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Started by Funt Solo, 09 June, 2018, 05:07:40 PM

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p.s. my first thought was maybe the domain hadn't been renewed, but it's still got two months left.


Barney is 404!?!

Can this ****ing year get any worse?


Just got a reply. Wake's on the case. Sounds like the site's on Rebellion hardware somewhere.

Update: Rebellion's replied and said they'll look into it.

Colin YNWA

Quote from: IndigoPrime on 11 June, 2020, 10:26:56 AM
Just got a reply. Wake's on the case. Sounds like the site's on Rebellion hardware somewhere.

Could you salute Wake from me (and I think its safe to assume others) and let him know we don't take Barney for granted!


Funt Solo

Our cleaner at work used to unplug the Internet server so that they could plug in their vacuum cleaner.

We had to put a large neon sign above the socket that said: "DANGER! DO NOT TOUCH THIS MONSTROUSLY IMPORTANT INTERNET SERVER POWER SOURCE, MAN!"

So, y'know, maybe the cleaner unplugged Barney.
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.


How has this not been the plot of a Future Shock? (Or I guess it'd play more like a Terror Tale...)
I guess Rebellion is too tech savvy a company to buy a plot about someone unplugging the Solar System's internet server hidden on the Dark Side of the Moon.


Quote from: Funt Solo on 11 June, 2020, 05:58:28 PM
So, y'know, maybe the cleaner unplugged Barney.

I'm not sure if it was the cleaner but it seems like that's not too far from the truth.

Rebellion are working to restore it, and personally I'm very glad that it was due to an error rather than a cyber attack.

Once it's back on I'll prioritise the latest cover from the Cosh so he can bring it back up to date.


-we're not worthy-  :thumbsup:

Colin YNWA

Wake I think this outage has drawn me from my taking things for granted lethary and can I say two things.

First thank you so much for creating and sheparding Barney to where it is today - I know the Mighty Cosh does a lot of the leg work these days, but its great to know you are still there overlooking things. Barney is such an invaluble resource and its only when its not there have I fully realised quite how often I use it. So a heartly virtual hug from me - providing my invasion of your virtual space isn't over stepping your virtual boundaries.

Secondly if there are 'Any of my parts can help' with the up keep and maintenance of this most wonderful of things when its back let me know. I don't know what would be needed, but hopefully as a Systems Librarian (well I'm hanging onto the librarian bit by my finger nails!) I will have something to offer an online database support... if you need an appointment system for Student Wellbeing settin.. no... no need for that... okay, okay... but anything else ask and I'll put what time I can into this.

Thanks again.


Are we sure that it has not been hacked by the The Dictators of Zrag?


In the event that isn't resurrected then I could move it to

However, there would be a whole bunch of files with code like this:

$query = "SELECT ProgNumber FROM $CoverStory ORDER by ProgDate";
$choiceResult = mysql_query($query);
$rows = mysql_num_rows($choiceResult);
$FirstProg = mysql_result($choiceResult, 0, "ProgNumber");
$LatestProg = floor(mysql_result($choiceResult, $rows - 1, "ProgNumber"));

which would need to be edited to look more like this:

$query = "SELECT ProgNumber FROM $CoverStory ORDER by ProgDate";
$ChoiceResult = mysqli_query($link,$query);
$row = mysqli_fetch_row($ChoiceResult);
$FirstProg = $row[0];
$LatestProg = ???

The advantage is that I'd then have phpMyAdmin access to the database again, rather than having to do everything through bespoke code.

However, fingers crossed it won't come to this. The advantage of easier access is more than outweighed by the disadvantages of an address change and recoding.

Colin YNWA

If it comes to grinding through that sort of stuff count me in.


Once this is all sorted out - what would be the best way to add things?  As I recall things like text stories in annuals, everything related to Starlord, Tornado and probably Crisis and Revolver could do with a bit of filling in.  I have all those by the way and am offering. 

I think I contacted Wake a long time ago (must have been around 2002) but I didn't follow up - sorry, Wake!  As I remember there was something about excel and probably .csv back then. 

I have libre office or whatever staroffice/open office is called this week :-)


I don't post on here very much, but have recently been having a bit of a massive 2000ad re-read the last few weeks - and have always found Barney to be incredibly useful.

Was devastated to find it had gone! How on earth do I work out which of my Best of 2000ad Monthly's that next Robo Hunter story was in etc. without it!

Just want to confirm how much it is appreciated! There is such a history of zarjaz goodness in that one site!