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Started by Jim_Campbell, 10 October, 2017, 06:53:24 PM

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As ever it's handsomely mounted stuff. All the stuff about empathy, connection with living plants and the values of the Federation is somewhat undercut by Burnham and, new character Book gleefully slaughtering dozens of security guards who just happen to be doing their job? At least I think they were... so much technobabble, basil and badly directed action it was hard to keep up.

This is going to be a slog.
Be excellent to each other. And party on!


A show with the acronym STD has something called The Burn!?

The internet is not going to be kind to this.

Link Prime

After reading some of the comments here I apprehensively made it through the first season.
Yeah, it was Klingon torture for me too, but not the shitshow I expected.

Then I got to an early season 2 episode wherein the ditzy one (Tilly?) made some doohickey to capture dark matter or something and the crew of grinning nobodies actually stopped what they were doing to applaud her.
I cringed so hard that I think my back went into a spasm - fortunately I could reach the remote in time to switch it off mid episode and never watch it again.

The Legendary Shark

Thank Grud for Picard. And The Orville. Even Lower Decks.



I'm not a Trekkie. Not at all. I was as a kid- classic Trek with Kirk et al. These days I find the original series hard to watch, but still do from time to time of the mood takes me- and I have the box set of all three seasons and the cartoon version, plus the movies.

The follow-up series- all of them- I just cannot stand. Especially Next Generation, which is among the most objectionable television reboots I have ever seen.

But Discovery- well, I love it. Bought the first box set on a whim after E4 showed episode one, and powered through that and season two. We have Netflix on the tv in the bedroom, but I'm not fond of watching tv in bed, so I will wait for the box set. But Discovery is the first Trek tv show since the original to feature characters I like and in whom I am interested and a storytelling technique that excites me.

If I want a Trek fix these days, I usually just read one of the classic series novels. Discovery means I can get that fix in the medium for which it was intended for the first time in years, and I'm very pleased about that.

Wouldnt touch Picard with a barge pole though.



I have to say I'm more excited by the return of Anson Mount's Captain Pike in Strange New Worlds than any of the current Trek offerings, since he was hands-down the best thing in Discovery S2. Biggest man-crush since Chris Evans' Captain America.

Maybe I've just got a thing for captains...
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Greg M.

Quote from: SmallBlueThing(Reborn) on 21 October, 2020, 10:58:44 AM
Wouldnt touch Picard with a barge pole though.
If you hate TNG, you'll probably like Picard. It certainly seems like the creators hated TNG too. Of course, I personally think TNG is one of the finest shows of its era - of any era - and regard Picard, on the whole, as an unmitigated disaster.


I did not know that they are bringing back Captain Pike in his own show. Will look our for this
When I die, I want to die like my grandfather who died peacefully in his sleep. Not screaming like all the passengers in his car.

Old age is the Lord's way of telling us to step aside for something new. Death's in case we didn't take the hint.

Link Prime

Quote from: Greg M. on 21 October, 2020, 11:12:36 AM
Quote from: SmallBlueThing(Reborn) on 21 October, 2020, 10:58:44 AM
Wouldnt touch Picard with a barge pole though.
If you hate TNG, you'll probably like Picard. It certainly seems like the creators hated TNG too. Of course, I personally think TNG is one of the finest shows of its era - of any era - and regard Picard, on the whole, as an unmitigated disaster.

Greg, please don't take this the wrong way, but I consider you a personal canary.
Will avoid Picard based on nothing more than this alarmed chirp.

Quote from: The Legendary Shark on 21 October, 2020, 10:31:30 AM

The Orville.

Best "Star Trek" since the late 90's. Looking forward to season 3 if they ever get round to it.

Greg M.

Quote from: Link Prime on 21 October, 2020, 11:20:43 AM
Greg, please don't take this the wrong way, but I consider you a personal canary.
Will avoid Picard based on nothing more than this alarmed chirp.
Ha! If you look through the Picard thread, you'll see me approaching the first episode with an open mind and actively enjoying it, and then being steadily ground down whilst trying really, really hard to like the rest of the glacially-paced, deeply-unpleasant misery-fest that follows. By the time I've got to the end, anything that was good along the way has been forgotten, and I'm left feeling like the series has actively detracted from the sum total of human happiness.

Professor Bear

I liked Star Trek and I hope they bring it back some day.

von Boom

The Legendary Shark


Funt Solo

An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.


Stupidly Busy Letterer: Samples. | Blog
Less-Awesome-Artist: Scribbles.