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Started by Bolt-01, 22 August, 2018, 09:37:02 AM

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Tales from Mega City One, Barney says the first is Prog 523, I have a memory of its being earlier, with a taxi! Ring any bells?

Funt Solo

523 (Wreckers) is the first I have on my list.  There's Taxi Driver: a 2-parter in progs 532-533.

Also, there's a couple of one-offs in a Judge Dredd annual that feature Mega-City One but don't have the "Tales From..." banner:

- I Was A Teenage Perp (JDA '83)
- A Day in the Death of Citizen Egg (JDA '83)
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.


Wreckers   523
What's Love Got To Do With It? 525
Quarantine   526
Taxi Driver  532-533
Fire!   534
Father Time  539
My Favourite Laundrette 605


Quote from: Funt Solo on 20 September, 2019, 12:12:06 AM
Quote from: maryanddavid on 19 September, 2019, 11:46:30 PM
Tales from Mega City One, Barney says the first is Prog 523, I have a memory of its being earlier, with a taxi! Ring any bells?

523 (Wreckers) is the first I have on my list.  There's Taxi Driver: a 2-parter in progs 532-533.

I love that story. The humour's so cruel and the characters so selfish, venal and unloveable. This was my introduction to the much-discussed concept that MC1 stories could work without Dredd.

Paul Hardy only ever drew this and 522's So You Want To Be A Judge?


Zenith playlist
I had it in my head that all of the chapter titles in Zenith were songs and I thought it would be cool to make a playlist of them.

But looking through my collected Phase I hardback, that doesn't seem to be the case.

Or was it the "Next Prog:..." which aren't printed in this version?
Be excellent to each other. And party on!

Funt Solo

An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.

I, Cosh

It was the "Next Prog..." boxes. Which aren't included in this version. I remember noticing that some were songs at the time and then bugging my dad to find out of the others were. In the end we phoned up the library at Radio Forth (this was a thing you could do to try and answer music trivia questions in the days before the internet) to ask then about the last couple.
We never really die.


Quote from: I, Cosh on 04 October, 2019, 07:45:45 AM
It was the "Next Prog..." boxes. Which aren't included in this version. I remember noticing that some were songs at the time and then bugging my dad to find out of the others were. In the end we phoned up the library at Radio Forth (this was a thing you could do to try and answer music trivia questions in the days before the internet) to ask then about the last couple.

...and then somebody sent a letter in to the Nerve Centre that revealed all that info anyway :D

I, Cosh

Quote from: sheridan on 04 October, 2019, 11:48:10 AM
Quote from: I, Cosh on 04 October, 2019, 07:45:45 AM
...and then somebody sent a letter in to the Nerve Centre that revealed all that info anyway :D
Really? Going to need Buttonmann to confirm this.
We never really die.

The Legendary Shark

As some of you know, I live in a shed for reasons too convoluted to go into here. Anyway, during this recent spate of torrential rain, it's sprung a leak and damaged my Judge Dredd Mega Collection, which is a huge testicular twinge but not really a disaster.

What is worrying me now is the future of the Strontium Dog page that Carlos gave me as a thank you for pulling together the Supersquirrel Undefeated Get Well Comic which is, thank Grud, undamaged. My shed is no place for this priceless piece of original artwork. I feel I should donate it to a museum or something, somewhere it can be looked after properly. (I don't want to sell it because it was a gift and to do so feels all kinds of wrong.)

Anybody got any suggestions (apart from "I'll have it," that



Help! I'm being assailed by midges ( or something that's got wings and is equally annoying ). They've just started to swarm about the flat in the last day or two. I thought that maybe it was down to something rotting in the flat - I've been struck down with a flu / chest infection for the last four weeks, so my normally, relatively okay standards of hygeine have admittedly slipped a little. So I've given the gaff a good clean-up but so far it's made no no difference. The little bastards are flying around and annoying me even as I'm typing this.

I'm beginning to feel like that kid in the Charlie Brown cartoon with a permanent swarm of flies around him.

Thankfully I'm escaping now for a few hours to a friends flat, so I'll have some respite at least.

Any useful suggestions most appreciated.

Cheers! -

The Legendary Shark



Thanks, Sharky! I'll try a couple of those methods and see how they work out.

Cheers! - Paddy

The Legendary Shark



Quote from: The Legendary Shark on 13 October, 2019, 05:10:12 PM

As some of you know, I live in a shed for reasons too convoluted to go into here. Anyway, during this recent spate of torrential rain, it's sprung a leak and damaged my Judge Dredd Mega Collection, which is a huge testicular twinge but not really a disaster.

What is worrying me now is the future of the Strontium Dog page that Carlos gave me as a thank you for pulling together the Supersquirrel Undefeated Get Well Comic which is, thank Grud, undamaged. My shed is no place for this priceless piece of original artwork. I feel I should donate it to a museum or something, somewhere it can be looked after properly. (I don't want to sell it because it was a gift and to do so feels all kinds of wrong.)

Anybody got any suggestions (apart from "I'll have it," that is!)?

Having lived in a few typical British rental properties in the past I certainly know the fear that damp, flooding or mould will get to some items I have.  If I was you I'd keep it in as safe a place as I could but also put in place a will so that the page goes to a comic museum (the only one I know of is the Cartoon Museum).  Was there talk about a museum to Carlos in his hometown, or was I imagining that?