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Started by SmallBlueThing, 04 February, 2011, 12:40:44 PM

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Quote from: Tiplodocus on 18 January, 2021, 01:38:35 PM
I may be wrong but I think, quite a while ago, Spielberg said that he wouldn't do the family stuff in CE3K the same.
I would hope not!

CE3K is too entrenched in my movie history for me to analyse effectively, and I must have watched it 50 times by now. It's my "go back to a simpler time" escape hatch. Even as a kid I could see that Roy wasn't entirely sympathetic.


Quote from: Smith on 18 January, 2021, 01:36:26 PM
The hunt for Red October. I forgot how great that movie is.
God yes, it's very high on my re-watchability list. Alec Baldwin's self-sure, all-in, take-no-prisoners Ryan is still the best depiction of that character IMO, and with that supporting cast...perfection!

von Boom

Quote from: Smith on 18 January, 2021, 01:36:26 PM
The hunt for Red October. I forgot how great that movie is.
Absolutely. Baldwin is still the best Jack Ryan IMO.


Quote from: TordelBack on 18 January, 2021, 10:42:06 AM
Quote from: Colin YNWA on 18 January, 2021, 08:26:44 AM
Weird, but not in the 'and wonderful' way it aims for.

I have similar thoughts: the Baron Munchausen in my mind is always far better than the reality of the film itself, which aside from a few sequences is just a bit flat and underwhelming. Apt, I suppose!

I have always thoroughly enjoyed this film.  Not for its story, although the unreliable narrator thing is interesting, I'm not a big fan of this skewed fantasy/reality thing.  Stuff like Big Fish as another example.  I would have liked the story more if it was just a straight fantasy film.

The reason I thoroughly enjoy this film is the aesthetic.  I love how it looks.  All the design work that went into this film is very appealing to me.  It's one of those rare films where the style overwhelms any issue I could have with substance.  Time Bandits has a much better story, but isn't quite the visual feast.  Brazil is the one that hits both notes for me.

Quote from: Tiplodocus on 18 January, 2021, 01:38:35 PM
I may be wrong but I think, quite a while ago, Spielberg said that he wouldn't do the family stuff in CE3K the same.

I looked it up.  He said he wouldn't have done the ending the same because of how he leaves his family behind.

Quote from: Smith on 18 January, 2021, 01:36:26 PM
The hunt for Red October. I forgot how great that movie is.

I'm not sure if I've seen this or not.  I've definitely seen Crimson Tide.  Can't go too wrong with Denzel.  I definitely haven't seen Das Boot.

Funt Solo

Das Boot: most submarine movies let you out of the submarine quite a lot - you'll get to see the destroyers launching their depth charges and so on. Das Boot keeps you with the submariners, so that you get a sense of the terrifying claustrophobia. You're only getting out of the submarine if they are.

A great movie that I'm glad I watched but because it does what it does so very well, isn't on my re-watch list.
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.

von Boom

Speaking of Das Boot, I watched Enemy Mine yesterday. My wife claims she had never seen it so you can imagine the great wailing and gnashing of teeth as first Drac dies and then Zammis is captured. I got hold of myself eventually. Still one of my favourite films.

Colin YNWA

Quote from: Funt Solo on 18 January, 2021, 04:08:45 PM
Das Boot: most submarine movies let you out of the submarine quite a lot - you'll get to see the destroyers launching their depth charges and so on. Das Boot keeps you with the submariners, so that you get a sense of the terrifying claustrophobia. You're only getting out of the submarine if they are.

A great movie that I'm glad I watched but because it does what it does so very well, isn't on my re-watch list.

No sure which version you saw but many moons ago there was a TV mini-series that was greatly extended from the original movie cut (and I think other cuts) and it was quite astonishing. My Dad recorded it all and every so often he'd drag it out. We'd whine a bit as he all but insisted that we should all watch and a pretty quickly we were all utterly captivated for the whole 5 plus hours (not in one sitting). A staggeringly effective bit of film making and man that ending!


