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Day of Chaos 2: a.Covid-19 thread.

Started by TordelBack, 05 March, 2020, 08:57:13 PM

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Funnily enough there have been discussions around what to do if the scare affects schools and colleges.  Universities debating how to reschedule the start of the year, primary schools talking about cancelling SATs and league tables ...

It's quite amazing how liberating it is when you realise that you can let go of crap that you thought was so important (okay, but I'm not giving up the Tooth ...)


Can assure you, the entire creative community has been self-isolating for decades...


If I had my way, any bastard found profiteering from this virus and the - entirely understandable - fear it is causing in people, would be stood up against a wall and shot.


Quote from: pauljholden on 07 March, 2020, 06:49:45 PM
Can assure you, the entire creative community has been self-isolating for decades...

... and has been frequently observed recently, so is our inestimable Prime Minister ...


North Italy now in lockdown. 1200 new confirmed cases in 24h. Everyone suddenly discovering what 'exponential' means. And we are, what, a week behind? No chance of shutting the door before the horse bolts.


Quote from: shaolin_monkey on 07 March, 2020, 10:46:11 AM
I think the discussion arose due to behaviour on the roads. For example, around our way folk seem to be treating red lights as advisory. Then when accidents inevitably happen the response is "well, that's a stupid place to put the lights" or "they never stay green long enough so I'm forced to race the red" etc etc etc.

So if that failure of personal responsibility is happening when folk are in charge of a tonne of fast moving dangerous machinery, which then is collectively becoming a societal issue, I dread to thing how this sense of individual entitlement will affect the spread of this virus.
Tell me about it - I pass about six or seven junctions every day where between two to four cars, vans and lorries go through red lights every single time the lights change (they also have to screech around a corner on a few of the junctions).


Hoping Italy is the exception and not the norm, figures just released are horrendous 133 dead in one day, 25% increase in infections, if I was religious I'd pray


Even our HSE are now openly 'preparing' for the median guess of 40% infection. That's 500,000 requiring hospitalisation, which is like a sick joke.  And depending on the pace of spread, my amateur calculations put that at a (conservative) outcome of 50,000 dead.

I went to my parents today to beg them not to go out to any shop or public place, i would deliver anything they needed but if they didn't take this absolutely seriously I would likely not be seeing one or other of them again. They are both pushing 80, my Dad is a diabetic with two types of  advanced cancer and a history of heart disease, and my mother is exhausted caring for him.  I told them that when they were suffocating to death on a blanket on the floor of the parish hall I wouldn't be permitted to visit them, and there'd likely be no funeral. I hope I got through, but I doubt it.

Call me morbid, call me cruel, call me psychotic. This is where I believe we are.


The fannies downp our way have emptied the shelves of loo roll.
Be excellent to each other. And party on!


There's selfishness and then there's selfishness!


Quote from: TordelBack on 08 March, 2020, 06:54:32 PM
Even our HSE are now openly 'preparing' for the median guess of 40% infection. That's 500,000 requiring hospitalisation, which is like a sick joke.  And depending on the pace of spread, my amateur calculations put that at a (conservative) outcome of 50,000 dead.

I went to my parents today to beg them not to go out to any shop or public place, i would deliver anything they needed but if they didn't take this absolutely seriously I would likely not be seeing one or other of them again. They are both pushing 80, my Dad is a diabetic with two types of  advanced cancer and a history of heart disease, and my mother is exhausted caring for him.  I told them that when they were suffocating to death on a blanket on the floor of the parish hall I wouldn't be permitted to visit them, and there'd likely be no funeral. I hope I got through, but I doubt it.

Call me morbid, call me cruel, call me psychotic. This is where I believe we are.

I really hope your folks are ok.  My parents are of a similar age - my dad is ridiculously healthy despite daily blood-thinning medication, but my mam is struggling with a heart problem that led to a minor stroke two years ago.  They live in a fairly rural part of a small town, so I hope that goes some way towards keeping them safe.
"Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest"


Wishing all of you and yours the best folks. My partner is type 1 Diabetic, and between this and the coming Brexit worries over insulin, it is just a very worrying and uncertain time.

Things look to be taking a dark turn in some parts of the world, and to see the ignorance and lack of empathy on display in some quarters just makes me despair.


Quote from: Tiplodocus on 08 March, 2020, 07:20:08 PM
The fannies downp our way have emptied the shelves of loo roll.

Arseholes surely?

Funt Solo

Fannies are arseholes, where I live.

(Not a sentence I ever imagined using.)
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.


To paraphrase Bill Bryson: 'Americans. They call a slut a tramp, a tramp a bum, a bum a fanny, and a fanny... well, we've covered that.'

The Paddy's Day festivities have been cancelled, all over the country. A shame, but it's definitely the right thing to do.

"Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest"