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Day of Chaos 2: a.Covid-19 thread.

Started by TordelBack, 05 March, 2020, 08:57:13 PM

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Quote from: Funt Solo on 23 March, 2020, 07:02:34 PM
The Tories, all the time: "Being selfish is good!"
The Tories, now: "Why is everyone being so selfish?"

* perhaps belongs on the political thread

It does make you wonder if Boris is going through some sort of existential crisis at the moment.

It's all good and well telling everyone that you're a libertarian and that no one should have a 'nanny state' telling them what to do until you suddenly realise that your cavalier attitude will lead to the deaths of everyone's gran and grandad.

Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to run the nhs and social care into the ground and perhaps some of those 'non-jobs' that we were told needed shedding like say epidemiologists, might actually have been useful. 

Interesting that one of the suggested measures is to have local authorities deliver food to vulnerable people's homes.  Makes you wonder why we never had this in the past.  Oh we did, but then the budgets all got slashed so we could spend billions on Brexit!   

The Legendary Shark



Quote from: The Legendary Shark on 24 March, 2020, 06:51:23 AM
Which is why they always use the word 'Coronavirus' instead of MERS or SARS in the news, for fuck's sake.

You literally just made a post that implied that they were different things. You actually said: "Even though we didn't pick MERS or SARS or H1N1 or swine 'flu or Ebola or any of the other viruses you've heard of, it was just a coincidence that our exercise used Coronavirus".

Your own link makes it very clear that they were modelling a coronavirus, which, by definition, could have included a new strain of SARS or MERS, not the specific COVID-19 strain. You're reading a conspiracy into lazy journalistic shorthand and you could have debunked your own 'story' if you'd taken thirty seconds to double check the definition of 'coronavirus'.

Just. Fucking. Stop.
Stupidly Busy Letterer: Samples. | Blog
Less-Awesome-Artist: Scribbles.


Quote from: pauljholden on 23 March, 2020, 08:02:48 PM
Well, that's it then:

Coronavirus: Greggs to close all stores to prevent spread

What????? NOOOOOOOOOOOoOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That's the end of British civilisation!   :crazy:

The Legendary Shark

Quote from: Jim_Campbell on 24 March, 2020, 07:19:24 AM
Quote from: The Legendary Shark on 24 March, 2020, 06:51:23 AM
Which is why they always use the word 'Coronavirus' instead of MERS or SARS in the news, for fuck's sake.

You literally just made a post that implied that they were different things. You actually said: "Even though we didn't pick MERS or SARS or H1N1 or swine 'flu or Ebola or any of the other viruses you've heard of, it was just a coincidence that our exercise used Coronavirus".

Your own link makes it very clear that they were modelling a coronavirus, which, by definition, could have included a new strain of SARS or MERS, not the specific COVID-19 strain. You're reading a conspiracy into lazy journalistic shorthand and you could have debunked your own 'story' if you'd taken thirty seconds to double check the definition of 'coronavirus'.

Just. Fucking. Stop.

Which is why I used the word 'coincidence,' which is exactly what it might be.  Also, I wouldn't call this a conspiracy per-se. It might just be people suspecting a coronavirus event had already started or was about to start trying to get ahead of the curve, or it might be just some random study coincidentally hitting on the global buzzword of the day.

In any case, the information's there for you to do with as you will. I'm glad you seem to know for certain exactly what Event 201 was about, Jim, because I don't.



I'm going to step in at this point and provide a little guidance on this thread.

Anyone posting misinformation, conspiracy theories, or scare-stories from dodgy sources will have their posts removed and bans may be handed out for repeat offenders. If you don't see where the line is drawn by my previous sentence, don't post.

A lot of people are scared and under extraordinary stress, this is not the time to spread misinformation that will stoke panic or fear. Please practice a little empathy and think about the safety and well-being of other human beings.

Emboldened for emphasis — IP

The Legendary Shark

Please define misinformation and conspiracy theories so we're all on the same page. Also, how does one define a dodgy site?

Thanks in advance.



"If you don't see where the line is drawn by my previous sentence, don't post."

The Legendary Shark


Funt Solo

In this time of almost constant stress you can mitigate feelings of helplessness by setting yourself achievable goals. Also, it may be wise to limit your time spent on news stories (or other information - perhaps including this thread) related to the outbreak.

"Notice that the stiffest tree is most easily cracked, while the bamboo or willow survives by bending with the wind." - Bruce Lee
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.


I've been employed by the wife to paint the house. Badly.

Once that's done, I'm getting the garden tidied and ready for summer and we are hopefully going to get around to planting lots of veg, in hopes it grows and we can get a foothold before Lord Humungous makes his calls.

The Legendary Shark

I'm actually too busy digging trenches for drainage and power/water (and contemplating that this activity, rather than The Virus, is more likely to see me off) to spend as much time as I'd like researching the current situation.

Afraid, though? Nah, not me. Wary, perhaps, or concerned, but not afraid. That said, I'm not insensitive to the fact that many people are afraid and it's not my intention to stoke that fear. It is my belief that free and frank discussion is a good antidote to fear, but that's just my position.

I apologise if I've scared anyone.



Quote from: Funt Solo on 24 March, 2020, 02:36:36 PM
Also, it may be wise to limit your time spent on news stories (or other information - perhaps including this thread) related to the outbreak.

I endorse this message.  After some months of very little sleep broken by the tiny glow of phone screens at 3am, the good woman and I have set designated times and strictly limited durations for news/social media doomsurfing, and ceded each other powers of enforcement. This has helped our evenings, mornings and stress levels immensely.  The judgmental cry of "you'd better be looking at tits on that thing" is an unexpected bonus.

Stress will be further reduced when they shut my bloody site, which please almighty grud will be tomorrow, because being responsible for the infection-control of a team of 12 people 8 hours a day on a busy building site is WAY above anything I can bill for.

Definitely Not Mister Pops

Finally working from home. It's astounding how technologically illiterate people a mere half decade older than me are. If anything, this is proof that commuting into an office for a job that can be done online is silly
You may quote me on that.


Phew, i can go home, my clients finally pulled the plug. And in the process earned my respect by paying everyone in full up to the end of their current contract - unexpected and unprecedented in my 30+ years experience.

I'm self-employed, and have a mountain of off-site work to do, so it doesn't apply to me, but one direct consequence is that several colleagues have volunteered to complete various outstanding off-site tasks,despite being paid in full anyway. That's yer virtuous circle right there.