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500 Days of Slimmer - and Some Other Crap Too...

Started by Buttonman, 18 November, 2019, 09:40:35 AM

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Keep it up. Things are heading in the right direction. And importantly, it's a direction you chose.
Be excellent to each other. And party on!


The penultimate episode arrives! Thank God say one and all.

Decent month with some progress but quite static on a lot of fronts.

WEIGHT LOSS : Weight this morning was 14st 6lbs which is 6lbs down in 4 weeks which is decent if unspectacular. Little and often is the way to go and the excuse of the gym being shut still holds weight - too much of it. The planned 12.5 stone won't happen without some amputations but 33lbs down overall from the starting point is worthwhile. I have gotten into some slim fit shirts that had been abandoned since before lock down so let's agree with the wife and say that fat has been replaced by heavier muscle.

It's the good lady's birthday on March 2nd so there will be a binge then but then a sober 4 weeks until the bell tolls on this endeavour.  Current target is 13st 13lbs which will be achieved with a half stone month.

STEPS : Averaging just under 11,000 which is OK and never fewer than 10k a day. A couple of snow filled days made this a proper challenge but we managed. Probably won't see the 12,500 average goal but I will try and get some hikes in this month, within my council area of course.

UPDATE THE LETTERSENTERTAINYOU THREAD : No letters pages this month so this one was achieved with no effort at all.

TV APPEARANCE : Nothing from Tipping Point.

MUNROS : Not allowed.

MOVIE BLOGS : Completed.

ACII : Completed.

WRITING TO THARG : The dearth of Dreddlines and Nerve Centres have wilted my muse somewhat but I did send one in today. Hoping for a 50th birthday hurrah.

STRETCH GOAL : Get a 500+ RATING ON CHESS.COM. : Presently at 326. Low has been 100 with a high of 384. Was doing well until I read a strategy book and forgot the basics. Currently have a  132W/124L/26D record which I'm quite happy with, not least because my crappy new mesh router cost me 3 of the defeats

STRETCH GOAL : Read this Charlton Heston book I bought in the Wigton bookshop earlier this year.

Have pretty much stopped reading due to chess and Cobra Kai so let's get this tome of diary entries done in a month .

OK, see you next month when we can conclude this matter and never speak of it again!


That's fantastic progress.

I'm not fixating too much on steps at the moment (though I do have the occasional w@$k thinking about H) but to help me get to my daily total, I will pace up and down while watching a TV show. Subtitles on helps.

Mrs Tips and I also do TEAM BODY PROJECT workouts (youtube) three or four times a week which help us repack our Fitbit exercise goals. I can send you a link for a great starter one.

And I am currently doing dry JABuary- no booze until I get my first dose (of the vaccine). Amazing the difference that a dry month or so makes. It's not just the booze it's the attendant snacking on crisps and hummous.
Be excellent to each other. And party on!


Well, here we are. 500 days since that innocent youth posted his list of rash challenges. The world has changed a lot in the interim and although it has been a terrible time at least it has afforded us plenty of excuses for staying fat and drinking too much. It has also allowed some the more sedentary pursuits to be exploited and that's where any successes I've managed have come from. Let's take a look at the list of challenges and see where we got to.

LOSE WEIGHT : Static for the last month so still about 14.5 stone or 203lbs. This one has to go down as a fail albeit one with plenty of caveats. At the height of the first lockdown I hit 16 stone 8lbs, so I'm two stone down from that but still two stone overweight. I have kept up the running and walking and moderated the drinking and takeaways so the trajectory is downwards. The closing of the gyms didn't help with mine still a month away from potentially opening. Rangers winning the Scottish League didn't help either as a few bottles were opened to celebrate and I got this Just Eat code. I'll keep on it and will reactivate this thread (God no!) when I hit the magic number.

UPDATE MY MOVIE BLOGS REGULARLY : Success! Both the 'W' Movie blog and the Definite Article blogs were bothered consistently with the 350 and 250 posts marks being hit respectively. I quite enjoyed the self enforced demand of watching films I'd normally miss but I think both have hit a natural end point for now.

