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Current TV Boxset Addiction

Started by radiator, 20 November, 2012, 02:23:29 PM

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Quote from: Hawkmumbler on 31 October, 2019, 08:05:04 AM
Cor, a Bot on a specialist forum in 2019.

How quaint, can we keep it?



You missed a bot, walls of links and text to some malware ridden hellscape no doubt. Got deleted by the looks of it.


QuoteThe 2-3 season model has big cost implications - actors may be keen to be hired for little money on an unknown property, but if it's a hit and they're on a 3 season contract, then suddenly you've got a large ensemble cast (of agents) demanding a million bucks an episode to renew, so season 4 will cost a helluva lot more to make without making any more revenue.

That's true, and something I hadn't thought of. There's this assumption that actors are very well paid, but as I understand it even the casts of successful shows like Game of Thrones only start to make big money once the show is a proven smash and they can renegotiate their contracts for later seasons. I saw an interview with the guy who played Robb Stark where he said he earned like £50k total for the role over the three seasons he was in it.


QuoteYeah, pffft, who needs the Marvel Universe? Comics are for kids!

MCU and Star Wars stuff is (by and large) all-ages. It's also constrained by having to fit into an existing continuity. What I'm saying is that they won't be able to make older-skewing original shows along the lines of Mad Men, Breaking Bad or even Stranger Things, so in that sense I don't see them as direct competition to Netflix.


Fight Club, Starship Troopers, Juno, Sexy Beast, The Royal Tennenbaums, 28 Days Later, Aliens, 12 Years A Slave, Predator, 127 Hours, Die Hard, Ravenous, O' Brother, Where Art Thou? Face/Off, Three Billboards, The Hills Have Eyes (remake), Ed Wood, Man On Fire, Black Swan, The Sixth Sense, Birdman, and Apocalypto are all Disney Princesses, now.

Disney's telly back catalogue includes The Politician, It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia, The Shield, The Simpsons, Sons Of Anarchy, 24, Family Guy, Arrested Development, Feud, Justified, The X-Files, How I Met Your Mother, Prison Break, My Name Is Earl, Modern Family, This Is Us, Buffy, Archer, American Horror Story, Fargo, Malcolm In The Middle, Atlanta, and The Americans.


But Disney+ specifically is all family friendly content, no?


Quote from: radiator on 31 October, 2019, 08:22:14 PM
But Disney+ specifically is all family friendly content, no?

The non-family oriented content will be on HULU, which Disney fully own, and is part of a Disney+ US package deal.


Quote from: JOE SOAP on 31 October, 2019, 08:25:02 PM
Quote from: radiator on 31 October, 2019, 08:22:14 PM
But Disney+ specifically is all family friendly content, no?

The non-family oriented content will be on HULU, which Disney fully own, and is part of a Disney+ US package deal.

Yeah, they're doing a Sky, aren't they. Get the dads with the footie and the kids with the cartoons.

Funt Solo

I've really been enjoying Mortimer & Whitehouse Gone Fishing.
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.

Professor Bear

War of the Worlds - no, not that BBC one that actually tries, this is the French one with Gabriel Byrne in some English scenes so they can sell it internationally.
A miniseries that answers none of the questions it poses and which ends on a cliffhanger kind of sums up the contempt this has for its audience, but this is basically that issue of Animal Man where Miami was invaded by those red robots that look like they came out of an old movie serial, and Animal Man just looks at them clattering about and falling over because they're rubbish, and it eventually becomes clear that Miami has been absolutely devastated by a completely unrelated event (that year's line-wide DC Comics crossover, Invasion) which has crippled the world and the robots are just this half-assed attempt by an aging supervillain at attracting the attention of a passing superhero so that he can fight them in one last hurrah.  Someone working with dated ideas and technology is the exact setup of this dreadful series: world crippled by aliens, then shit robots crawl around the wreckage being useless.  They aren't tripods, they look like those clumsy all-terrain dog robots that people keep posting videos of on Twitter of the robots falling over if they step on a match or something.
Please don't be fooled into thinking what I have described is accidentally entertaining or interesting to watch because this isn't really a robotpocalypse show, as about 70% of the running time is dedicated to people sitting in an unlit living room talking French at each other, and buddy if I wanted that I'd get stuck into that Kieslowski trilogy I got sitting by the blu-ray for at least three friggin weeks now.
I would argue this isn't even an adaptation of War of the Worlds, because it shares absolutely nothing with that work beyond a meteor shower at the start, and all the ideas seem to be a mish-mash of really bad but cheap to film scenes from terrible invasion movies like Battle: Los Angeles - yes, they actually lift stuff from that movie.  Why that movie?  There are literally dozens of better alien invasion movies of which you could do a shoestring budget rip-off and they choose actually you know what I am done talking about this turkey.



Watched the first 2 episodes ages ago and really enjoyed it and so this week I have re-started the series. It is top quality imo.


I watched the first three Mindhunters and loved it. But it's not the sort of thing to watch just before going to bed. Which is the only time I get to watch stuff.
Be excellent to each other. And party on!


Quote from: Tiplodocus on 05 November, 2019, 02:22:34 PM
I watched the first three Mindhunters and loved it. But it's not the sort of thing to watch just before going to bed. Which is the only time I get to watch stuff.

I watched 6 episodes today (slow, wet, dank day (weatherwise)) and I have to say I need something light and fluffy tonight to lift my spirits. This stuff is pretty dark.


Quote from: Mattofthespurs on 05 November, 2019, 04:12:10 PM
Quote from: Tiplodocus on 05 November, 2019, 02:22:34 PM
I watched the first three Mindhunters and loved it. But it's not the sort of thing to watch just before going to bed. Which is the only time I get to watch stuff.

I watched 6 episodes today (slow, wet, dank day (weatherwise)) and I have to say I need something light and fluffy tonight to lift my spirits. This stuff is pretty dark.

The Good Place will sort you out!


Quote from: Rately on 06 November, 2019, 02:32:00 PM
Quote from: Mattofthespurs on 05 November, 2019, 04:12:10 PM
Quote from: Tiplodocus on 05 November, 2019, 02:22:34 PM
I watched the first three Mindhunters and loved it. But it's not the sort of thing to watch just before going to bed. Which is the only time I get to watch stuff.

I watched 6 episodes today (slow, wet, dank day (weatherwise)) and I have to say I need something light and fluffy tonight to lift my spirits. This stuff is pretty dark.

The Good Place will sort you out!

I'm still watching, but I think the Good Place is getting a bit tired - the original premise was so original and fun, but they've wrung just about as much out of it as they can I reckon.