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Started by Keef Monkey, 11 June, 2011, 09:35:35 AM

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Quote from: pictsy on 04 November, 2020, 10:27:57 AM
I started playing Rogue Trooper on PS2 again, when I have an hour to spare.

Classic! I've played that so many times - on PS2, Xbox, PC, the remastered Wii version, and of course the remastered PS4 version. It never gets old!


Quote from: shaolin_monkey on 07 November, 2020, 02:30:58 AM
Quote from: pictsy on 04 November, 2020, 10:27:57 AM
I started playing Rogue Trooper on PS2 again, when I have an hour to spare.

Classic! I've played that so many times - on PS2, Xbox, PC, the remastered Wii version, and of course the remastered PS4 version. It never gets old!

Yeah, I'm having fun.  It is a really good game.  The sniping mechanic is a lot of fun.  I can see why they went on to make Sniper Elite (which I've never played any of).


I played Rogue Trooper in 3D on the PC, and it worked remarkably well, except for the sniping sections. I can't quite explain why, but I had to keep one eye closed when I was in sniping mode. Mind you, it added to the immersion I suppose!

The rest of the game was glorious in 3D, and I remember particularly enjoying the 3D when sneaking through the Nort naval base - lots of angles, enclosed spaces, long corridors, that kind of thing.

I don't think the game was designed to be used with NVidia 3D Vision, but was a relatively low-tech game, without many of the graphical whizz-bangs employed at the time which didn't automatically work with that 3D dual-image rendering software.

Definitely Not Mister Pops

Streets of Rage 4 is tremenjus fun.
You may quote me on that.

Link Prime

I'm about halfway through a play-through of The Sinking City, got it cheap on the Switch.

Difficult to recommend - it's repetitive, clunky and decidedly last gen, but there is something keeping me going. A kernel of a decent game with a better than average story-line.

If a weird mash-up of Silent Hill, Fallout 3, L.A. Noire and the works of HP Lovecraft sounds like it's your cuppa then you could do worse for a tenner.


Quote from: Link Prime on 17 November, 2020, 03:02:24 PM
I'm about halfway through a play-through of The Sinking City, got it cheap on the Switch.

Difficult to recommend - it's repetitive, clunky and decidedly last gen, but there is something keeping me going. A kernel of a decent game with a better than average story-line.

If a weird mash-up of Silent Hill, Fallout 3, L.A. Noire and the works of HP Lovecraft sounds like it's your cuppa then you could do worse for a tenner.

Yeah, got this on PC.
I really want to love it, but it's just so clunky that I end up just playing something else.
I get the impression that the development was rushed in the end, so the team could get onto that new Holmes game they're working on.

That said, it's definately worth a tenner or less.


Quote from: pictsy on 07 November, 2020, 11:51:47 AM
Yeah, I'm having fun.  It is a really good game.  The sniping mechanic is a lot of fun.  I can see why they went on to make Sniper Elite (which I've never played any of).

The Sniper Elite games are good fun. Worth picking up, especially now they seem to be perpetually on sale.


I finished Rogue Trooper.  The end kinda snuck up on me.   I found the end very anti-climatic with as well as being one of the worst levels in the game (alongside the rail shooter segments).  Otherwise I found it very solid.  It could have been followed up with sequel that could have eliminated some of the issues, but that's just a bunch of wouldacouldashoulda.

I am currently playing no games because nothing is taking my interest.  I'm reading more comics instead.

Link Prime

It's been so long that I nearly forgot I backed it, but I finally got my PS4 download code for Visage from Kickstarter last night, and dipped into it for a few hours.

It's very, very good.
Plays like a more polished version of PT and Infliction with a sprinkling of Silent Hill 4 (all great in their own right) that will make even the most hardcore horror gamer squee a little bit.

The game is difficult enough (even warns you about that before it begins), but I managed to get through Dolores' chapter without a hitch. Though lemme tell ya - the Fitbit readings were far from normal.


PT was an odd one.  I was absolutely cacking it and that one really big scare was very effective.  But after that nothing happened at all.  I was completely on edge but there were no more scares.

I'll take a look at Visage I think.

Currently reviewing a game called Unturned.  It's a zombie survival game with Minecraft style graphics.  It's sort of terrible and very pointless but has a massive following on PC.

Professor Bear

I am well-aware I was playing Star Wars Squadrons wrong by not using a PS4VR unit, but I've got along well enough with aerial combat games to date without one and I didn't foresee any problems here.  It's playable, but I think the static view and limited interaction beyond the shooty-shooty bits betray that it was designed for a different interface than the one I was using, though even then, it's hard to see what the thinking was behind some of the talky bits.
Combat is fine, but very old-school.  I don't see how a VR interface would improve it much beyond immersion, as a lot of issues for me concerned knowing what to shoot at, and when.  The use of the speed throttle isn't great, but this has long been an issue with flight combat games that try to go for arcade thrills.
It's still easy to play, though, and the reloading times are perfectly good, meaning it isn't such a drag to have to restart when you wipe out, so it doesn't feel like you have to avoid taking risks.  A perfectly entertaining game for 20 quid - available as part of TESCO's Black Friday deals, which include other games like Marvel's Avengers and Star Wars: Fallen Order.

