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Favourite Art Droid - Tourney's Round 1

Started by Colin YNWA, 30 October, 2020, 10:59:14 AM

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Colin YNWA

As is traditional now as we rev up to a new round I'll add a thread detailing some bits and bats around the tournaments and what's going on. Now qualifying is almost over, and seems to be the most popular tournament to date judging by number of votes and comments, we'll soon be into straight head to heads to select our favorite artists across the two tournaments. One for Current Artists, one for Classic Artists.

So I'll use this thread to cover:

1) A full list of the artists who've made it into the two tournaments... though that won't be until tomorrow when we're done...
2) A summary of the structure and format of the draw
3) A recap of the 'rules'
4) Some notes on timing and schedule
5) Any other mindless blathering we choose...

Oh and I'll kick of votes on Monday with any luck... still a wee bit of prep to do and the draw, but hope to have time to get that all sorted this weekend, since we are in lockdown and the girl child is having to self isolate due to someone in her class having a positive test so playing out plans have had to be cancelled!

Greg M.

One of the most interesting things about this tournament has been the substantial levels of support for the more 'Marmite' artists - I'm thinking particularly of Simon Harrison and John Hicklenton. Even on, say, dedicated Facebook art groups, the work of these chaps has as many detractors as it does fans, but both have done well in the tournament so far.

Colin YNWA

Quote from: Greg M. on 30 October, 2020, 12:33:52 PM
One of the most interesting things about this tournament has been the substantial levels of support for the more 'Marmite' artists - I'm thinking particularly of Simon Harrison and John Hicklenton. Even on, say, dedicated Facebook art groups, the work of these chaps has as many detractors as it does fans, but both have done well in the tournament so far.

Yeah that's something that fascinates me. I wasn't surprised by John Hicklenton going through as his work seems to have gone through some revaluation in recent years and while he is defo still marmite, those that love him seem in the majority. Simon Harrison did surprise me as he is sure;y the very definition of marmite amongst the fan base? And if you look at some of the folks he was drawn against.

One of the things I'll be watching with keen interest is how these two do in the next rounds. I've not made the draw yet but it could be very interesting.


Quote from: Greg M. on 30 October, 2020, 12:33:52 PM
One of the most interesting things about this tournament has been the substantial levels of support for the more 'Marmite' artists - I'm thinking particularly of Simon Harrison and John Hicklenton. Even on, say, dedicated Facebook art groups, the work of these chaps has as many detractors as it does fans, but both have done well in the tournament so far.

All depends on which strip they are used and how. Hicklenton worked for me on Nemesis but I did not like his work on the Dredd Satanus strips. Harrison art on the other hand I always struggle to remotely like.

PS - Peanut Butter felt highly offended that it is not mentioned anywhere
When I die, I want to die like my grandfather who died peacefully in his sleep. Not screaming like all the passengers in his car.

Old age is the Lord's way of telling us to step aside for something new. Death's in case we didn't take the hint.


Quote from: broodblik on 30 October, 2020, 01:05:08 PM
All depends on which strip they are used and how. Hicklenton worked for me on Nemesis but I did not like his work on the Dredd Satanus strips. Harrison art on the other hand I always struggle to remotely like.

I'd definitely agree on the use of artists.  As for Harrison, there has been a steady evolution to his work that helps greatly.  His Glimmer Rats / Durham Red stuff may well have been sumptuous on one level but with regards to supporting a narrative it was far too busy.

On the other hand more recent stuff like The Out seems to get the balance right.  It's a far better fit.

In that respect its a bit like Langley.  As a cover artist he is perfect to my mind.  For a story I'm trying to follow though .... 


Tjm86 I think you have your artists mixed-up Mark Harrison did The Out/Glimmer Rates/Durham Red. Simon Harrison was the artist who did work on The Final Solution, he "killed" Johnny Alpha. He did Bradley as well.
When I die, I want to die like my grandfather who died peacefully in his sleep. Not screaming like all the passengers in his car.

Old age is the Lord's way of telling us to step aside for something new. Death's in case we didn't take the hint.

Funt Solo

There's a Simon Harrison black and white poster of Johnny Alpha in front of a wall of graffiti and it says "Welcome to Milton Keynes" - I always loved that. And I really enjoyed his punk rendition of Strontium Dog in The No-Go Job.

I never thought of it as any kind of snub to Carlos - and given that so much of the comic at the time was multiple artist, having someone else do SD wasn't sacrilege for me. If anything, it was a shot in the arm for what had become quite formulaic.
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.


Quote from: broodblik on 30 October, 2020, 01:56:57 PM
Tjm86 I think you have your artists mixed-up Mark Harrison did The Out/Glimmer Rates/Durham Red. Simon Harrison was the artist who did work on The Final Solution, he "killed" Johnny Alpha. He did Bradley as well.

Bugger ... shows what I know, don't it?


Colin YNWA

Couple of quick posts before I list the Art Droids in each competition and we can mourn those that haven't made it. I'll drop these in quickly now so I can start to prep the post for the votes (one draw done and one to go). I'll also a controversial question, though that might wait until tomorrow...

So I'll start with a quick recap of what the heck all this is about and why we have two tournaments running in parallel.

There are so many great artists who've worked, or are working for Tharg, I decided to mix things up and to give us a chance to discuss as many of the talents as we could. So I went for two different tourney. The divide I went for was Classic, essentially artists who we don't really expect to appear in the Prog or Meg anytime soon. Whose work for Tharg seems to be done, the odd cover, or one off appearance aside. Alas some we know won't be adding to their body of work as they have retired or sadly passed away.

