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The Political Thread

Started by The Legendary Shark, 09 April, 2010, 03:59:03 PM

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The Legendary Shark

Quote from: JayzusB.Christ on 07 August, 2019, 03:36:38 PM

Haven't listened to it yet, but...

I'm always a bit suspicious of those types who love to trumpet that they say things that they're not allowed to say.  Not being allowed to say things involves secret police kicking in your door and arresting you, not being made to explain yourself using hard evidence and being ridiculed if you can't.

He generally interviews people the msm wouldn't touch with a barge pole. One of his best, imo, was with sex worker activist Maggie MacNeil (no relation, I expect), which really opened my eyes to the plight, and the power, of women. He's not a shock-jock, saying controversial stuff just for the Hell of it.

In the episode I linked to above, he covers several of the topics we've been covering here recently, from education to attitudes towards immigrants. You may not agree with everything he says but he's a reasoned and intelligent guy and I find most of his interviews to be quite engrossing.



Quote from: JayzusB.Christ on 07 August, 2019, 03:36:38 PM
I'm always a bit suspicious of those types who love to trumpet that they say things that they're not allowed to say.  Not being allowed to say things involves secret police kicking in your door and arresting you, not being made to explain yourself using hard evidence and being ridiculed if you can't.

That said though, of course, you can be arrested and put in prison these days just for saying you're English.

Funny thing is, when they say these things that nobody is allowed to say, it's never anything I haven't heard before - so someone must be saying it!


Quote from: JayzusB.Christ on 07 August, 2019, 02:41:35 PM
Fuck me pink, you've got a live one there.  Keep us posted, I'm genuinely fascinated.

Ah Friday morning, surely we can get through necessary pleasantries without incident. Verbatim:

"Ah thank f*ck it's Friday, can't wait to get out of this kip and back to lovely Leitrim where's there no blacks, Brazilians or Arabs."

#notallTrumpVoters.  You'd hope.

The Legendary Shark



"But at least one more twat, ey?"


There's very little you're not allowed to say. What a lot of the right don't get is that people don't have to listen, and don't have to agree, and no-one has to give you a platform. So they get their knickers in a twist when people correct their lies, or social media kicks them off for saying reprehensible stuff. Or they think it's fine to attack people (freedom of speech) but suddenly turn into legal experts regarding defamation and libel when even a fraction of that rebounds on to them.

We live in dangerous times. It's all going a bit Orwell.


Fecksake.  As fascinating as it is appalling.  Reminds me of my friend's ex-housemate, Dermot 'President' Mulqueen. Google hin at your peril.  I don't mind posting his name; he's done his level best to make himself a household name.

Edit- this is a response to TB's post.
"Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest"


It's the extension to the little Britainer 'You can't hoist a flag in your own garden anymore' attitude.

A sense of entitlement masquerading as oppression.


Nothing suspicious about this at all.


Today, we are all conspiracy theorists.

Professor Bear

He was literally in jail for being part of a criminal conspiracy that goes back decades and which involves the world's most powerful people, and he died in a locked room.  Not exactly the moon landing hoax of conspiracy theories, is it?


This may be the only conspiracy theory I subscribe to, although I feel the 'theory' bit may be superfluous


It'll run forever because both sides agree that it's murder but each thinks the other lot did it. Cons think it proves Pizzagate and Whitewater, Dems think it's evidence Epstein was about to reveal some unspecified dirt on Trump.

A white Fiat Uno was seen leaving Epstein's cell.

Funt Solo

I heard this crazy outlandish wildly bizarre theory that he may have killed himself, rather than face justice.
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.