Assassin's Creed: Valhalla - more of the same, but to be honest I have played the crap out of Origins, Odyssey, and a lot of Syndicate, and that's all, really.  Valhalla seems very similar to those, and that is fine with me.  It retains the scaled enemy level system, because Ubisoft has XP boosters to sell you, but joke's on them because it means I get more play time out of the game.
I don't really like the main character that much, but I liked that you get to play a prologue and the activities you engage in decide whether you have prominently male or female characteristics if you "let the Animus decide" your gender - likely problematic for various reasons, but come on: it's a game, it can handle binaries, but the rest is still entirely up to yourself.  Also, I think you can change genders during the game anyway.  I could happily never have to play another second as Layla Hassan, though.  I find the future/present bits in these games really dull.
Like I say, it's more of the same and I am perfectly happy with that.  Fair warning that there seem to be a lot of technical glitches that haven't been patched out yet.


I have started playing Open Imperium Galactica.  It's like Imperium Galactica but better.  The people working on this have cracked the game wide open to allow for customisable fun.  I really love IG and it's nice to be able to get it for free and for Linux.  It's turning out to be a great companion game for Babylon 5 which I am in the midst of rewatching.

It really does make me long for the 4x game that is like this but a whole lot more.  Still, I can play a version of the game that can get me somewhat there, so I'm happy.  A little too happy.  I have had to start putting a timer on so I don't get too involved.


Quote from: Professor Bear on 27 November, 2020, 06:45:32 PM
I am well-aware I was playing Star Wars Squadrons wrong by not using a PS4VR unit, but I've got along well enough with aerial combat games to date without one and I didn't foresee any problems here.  It's playable, but I think the static view and limited interaction beyond the shooty-shooty bits betray that it was designed for a different interface than the one I was using, though even then, it's hard to see what the thinking was behind some of the talky bits.
Combat is fine, but very old-school.  I don't see how a VR interface would improve it much beyond immersion, as a lot of issues for me concerned knowing what to shoot at, and when.  The use of the speed throttle isn't great, but this has long been an issue with flight combat games that try to go for arcade thrills.
It's still easy to play, though, and the reloading times are perfectly good, meaning it isn't such a drag to have to restart when you wipe out, so it doesn't feel like you have to avoid taking risks.  A perfectly entertaining game for 20 quid - available as part of TESCO's Black Friday deals, which include other games like Marvel's Avengers and Star Wars: Fallen Order.

Glad you got some enjoyment out of it at least! There's a trade-off between 2D and VR, and neither is truly the winner. In 2D the graphics are better, as the processor only has to worry about rendering one bunch of things, instead of two bunches of things at slightly different angles. However, despite the visuals looking so damn good, you can only see straight in front of you. That's not too bad in a TIE, that has a limited field of vision anyway, but in an XWing it is a royal pain.

So in VR, the graphical fidelity takes a hit. However, when you are sat in that XWing cockpit and you're trying to figure out where the Raider or TIE or Star Destroyer is, you can just look out the window, forward, left, right, above etc! In VR I only use the radar to get a rough sense of direction, because otherwise I can just turn my head and see where I want to steer the ship. Plus, you do get a feel for actually being sat in an XWing cockpit!! It's a blast!!

I'm hugely biased as I love OT Star Wars, plus I've been a lifelong advocate of anything 3D and/or VR. So this game really floats my boat, even though some of the game mechanics might be a bit crude.  I can see why the 2D version doesn't appeal, and I am glad this game wasn't full priced from the outset, as once the story is done you can either dogfight or do fleet battles, and for the moment that is it.

If you get the opportunity to play it in VR let me know what you think.

Funt Solo

Elite: Dangerous

First few minutes: I'm out of control - spinning - always spinning - I feel sick - oh my god, how do you fly a spaceship!

First few hours: tutorials in-game, tutorials ex-game - can now fly level - understand combat speed

First few days: each five minutes of play requires about an hour of ex-game study - three levels of speed (actually four or five if you go in-atmos) - I flew into a sun and now I'm burning! - don't scan the way-point, scan the object!

Week 02: scanning systems, doing missions, playing the game. There's a whole galaxy to explore! (And, still, ex-game resources are vital.)
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.


I stopped playing OpenIG.  The settings I chose were not optimal for a fun game (wasn't expecting to get it right first time).  Apparently trying to murder ball oneself to victory is a tedious and mind numbing task.