Secondly to allow us to draw focus on what current talent as well as the old masters the second tourney is Current art Droid. Artists we kinda expect to see still working for Tharg today and in future Progs (though no guarantees of course!).

I made the divide on the following basis to define an artist as 'current':

1) They have had at least one ongoing series in Prog or Meg since Prog 2000...
2) ...or a good body of Dredds since then (either Prog or Meg)...
3) ...or loads of covers (by which I mean Cliff Robinson really)
4) There wasn't another reason we knew they wouldn't be adding to their work for Tharg, alas some have passed away.
5) They're overall quantity of work passed a certain threshold, numbers as obtained from the magnificent AlexF

It's worth bearing in mind therefore that some Art Droids in the Current Talent pool have been around for a good long time, so I'm not sure how successful I've been focusing on new talent, but seems a decent divide.

See you Monday....

Colin YNWA

Spambot this morning me...

So where are we in the tournament. Well if you've new to all this we've just finished qualifying that has seen the Classic Art Droids whittled down from 96 to merely 32 - that 16 automatic qualifiers (based on the quantity of work they've produced) and 16 who came through some brutal qualifying.

In the Current Art Droids we're down from 48 to 32. Again 16 automatic qualifiers (again based on quantity of work for Tharg) and 16 coming through qualifying.

From here on in its straight head to heads in a subjective vote for our favourite. While you'll only have two to pick from the quality is now so high there will still be a struggle I suspect.

Draw for both tournaments is entirely random, FA Cup style so no seeding, this way we could get some very interest 'big name' ties early on. We'll see (well I've done the first draw and we do!).

Next thing I need to do is give you quick run down of the rules and then we'll discuss the Art Droids remaining and finally timing and future plans...

Colin YNWA

Look this is for Fun (I've copied and pasted this and done minor edits, so ya know if this feels familiar...) this means the rules are what the rules are. Guidelines to help us all chug along and enjoy this and find some consistency and understanding of what the heck we are doing.


1. MOST IMPORTANTLY - any artist who appears in these votes, be it the tourney proper or qualifying, is a better artist than we'll ever be and so even if you really don't like someone's work (which is fine) keep it lovely like I know you can.

   1a. Art is massively subjective so we won't agree on what makes good art, but we're talking favourites here. So by all means disagree with each other, be surprised about folks' decisions, debate and chew over, but be lovely and remember you ain't going to change anyone's mind about whose art they prefer so why try!

2. During Round 1 I will start two threads a day, one for 'Classic' Art Droids, One for 'Current' Art Droids. Simply pick your favourite artist from each choice and leave a post saying who.

   2a. We are only considering work for Tharg here, so Prog and Meg - defo counted. I don't however give a fig if you think the art on Marshall Law or Skrull Kill Krew is the best EVVVEEEERRRRRR, it's not for Tharg so we shouldn't consider it here - though you can of course discuss it.

   2b. When we consider sister publications it gets a bit fuzzy, so I take a much more casual - decide for yourself attitude. For me I'd say Crisis, yeah sure include that, Starlord and Tornado, you know why not. Revolver... maybe I wouldn't, but if you do, heck how the hell will I know?!?

3. For each vote during Round 1 (and subsequent rounds actually) simply type the name of the Art Droid you want to progress to the next round at the top of a post - feel free to say what you will after that, but it will help me (being lazy and all) if you type the name of your votes at the top of the comment - or make it clear otherwise by adding Bold tags.

4. I will count up votes in each thread after 3 days of starting it and announce the artist moving onto the next round in that thread. Simply put the one with the most votes - once I've done that feel free to add comments, but your vote won't count and you might be charged (if I can work out how to charge you (?!))

5. In the event of a tie I will have the casting vote - 'cos ya know I'm self absorbed. But I won't vote beforehand therefore.

*6. We are voting for our favourite... there's going to be a whole post about that! So not whose had the most impact, or is most important. There are no scales for objective who's the best artist. It's art, it's whose stuff you like to gaze on the most. We won't agree and there are no right answers (except were I say there is so I can bitch and moan about one of my favs going out!).

For example I love Carlos' art. I really do. He's in my top ten. Is he in my top 5... no. So there, see I've said it it's okay not to vote for Carlos when the time comes, however wonderful the man.

7. I'm winging this so anything thing I've forgotten I'll make up as we go along.

Colin YNWA

Art Droids Classic - here are the 32 who have made it to round 1.

Carlos Ezquerra
Massimo Belardinelli
Ian Gibson
Ron Smith
Cam Kennedy
Brett Ewins
Anthony Williams
Kev Walker
Dave Gibbons
Steve Dillon
Kev O'Neill
Mick McMahon
Brian Bolland
Arthur Ranson
Carl Critchlow
Greg Staples
Andy Clarke
John Hicklenton
John Ridgway
Edmund Bagwell
Peter Doherty
Simon Harrison
John Cooper
Jesus Redondo
Colin Wilson
Simon Bisley
Bryan Talbot
Sean Philips
Glenn Fabry
Alan Davis
Frazer Irving

I've moaned about who I think should be here and the biggest 'lose' so far. You lot most all have one too, who is it, who do you wish to celebrate before we move on?


Good list just missing Baikie then it would have been even a better list
When I die, I want to die like my grandfather who died peacefully in his sleep. Not screaming like all the passengers in his car.

Old age is the Lord's way of telling us to step aside for something new. Death's in case we didn't take the hint.


Agree with Broodblik. Jim Baikie is most conspicuous by his absence. Skizz will always be my first 2000AD love.


Yep, I voted Baikie but he did have some stiff competition. Luck of the draw, innit.

Pleasantly surprised to see Simon Harrison get through - I thought everyone hated him except me.
"Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest"