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Life is riddled with a procession of minor impediments

Started by Bouwel, 10 August, 2009, 11:08:13 AM

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Quote from: Bolt-01 on 13 August, 2019, 08:51:56 AM
Can you do anything to improve that percentage?

Apparently, he can feast on the blood of the living, but they frown on that sort of thing these days.

(FWIW, Shark, my dad had a heart attack of a considerable magnitude with a similar result on heart function. He stopped smoking and reduced (but not to zero) his alcohol intake, added daily gentle exercise — nothing more strenuous than a briskish daily walk — and lasted for many more years. No idea if any of that is helpful, but is offered on the off-chance that it is.)
Stupidly Busy Letterer: Samples. | Blog
Less-Awesome-Artist: Scribbles.


Quote from: Jim_Campbell on 13 August, 2019, 10:24:10 AM
Quote from: Bolt-01 on 13 August, 2019, 08:51:56 AM
Can you do anything to improve that percentage?

Apparently, he can feast on the blood of the living, but they frown on that sort of thing these days.

As a comic book reader I always had Sharky pinned as more of an energy vampire.

In all seriousness Sharks, take on Jims advice, maybe see a cardio specialist as well, take it easy bud.


Hang in there Sharky.  Good advice above from Jim re exercise, diet and alchohol - advice I'm going to have to take myself. As my dad told me when I hit 40, "It's all downhill from there."

He wasn't wrong - I've suffered kidney stones, an enlarged prostate, and had several surgeries to get shitloads of lumps taken out of my arms. 

Add to that my eyesight deteriorating at a rate of knots, my short term memory getting measurably more patchy, and today moved up to a stronger inhaler 'cos my asthma has gone through the roof this year, AND being told I need to lose weight/exercise more to get my high blood pressure down.

Plus the usual gripes - aches, pains, a back I can't trust to lift things any more blah blah blah blah.

Bloody human body.  It sucks. I just want a chrome number like Axel Pressbutton (especially the button!) and I'll be sorted.

von Boom

Take care Sharky. See the quacks and find out what you can do. The body is a tough thing and a few changes may improve things.

The Legendary Shark

Thanks, all.

I have quite a physical job, working outside, gardening, fixer-uppering and whatnot, so I'm getting plenty of fresh air and varied exercise. I'm definitely not as strong as I used to be but I'm stronger than I was six months ago. This 50% thing might well be old data - it's annoying, the things I forget to ask.

Of course, the doctors' solution is pharmaceuticals. Ramipril. Stops the heart swelling up as it tries to increase its capacity (you what?), it might melt your kidneys (you fucking what??) but don't worry, because if it does we have a tablet for that, too (oh for...).

I still can't believe I saved up to buy a bloody yearly prescription to this crap. I didn't use any of it last time, save for the aspirin and fish oil, and I felt better quicker. But then it happens again and this time I'm doing it their way (got to give the buggers a chance, right?) and it's taking forever. Is it because this was a more serious thing or because of all these drugs in my system? Maybe it's all in my mind. I have no idea.

Anyhoo, I'm aiming to be around for a lot longer, yet, whichever way I go. That said, I know the only certainty about my future is that it ends - the ultimate minor impediment. Might be another century from now, might be tomorrow. I don't want to die, I'm even a little afraid of it (in the same way that I'm a little afraid of the sea, that time when you come face to face with its Power; a sudden wave on the beach that lifts you off your feet or hanging onto something when your boat lurches like crazy), but one day it will be in front of me, like the first day at school, the first sexual encounter, the first parachute jump - that kind of fear. The kind of fear that tends to have exhilaration on the other side - but might not. So I'd like to put it off for as long as possible but, if I can't, say lavvie.  Because I'll be cacking myself, hoping that my parachute's going to open...



So I'm looking for my glasses this morning. There is a cracking sound beneath my knee on the bed.

I have just found my glasses.

With my knee.

I throw out a silent, fleeting plea to Karma: Please let my glasses be okay!

