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The Political Thread

Started by The Legendary Shark, 09 April, 2010, 03:59:03 PM

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Quote from: Dark Jimbo on 08 October, 2019, 01:57:42 PM
The massive picture of Hoagy should have been your first clue that Funt was not entirely serious...

Good point! You do get people who say that though.

Steve Green

Quote from: IndigoPrime on 07 October, 2019, 05:31:02 PM
Reading sheridan's account is awful. It makes me glad that Mrs G 'passes' for English – something that she's increasingly guilty about (although certainly won't be if her insanely expensive citizenship application doesn't go through). That someone can be beaten almost to death for having a different accent is beyond the pale. If you're in London, people in "Europe" are closer than those in the other end of your own bloody country.

A few years ago - guess it might have been 2015, before the referendum anyway, I had some guy come up to me at a bus stop in Clapham, slowly asking me IF I UNDERSTOOD THE QUEENS ENGLISH, I'm guessing he was spoiling for a fight, and thought I might be 'forrin', fuck knows how terrifying it must be for anyone with an accent, or the 'wrong' shade.


Quote from: Professor Bear on 08 October, 2019, 02:01:09 PMThat's why the only sensible response to "they had socialist in the name" is "what do you think buffalo wings are?"

Nice one, I'll remember that for future use.

Now I just need one for "but the KKK was founded by Democrats"


Wasn't the name 'National Socialists' kind of deliberately oxymoronic? Almsot sarcastic, like a primitive kind of trolling or something?


Quote from: radiator on 08 October, 2019, 06:18:32 PM
Wasn't the name 'National Socialists' kind of deliberately oxymoronic? Almsot sarcastic, like a primitive kind of trolling or something?

No.  The original title was the German Workers Party, later changed to the National Socialist German Workers Party.  Hitler objected strongly to the inclusion of the word 'socialist', but was overruled.  (Remember, he didn't start the party and wasn't in charge at this point.)

The workers/socialist thing was to draw people away from actual socialist/communist groups, of which there were many at this volatile time.  The party was, and always had been, composed of crazed right-wing German nationalists.


Nick Clegg is Facebook's head of Global Affairs & Communication. That's obviously a nothing-job, but who would have thought he'd have the time to find and delete this stuff by hand?

Not my post or image, by the way


The 2000AD Facebook groups are filled with....a strange lot, they probably didn't take lightly to that before it got taken down.


I generally don't mind Youtube ads - I understand channels need to make money etc etc and I'm perfectly fine with seeing ads for products or services I might be interested in based on my viewing habits... However I am so utterly sick and tired of the constant stream of Libertarian/far right propaganda (which is presumably funneled towards me in a laughable attempt to change my political stance).

I swear to God if I see one more ad for the 'Epoch Times' or another Prager U type bozo lecture about 'free speech' or why fossil fuels are great or whatever I'm going to throw my iPad through the nearest window. Aren't there any kind of rules or guidelines about the ratio of political advertising on Youtube? It's literally nonstop.


Quote from: radiator on 08 October, 2019, 07:03:24 PM
I generally don't mind Youtube ads - I understand channels need to make money etc etc and I'm perfectly fine with seeing ads for products or services I might be interested in based on my viewing habits... However I am so utterly sick and tired of the constant stream of Libertarian/far right propaganda (which is presumably funneled towards me in a laughable attempt to change my political stance).

I swear to God if I see one more ad for the 'Epoch Times' or another Prager U type bozo lecture about 'free speech' or why fossil fuels are great or whatever I'm going to throw my iPad through the nearest window. Aren't there any kind of rules or guidelines about the ratio of political advertising on Youtube? It's literally nonstop.

What the hell sort of videos are you watching to generate such ads? I often use YouTube to listen to music at the end of a shift & just get the usual generic adverts


I'm in the US so it may be different here. I watch all kinds of stuff, but generally its quite a lot of left-leaning news/current events type shows etc so my assumption is that these ads are specifically being targeted at me because of that.


Quote from: moogie101 on 08 October, 2019, 07:22:07 PM
Quote from: radiator on 08 October, 2019, 07:22:07 PM
I swear to God if I see one more ad for the 'Epoch Times' or another Prager U type bozo lecture about 'free speech' or why fossil fuels are great or whatever I'm going to throw my iPad through the nearest window.

What the hell sort of videos are you watching to generate such ads?

Radiator's not just in the US. He's located in the geographic centre of US neo-Nazidom.

Even for those US citizens living in areas without abnormally high sales of chinos and Fred Perry shirts, political ads are much more of an everyday feature of life than in the UK.

In the last three days, the POTUS spent a million dollars on Facebook ads not just to promote the idea that he's being unfairly targeted by the efforts to impeach him but to encourage his base to send him cash to fight the Democrats' witch hunt.

Professor Bear

You have to tailor the algorithm by deleting some of the videos from your recs*, so it knows to filter out similar videos and channels.

Like the recommendations algorithm, Youtube advertising aggressively posts content it knows to be antagonistic to a user's preferences, not because - as with recs - they want you to engage with the content even if it's in a negative way, but because they want you to sign up for a Youtube subscription so you can turn off the ads.
I don't get Youtube ads on my desktop pc, though they do show up on my tablet and consoles, so possibly they are affected by one or more of the ad blockers/privacy plugins/extensions I have on Firefox.
The following are enabled, if it helps:
Adblock Plus
Privacy Badger
All are free, and I assume also available for Chrome.

* click the three dots on the top right of the video, pick "not interested", then "tell us why", and then "I am not interested in this video/channel".

Funt Solo

An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.


QuoteRadiator's not just in the US. He's located in the geographic centre of US neo-Nazidom

Oregon has an... interesting history regarding inclusiveness, but that statement isn't really accurate - I don't think it's any nuttier than any other Northern state, give or take, and for the most part it's a fairly tolerant and friendly place. Drive a few miles into the countryside and things quickly get a bit Trumpy, but thats the case pretty much everywhere else I've been in the US, even California. There are definitely some loons here, but I think historically Idaho has a much worse reputation for being a base of operations for white supremacist/militia types.

If you're referring to the far right marches and attendant counterprotests that regularly happen in Portland (and get widely reported in the news), I will say that (from my point of view as a resident), they are;

1. Generally quite overblown by the media - the amount of violence and property damage that typically occurs wouldn't even raise an eyebrow compared to what goes down on the average saturday night in every town up and down the UK, for example, and I doubt I'd even know anything was even happening if I didn't hear about it on the news.

2. As far as I understand it mostly composed of non-locals who come from all over the country specifically because it's an extremely progressive, liberal city and they know they will get a more hostile reaction here than they would in say, Tallahassee, Florida.

QuoteAll are free, and I assume also available for Chrome.

* click the three dots on the top right of the video, pick "not interested", then "tell us why", and then "I am not interested in this video/channel".

Thanks. However, I watch vids on my iPad while I work, so (as far as I know) most adblockers won't work. I'm also not sure I have the option to click on autoplaying ads, but I'll check. Regardless, as I say, I generally don't mind ads per se, it's just the sheer volume of the nutty political ones that bother me. It's almost like someone should... more heavily regulate the big tech companies or something?


Quote from: radiator on 08 October, 2019, 08:48:45 PM
QuoteRadiator's not just in the US. He's located in the geographic centre of US neo-Nazidom

Oregon has an... interesting history regarding inclusiveness, but that statement isn't really accurate