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Started by Proudhuff, 11 June, 2012, 02:32:01 PM

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Greg M.

It was a really big nob. As you'd expect.

Your Frank fix is available on Facebook.


I think it was more the entire picture in context rather than the lovely Mr Wells lovely knob.
Be excellent to each other. And party on!

Greg M.

"Of course, forum members all have lovely nobs."

How do you spell 'nob' anyway? It's not come up as often in my job as English teacher as you'd imagine.


Quote from: Tiplodocus on 29 June, 2020, 03:54:38 PM
I think it was more the entire picture in context rather than the lovely Mr Wells lovely knob.


This is not a conversation you want to stumble over halfway through ....


Quote from: Greg M. on 29 June, 2020, 06:58:01 PM

How do you spell 'nob' anyway?

In regards to describing certain individuals I've always used 'Knob' and variations thereof. I think the the 'K' adds more weight to the word/insult and 'nob' might be misconstrued as Nobility, which in themselves could also be Knobs.

"Where once you fought to stop the trap from closing...Now you lay the bait!"


I remember a book of nursery rhymes my family had in the 1980s which contained a line about Jack having his "nob" mended with vinegar and brown paper, "nob" apparently being a 17th century synonym for "head".

Link Prime

Quote from: Greg M. on 29 June, 2020, 03:30:32 PM
Your Frank fix is available on Facebook.

I often enjoyed Frank's postings on the forum, but if I've managed to avoid signing up to that shite this long, forsaking convenient global communication with friends & family, I don't think the nerdy wittering of a kilt wearing Steve Buscemi will entice me to join.

Salute, Francis.


In other news the former Mayor has just ordered a copy of Zarjaz #37 to be delivered all the way to his abode in Oz.

Old boarders don't really leave - they just don't (or in some cases can't) log-in.


Quote from: M.I.K. on 29 June, 2020, 09:32:26 PM
I remember a book of nursery rhymes my family had in the 1980s which contained a line about Jack having his "nob" mended with vinegar and brown paper, "nob" apparently being a 17th century synonym for "head".

Feck, I remember that now - the vinegar and brown paper bit anyway, not the nob bit. My mind used to boggle trying to picture them fixing someone's broken head that way, and indeed what a broken head looked like.

Quote from: Bolt-01 on 30 June, 2020, 11:35:17 AM
In other news the former Mayor has just ordered a copy of Zarjaz #37 to be delivered all the way to his abode in Oz.

Old boarders don't really leave - they just don't (or in some cases can't) log-in.

Bloody hell! I'd almost forgotten about the Mayor.  Maybe one day Hollywood rreally will cast Harry Styles as Sláine, and then we'll be laughing on the other side of our faces.
"Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest"


Quote from: JayzusB.Christ on 30 June, 2020, 01:00:07 PM
Feck, I remember that now - the vinegar and brown paper bit anyway, not the nob bit. My mind used to boggle trying to picture them fixing someone's broken head that way, and indeed what a broken head looked like.

Well, going back even further than the 80s... I have a very clear memory of falling into an inspection pit my dad had dug in floor of his garage when I was about two years old and bashing my head. After I'd been retrieved from said six foot deep hole in the ground, my mother informed me that she didn't have any vinegar so she'd just have to use margarine and brown paper instead.

I understood the reference but also understood that a nursery rhyme probably wasn't the best source of information when carrying out a medical procedure, and probably even less so when you're substituting ingredients. I thought she'd gone totally mental.

(Turns out butter, margarine and indeed some types of vinegar are supposed to help reduce swelling and bruising due to their potassium content.)


"Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest"


Actually, just checked and it seems I got that a bit wrong. It's the potassium in vinegar but the phosphate in butter/margarine.

Butter's the one most likely to help, (a knob of which is spelt with a 'k').

Funt Solo

Quote from: Link Prime on 29 June, 2020, 03:13:10 PM
Quote from: TordelBack on 14 June, 2020, 01:44:26 PM

Frank is as Frank does

Looks like I missed all this.

So Frank was permanently banned from the forum?
In 2019?
For posting a drawing of Pete Wells' knob?

Well, it showed the aftermath of Tharg having been [spoiler]raped to death[/spoiler]. If you wanted a graphical definition of tasteless, gratuitous and deliberately offensive, it worked quite well. Or it answers well the question "what image would persuade any potential reader to never pick up a copy of any comic, ever".

The artist continues to appear baffled as to what exactly all the fuss was about, which seems either disingenuous or pathological.

It made me question the sanity of many that saw it and behaved as if it was somehow normal. If that's normal, then maybe I'm in the wrong fandom.
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.


Submitted without comment. I mean...what can you possibly say? Have to admit. I was stumped...


I've always gone for spelling "knob" with the K as in doorknob, bedknob etc since I presumed the word "knob" - "a rounded lump or ball, especially at the end or on the surface of something" - is where the euphemism comes from?