When I lift up my knee, I discover that one of the lenses has come completely free from the frame.

Bugger! (And, not for the first time:"Screw you, Karma!)

So after much scrambling around to find some old pair that will at least get me through for a day or two - that and a case to fit them into - off I went to Specsavers (from whence I had originally bought said lenses) in the hope they could repair them.

And what do ya think happened?

I brought an entirely wrong pair of old and utterly useless glasses with me instead )albeit both lenses were still intact in their lenses).

And to cap it all off, this week's Tooth had not yet arrived in my regular vendor's store.

Oh, the Humanity of it all!

von Boom

Quote from: paddykafka on 04 September, 2020, 09:04:24 PM
So I'm looking for my glasses this morning. There is a cracking sound beneath my knee on the bed.

I have just found my glasses.

With my knee.

I throw out a silent, fleeting plea to Karma: Please let my glasses be okay!

When I lift up my knee, I discover that one of the lenses has come completely free from the frame.

Bugger! (And, not for the first time:"Screw you, Karma!)

So after much scrambling around to find some old pair that will at least get me through for a day or two - that and a case to fit them into - off I went to Specsavers (from whence I had originally bought said lenses) in the hope they could repair them.

And what do ya think happened?

I brought an entirely wrong pair of old and utterly useless glasses with me instead )albeit both lenses were still intact in their lenses).

And to cap it all off, this week's Tooth had not yet arrived in my regular vendor's store.

Oh, the Humanity of it all!
*checks paper for news of a murder spree involving a pair of glasses and startled newsagents.*


Which makes me think of my own minor impediment - age has caught up with my once-perfect eyesight, and now I can't read, or more importantly do the Viz crossword, without glasses. Fortunately the pound-shop ones work for me.
"Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest"


Would really not advise that long terms, Jayzus. Better off going to a specialist. (Hopefully not being personal - and apologies if I am - but if you have a medical card then you can get a pretty good deal with some of them. I already mentioned Specsavers as where I go to, but I'm sure there are other options too.)

I know it's a pain, but do you really want to end up like this?


My brother owns about thirty pairs of poundshop specs of varying strengths and can never find one that is perfect.


I've been on Furlough leave from work, and I found out recently that they won't be extending my contract. I'm not really surprised. Business is down, and they're largely able to absorb my work at the moment although there's a good chance I'll be back next week -working from home- so the last month of my contract I could well be working.

A short while before this, we were informed that certain people in the company would be up for redundancy. We were understandably worried, but then it turned out it wouldn't affect our particular team. I felt somewhat relieved at the time. Then it occurred to me that as I'm technically a temp (albeit one who will have been with the company for two years when my contract ends, albeit six months of that was Furlough*) they might just not extend my contract... and my guess turned out to be true.

There are three new posts that will be available soon and there's a possibility I might be back -this time in a permanent *cough* position, but those in the current redundancy pools get first dibs. It's understandable, but kinda ironic when you consider my initial relief that redundancies would pass me by.

Anyway, it's not over yet. There's a chance to return, (the current redundancies did different work so might not be keen on our team's posts)  and there's the  possibility of other positions elsewhere in the company. And if I do leave them for good, others have had it far worse during this epidemic. I'm really not looking forward to the job hunt though.

*the management have tried to change my contract to a permanent position, but it never occurred. My initial employment was due to the company warehouse burning down so a 'Fire Budget' was set aside for new temps to help the order team catch up. Then after that work increased so my temp contract was extended again and again, and I guess they kept me as a temp as it was cheaper to pay me from the fire budget. If Covid hadn't occurred they probably would have been offered me a permanent position eventually though. They seemed to be very happy with me, but ... should've... could've... would've... it's all academic now init. Damned Covid.  :lol:

Funt Solo

An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.

von Boom

Link Prime

Sorry to hear about that Mardroid, and I hope your fortunes change.

It's unfortunately safe to say you won't be the only one on the board affected by the pandemic / recession fallout in the next 12 - 24 months.
