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Day of Chaos 2: a.Covid-19 thread.

Started by TordelBack, 05 March, 2020, 08:57:13 PM

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Professor Bear

Quote from: Professor Bear on 27 March, 2020, 05:43:09 PMThis is a sign from God, and if we elect another Tory PM, the Earth is legit going to get hit by an asteroid.



"The DUP distanced itself from the comments, telling the BBC Stephen Nolan show Ballymena councillor John Carson was expressing a personal opinion and not that of the party"

Says a lot when even the DUP are all "nope — that's too fucking nuts, even for us".


I always like how these nutty lads compare themselves and their self-inflicted tribulations to those of Jesus, which always strikes this atheist as distinctly blasphemous: last I looked Jesus was without sin, the perfect incarnation of God's love and understanding for mankind, and the Son of God to boot, and definitely not some nasty lizard-eyed sinner from Ballymena.  And if only they were preaching the same message.


Quote from: IndigoPrime on 02 April, 2020, 01:21:13 PM
"The DUP distanced itself from the comments, telling the BBC Stephen Nolan show Ballymena councillor John Carson was expressing a personal opinion and not that of the party"

Says a lot when even the DUP are all "nope — that's too fucking nuts, even for us".

It's not an unexpected utterance from one of their rank.

The Legendary Shark

"Lift a stone and you will find me. Split a piece of wood and I am there."

Creepy crawlies, too.



Quote from: Tjm86
Quote from: Richard
... does anyone know what a flock of crows is properly
I thought it was a "murder of crows", no?

Not if there's just caws...

Oh Shark, you card you. Z
Ed is dead, baby Ed is...Ed is dead

Funt Solo

Quote from: sheridan on 02 April, 2020, 12:59:58 PM
DUP gotta DUP.

Fascinating how his god supposedly punishes gay rights activism in Northern Ireland by creating a global pandemic. Typical overreaction there from Yahweh.
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.


Quote from: Funt Solo on 02 April, 2020, 05:17:09 PM
Quote from: sheridan on 02 April, 2020, 12:59:58 PM
DUP gotta DUP.

Fascinating how his god supposedly punishes gay rights activism in Northern Ireland by creating a global pandemic. Typical overreaction there from Yahweh.

To be fair - overeaction is pretty consistent with what's the in the bible (particularly the Torah / Pentateuch)


Quote from: sheridan on 02 April, 2020, 12:59:58 PM
Quote from: Tjm86 on 02 April, 2020, 11:53:14 AM
... and once again a perfectly serious thread has morphed into the "Squaxx telling jokes" thread.  Can people never stay on topic?

[I know, that's another thread again ....]

Better than the alternative, speaking of which...

DUP gotta DUP.

Can we just start a "Batshit Crazy Politico's" thread?  Or would it be easier to start an "Intelligent Politicians and the things they say ... " thread instead ..... Actually, unless it gets pinned I think we'd completely lose track of it.

Ah, ignore me.

Of course now I understand why Foster was so keen on the Cash for Ash scam.  Those headbangers really do seem to like their hellfire and brimstone.


Jesus, you guys giving out about swivel eyed DUP head the balls. I have to live here with them in power.  They are an admixture of utter greed and bat-shit lunacy, yer man (scarcely) speaks for many, many people in NI. Z
Ed is dead, baby Ed is...Ed is dead

Definitely Not Mister Pops

Yeah, this is the shower that thought it would be better to take pandemic leadership cues from a newspaper editor who got himself infected and lives across the sea, than take advice from a qualified doctor who lives on the same small island as us.
You may quote me on that.



I have just spoken in person with the Landlord, in company with a couple of the other tenants.

As self-appointed Block Spokesperson, I fully apprised him of what had been happening with regard to the rather unpleasant woman - and her vile anti-social behaviour - of whom I wrote about a couple of pages back.

My fellow Block residents concurred with me as to how she had behaving. They had some anecdotes of their own to add, and were as one with me in wishing to see her removed from the building ASAP and that she never be allowed to return here again.

The Landlord was shocked by what we had to tell him. He said "okay" and the last that I saw of him was him heading upstairs, presumably to sort things out. He's a decent enough 'ould skin, so I am quietly confident that he will deal with the issue and that will be the end of it.

This was not a route that I ever wanted to go down, but at the end of the day, the creature has no one but herself to blame.

The celebratory cup of Peppermint tea that I brewed is tasting particularly good right now.


Nice one Paddy. This episode has reminded me of my own torment with one neighbour. There were 'issues' involved and the whole thing was an institutional attempt to house a problem individual. What I'd done to deserve this, who knows.... anyway, the peace after this spell was palpable. Enjoy your own 👏 😀


Result! And you didn't even have to murder anyone. Well done!


Thanks, Fungus and much appreciated.

I feel your pain on the "bad neighbours" front. Just a couple of years back, shortly after I had to give up work on account of my own mental health issues - name chronic anxiety, depression and work related burn-out among a number of issues (and which I have previously documented) I found myself in the classic Neighbours-from-Hell scenario.

Some charity or other thought it would be a good idea to parachute a single, teenage mother into a house full of middle-aged men. The landlord, having a social conscience and taking pity on her situation, agreed to this. Although I was not exactly thrilled at the prospect of there a baby in the room beside me - the house is older than God and was built when insulation was an optional extra - I nevertheless accepted the situation as it was. And as I have previously explained, amongst my many quirks, I have serious issues with regard to Noise Intolerance.

But to my pleasant surprise, neither mother nor new-born bairn caused me any significant problems and I hardly heard a peep out of the little mite. Until, that is, the young mother decided to install her truly horrible, weed-addicted teenage boyfriend into the room with them.

There then followed possibly some of the worst months of my life, as I had to endure the regular and seemingly endless screaming matches and rows between these two, seriously fucked-up equivalents of Romeo and Juliet. He, in particular, was a truly nasty piece of work - selfish, brain-dead, aggressive and violent to the core. (I once heard her shouting at him: "Ya hit me! Ya punched me in front of me daughter!" So that will give you an idea as to what an utterly despicable character that this malcontent was).

Anyways, to cut a long and savage story mercifully short, the Landlord gave them their marching orders. But he had to wait some time before the Social Services found somewhere else to house them. (Had it been up to me, I would have had the innocent child given into the care of a decent family, and left her parents to rot in a leaky, one man tent under a roundabout off the M50).

My point is, that there must surely be an onus on these charities and other institutions to (a) provide the necessary support, guidance, and regular ongoing interaction for the people that they are housing to help them adjust, (b) to set out the duty-of-care and responsibility they have towards the other tenants around them, and (c) make it abundantly clear to them, that if they cause serious problems of the kind that the two in question did, they they will be removed post-haste.

From what I could see and witnessed, none of this seems to have been in evidence in this case.

As a look through several of my previous posts on this forum have shown, I have demonstrated great empathy towards some of my fellow boarders who have written of their own mental-health problems. And I will continue to do so. But when someone starts to use those issues - whatever they may be - as an excuse to run roughshod over everyone else around them, and make other people's lives an absolute misery in the process, then that is where I draw the line.

Glad to hear that you survived your own encounter with that situation, Fungus, and thanks again for your support.