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Endlessly Re-Readable

Started by The Legendary Shark, 25 January, 2021, 01:03:12 PM

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The Legendary Shark

We've got a thread for films, how about one for books and such?

The Brentford Trilogy - Robert Rankin
Odyssey/Iliad - Homer
Diary of a Nobody - George & Weedon Grossmith
Parallel Lives - Plutarch
The Bible (bits of it, anyway) - God
Conan - R.E. Howard
Discworld - Terry Pratchett
The Most Dangerous Superstition - Larken Rose
Fables of Aesop
The Hitchhikers' Guide to the Galaxy - Douglas Adams
Jeeves and Wooster - P. G. Wodehouse
Lord of the Rings - J.R.R. Tolkein
Anything by me! :D



The Riftwar Saga - Raymond E. Feist
The Lost Fleet - Jack Campbell
Koban -  Stephen W. Bennett
Deathstalker - Simon R. Green
Dune - Frank Herbert
When I die, I want to die like my grandfather who died peacefully in his sleep. Not screaming like all the passengers in his car.

Old age is the Lord's way of telling us to step aside for something new. Death's in case we didn't take the hint.


The Dark Tower - Stephen King
Wild Cards - Various but George RR Martin does some editing.
Watchmen by Moore & Gibbons

von Boom

The Dune Chronicles - Frank Herbert
Ringworld & Ringworld Engineers - Larry Niven
The Conan Chronicles - Robert E. Howard
The Lord of the Rings - J.R.R. Tolkien
Sherlock Holmes - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Any P. G. Wodehouse
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and Dirk Gently - Douglas Adams
Foundation trilogy - Isaac Asimov
The Stainless Steel Rat - Harry Harrison
Retief and Bolo - Keith Laumer

Colin YNWA

All most all works by Kurt Vonnegutt - I've started to read 'Slaughter House 5' to the girl child (she's 11) - that might be ambitious but I'm enjoying it!

Barrington Boots

Definitely P. G. Wodehouse, you can read those so many times.
Stuff that I turn to again and again:

The Princess Bride
The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant
assorted Terry Pratchett (his mid period is best imo)
assorted Lovecraft
The Alien Spotters Handbook (this is a kids book, references Tharg and 2000ad though!)
anything by Sven Hassel
The Sword of Shannara trilogy (Scions series is alright too, nothing after that)
1066 and All That
bulk of the Flashman series
The Way of the Tiger choose your own adventure books.
You're a dark horse, Boots.


The Belgariad by David Eddings - definitely my 'comfort food' of books.
Anne McCaffrey's Pern series.

I quite like just grabbing an old Sci-fi novel from my shelves - anything by Heinlein, Clarke, Asimov etc that's only a couple of hundred pages long and can be devoured in a few hours


I'm tragically basic when it comes to the books and comics I really love to re-read:

All of Tolkien.
All of Banks.
All of LeGuin.
All of A. Moore (itching to re-read Jerusalem at the moment, maybe soon).

Something new every time with those four. 

Patrick O'Brian's Master and CommanderPost Captain and HMS Surprise. I'll happily re-read any of the 21 Aubrey novels,  but those first three are special.

Some others I never seem to tire of, in that I don't know how often I've read them:

Melville Moby Dick.
Dickens Bleak House.
Marquez 100 Years of Solitude.
Toni Morrison Jazz.
Gould Wonderful Life
CW Ceram Gods,  Graves and Scholars
Graves I Claudius/The God.
King Different Seasons (his best work)
Eco The Name of the Rose

Non-2000ad comicswise I re-read all of Bryan Talbot, Eddie Campbell and Dave Sim a lot. Gaiman and Delano less so,  but still many times.

O Lucky Stevie!

Quote from: von Boom on 25 January, 2021, 02:04:20 PM

Ringworld, Protector & Ringworld Engineers - Larry Niven

Fixed that for you, von Boom.

"We'll send all these nasty words to Aunt Jane. Don't you think that would be fun?"


I read a lot- as I'd imagine we all do here- and am always hungry devouring stuff *I've not read before*, so "rereading" is a luxury I usually dont have.

That said, I do find myself, at times between new stuff, returning to the works of Robert E Howard, and Arthur C Clarke just for the sheer pleasure of it.

In comics- too many! The Alan Moore and Jamie Delano Captain Britains, early Spidey, Scalped (which I try to make time for every couple of years), the first 100 issues of Walking Dead (currently enjoying them all over again in the ongoing Deluxe series), and of course any number of 2000AD strips from over the years- currently Strontium Dog, of which I'm on volume 3 of the Agency files after having mainlined everything from the start of the redo from the original prog 2000 to The Son, then Agency Files vols 1 and 2 late last year.



-Chronicles of Black Company
-Witcher saga

In comics- Mirage TMNT,Peter Davids Hulk,Thunderbolts,mostly anything by Kurt Busiek...


Novels etc

A Confederacy of Dunces – John Kennedy Toole

American Tabloid – James Ellroy

Book of the New Sun – Gene Wolfe

The Bone People – Keri Hulme

Coming Through Slaughter – Michael Ondaatje

Conan Chronicles – Robert E. Howard

The Dead Zone – Stephen King

Down and Out in Paris and London – George Orwell

Dune – Frank Herbert

Dying Inside – Robert Silverberg

The Earthsea Trilogy – Ursula K. Le Guin

The Elric Series – Michael Moorcock

Flashman Series – George MacDonald Fraser

The Gormenghast Trilogy – Mervyn Peake

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy – Douglas Adams

How late it was, how late – James Kelman

Molloy, Malone Dies & The Unnameable – Samuel Beckett

Post Office – Charles Bukowski

Solomon Kane – Robert E. Howard

The Shining – Stephen King

Thieves' World Anthology – Edited by Robert Asprin & Lynn Abbey

The Wasp Factory – Iain Banks

Comics & Graphic Novels

Batman – The Dark Knight Returns
Charley's War – Pat Mills
Electra – Frank Miller
Preacher – Garth Ennis
Sandman – Neil Gaiman
V for Vendetta – Alan Moore

von Boom

James Herriot's vet novels.

Funt Solo

The Elements of Eloquence by Mark Forsyth - every time I finish it, I've forgotten all the tricks and get to hear about them again.
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.


Forgot to include the names of the artists on these. Will give myself a good flogging later on for the omission.

Comics & Graphic Novels

Batman : The Dark Knight Returns - Frank Miller
Charley's War – Pat Mills & Joe Colquhoun
Electra – Frank Miller & Bill Sienkiewicz
Preacher – Garth Ennis & Steve Dillon & John McCrea
Sandman – Neil Gaiman & Various Artists
V for Vendetta – Alan Moore & David Lloyd