Quote from: von Boom on 18 January, 2021, 04:30:59 PM
Speaking of Das Boot, I watched Enemy Mine yesterday. My wife claims she had never seen it so you can imagine the great wailing and gnashing of teeth as first Drac dies and then Zammis is captured. I got hold of myself eventually. Still one of my favourite films.

Such an enjoyable film.  It was one of those caught-on-tele-by-accident films for me and took me a while a find out it's name so I could rewatch it.


"Your Mickey Mouse is a stupiddope."


Crimson Tide

I was reminded of the film so decided to revisit it.  It is a very good film.  It gives the impression it is based on real events with beginning and end text, but it's not.  Largely the film is about power dynamics, attitudes towards the military and the use of nuclear weapons.  Given Denzel is portraying our protagonist it's easy to sympathise with his point of view, especially as Gene Hackman's character is so wrong.  The antagonism between Hackman's Ramsey towards Washinston's Hunter is clear from the outset through what I can only describe as heavy handy subtly.  With stakes really high and the claustrophobic atmosphere of the submarine the tension ramps up considerably. 

My big complaint is the ending.  It tries to invoke some sort of sympathy towards Ramsey, but his actions were monstrous.  It wants to give a feel good happy ending and not take sides in an issue the film otherwise takes a very clear stance on.  This is not surprising given the film had the cooperation of the US Navy and they are notorious in insisting that films do not paint them in a bad light.  After all, Hunter could have been wrong.  The only problem is Hunter is never wrong.  Except in the case three quarters of the way through the film where a line of dialogue suggests he is wrong in following procedure.  Honestly, I think this is in service to the cop out ending, because it doesn't entirely fit with all the procedure babble that came before.  Like they pulled it out their arses.  So I don't count it.

Aside from the dissonance, the drama is superb in the film.  The acting is wonderful with Denzel and Gene playing off each other really well.  And it gets really exciting, especially towards the end.


The Color [sic] Out of Space.  Well I came to laugh, but I honestly enjoyed that. Some suitably horrifying bits with icky practical-looking effects, leavened considerably by No-holds Cage turning it up to Eleventy Eleven. Was he really doing a full-on Trump impression for large chunks? Always good value,  that man.

The short is one of my favourite Lovecrafts, and I thought this wasn't a half-bad go at modernizing and accelerating the story, while retaining the atmosphere of inescapable cosmic corruption. In fact,  I can see myself watching this again.
"Now if you don't mind it's time to milk the alpacas".


Quote from: TordelBack on 20 January, 2021, 12:47:49 AM
The Color [sic] Out of Space

I found that film to be very visually impressive, at times being very beautiful with the lovely pinks and purples and very horrifying with the body horror. 

I seem to be the only one who thinks Cage didn't go full on Cage in this film.  Although he does certainly Cage it up I don't think it's even close to the levels of something like Vampires Kiss.

Despite everything going for the film, it hasn't left as big an impression on me as The Endless did.  Sometimes a good story can beat out the pretty pictures. :)


Psycho 2 - Haven't seen this since it was shown late, way back in my childhood, one night on the BBC. A very good sequel, with a brilliant premise and some absolutely lovely moments played by Anthony Perkins as he slowly begins to lose his grip on reality. Loved the fact that all is not what it seems, and it is all played very effectively, and with a lot of humour. And I'm a sucker for any movie with Robert Loggia.

True Lies - James Cameron does Bond, and does it a lot better than the majority of actual Bond Movies as he takes the super-spy and injects enough humour, and edge of your seat action that it makes the long running time fly by. Some lovely, comic moments from Bill Paxton and Jamie-lee Curtis, who steal the movie and even Tom Arnold is sufferable for the most part. That soundtrack is a bit bloody good as well.

Colin YNWA

Watched Withnail and I last night. It remains a work of genius... where is that Endlessly Rewatchable thread?

I've not seen it in years but can still almost do the dialogue word for word as I go along. Its never gets dull. Is still hilarious and heartbreaking in equal measure and this rewatch reminds me its in my top ten films of all time.


Quote from: pictsy on 20 January, 2021, 10:14:05 AM
... I don't think it's even close to the levels of something like Vampires Kiss.

Adding that one to the watch-list,  so!