UPDATE THE LETTERSENTERTAINYOU THREAD FOR EACH PUBLICATION EVENT : Success! This was quite easy due to the dearth of Nerve Centres and Dreddline over the last year. We haven't seen a Dreddlines for well over a year and the Prog sees letters only every 6 weeks or so. I have however logged every effort and offered some constructive criticism to each These seem relatively popular (compared to this thread at least!) with each registering around 1000 views. I will keep this up for the foreseeable future.

AVERAGE 12,5000 STEPS A DAY : Partial fail. Well OK, fail then. My average on Fitbit is given as 10,638. 1000 steps takes about ten minutes so my total represents 100 minutes of walking/running a day - every day! Not always easy as the weather has been poor and I don't have a dog. Kept myself at 10k minimum steps a day and I like the motivation to taking an hour's walk at lunchtime every day.

GET 105 LETTERS PRINTED : Managed to get two taking me to 101. That may sound feeble but only 42 letters were printed in 2020 with no Dreddlines printed at all. Talk about a deck stacked against you! My hits were in Prog 2165 (Letter of the Week) and this week's issue (2225) which was kind of Tharg as it was basically a begging letter about getting some birthday greetings.

PASS ACII : Managed this in double quick time and won an award for 'Claims Practice' to boot. With distractions this would have taken 3 years but lockdown saw it off in 9 months.

GET ON TV AGAIN : Apart from an archive shot of me on an ITV montage this has to be a fail but with the caveat that almost no one was recruiting. I filled in a couple of applications but didn't even get a reply. Thanks Ben Shepherd!

BAG 50 MUNROS : Managed one, Schiehallion, before they were all locked up for the rest of the year. Will get back to this when I'm free to do so.

STRETCH GOAL : GET A 500 RATING ON CHESS.COM :  Fail! Presently at 354 having gotten to a high of 405. Still enjoying it and I have a winning records of 206 W 198L 43D. Hard to get out of my bracket with wins and losses almost balancing each other out. I have read books and watched videos, most of which has just set me back. Look up Buttonman1969 if you want some cheap pieces.

STRETCH GOAL : Read Charlton Heston's 'An Actor's Life'. Finished it. 480 odd dense pages but enjoyable stuff in 10-15 page nuggets. Interesting insights into the film making process and he is wonderfully indiscrete about the failings he sees in other actors. Reading this I realised that the Dredd ape character 'Harry Heston' was a nod to Chuck. Duh!

Well that's that done. 50 now so pipe and slippers for me. Thanks for all the words of encouragement and good luck to all who are trying to improve themselves in these difficult times. Take care!

Funt Solo

Happy Birthday, young fellow!

Quote from: Buttonman on 01 April, 2021, 12:04:35 AM
...only 42 letters were printed in 2020...

Wait - how would you even know that? Nobody would do that. It's inconceivable.
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.

Trooper McFad

Happy Birthday and welcome to the club.
Well done on all fronts that were allowed. I took inspiration from your challenge (weight loss) but like you I got stuck halfway to my goal 😖. I too will push on and with lockdown easing my walking footy should start soon and help on the extra exercise.

Keep up the good work and hopefully some of your other goals will be achieved 👍🏻
Citizens are Perps who haven't been caught ... yet!

Colin YNWA

Well done on reaching 50, mine approaches and my targets are to pester this board with 797234 more Topics which are just me screaming VOTE FOR THINGS ITS FUN. So its clear your endeavours are far more valid and significent.

If I may be so bold as to venture a view on your greatest success - and that is of course for you to decide - but for me it seems that you are motivated to carry on with the things you 'failed' and that sir is to your credit.

Of course this place isn't about being nice and supportive and more piling in to support your self depricating humour so I will leave with a witty and caustic remark of your choice as I'm too tired old and lazy to come up with one myself!


Well done for the things you succeeded with and even more well done for continuing to do the things which you don't consider yourself to have succeeded with!


p.s. as this thread will be on haitus I might transfer my goals to a new thread...


Well done on reaching 500 and 50! Don't really count as fails, you tried that's what matters  ;)
DDT did a job on me