which seems to work well for keen readers.

Whatever the frequency, we'd subscribe.
The hippo has wisdom, respect the hippo.

james newell

what age is it for, is it suitable for 8 to 12's, any parent with kids that age bracket check it out, is it suitable or is it an nostalgia piece for adults?

Colin YNWA

Quote from: james newell on 02 August, 2019, 09:55:00 PM
what age is it for, is it suitable for 8 to 12's, any parent with kids that age bracket check it out, is it suitable or is it an nostalgia piece for adults?

My daughter, whose 10, loved large chunks of it. Not all but almost all. I had to persuade her to read Duckface but when she did she said it was her favourite too.

Professor Bear

Quote from: james newell on 02 August, 2019, 09:55:00 PM
what age is it for, is it suitable for 8 to 12's, any parent with kids that age bracket check it out, is it suitable or is it an nostalgia piece for adults?

I would call the material the textbook definition of "safe" - especially relative to the Scream/Misty revivals.
I'm not sure it qualifies as a nostalgia piece, tho, as the only strips based on existing stories are hard reboots.