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Started by Proudhuff, 11 June, 2012, 02:32:01 PM

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Funt Solo

Dog - you need a new thread called "things you wouldn't put on your CV" or "skills for the apocalypse" - you've got the most efficient way to molotov a car. I know how to jimmy a Yale (purely for altruistic purposes, I should add). Does anyone know how to make moonshine?
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.

von Boom

As a matter of fact moonshine was part of my work in my first year at uni. It's surprisingly easy. My professor took it one step further and showed us how to make it in about ten seconds with the right equipment.

Dog Deever

I believe it might have been over the heads of relationship issues, from what's been said (which means 'possibly not even true'). There was a bit of 'shouting the odds incoherently' a wee while before so I'd guess there might have been fisticuffs and repercussions but that's speculation based on... well... observations of the neighbourhood spanning several years-
like the time I was walking home at night and happened upon the aftermath of a stabby fight where one belligerent was complaining bitterly "Ah've been stabbed by a waster!" (like that is worse than being stabbed by a community pillar) while his GF tried to usher him back inside "jist leave it", etc . At the time, all I could think was that I was mildly surprised that it hadn't happened to him before because I reckon half the neighbourhood would've taken a turn if they thought they'd get away with it. In fairness, he has been a lot quieter since then, so ye ken... sometimes it does take a bam to make a bam stop being a bam.

There's been a lot of nuts stuff that just shouldn't happen in the middle of some fields in a fairly sparsely populated rural location- the village is fairly notorious throughout the north of Scotland as punching respectably above its weight for absolute belters- it really is like a dark stain saying you come from here and I always make a point of saying I'm from not from here, I just have to live here.

It's not actually that bad though, it's more other peoples perceptions of the place- it's not like we're under the thrall of violent gangs (you have to go to Elgin for that kind of upmarket criminality)- all the nonsense is always personal and the heidbangers can punch, stab and firebomb each other as much as they want and I'll just never care.

Saying that, we used to have a local cop station but it got shut down years ago... because it got firebombed... and there were 3 pubs, then one of them... got torched...

Quote from: Funt Solo on 02 April, 2021, 08:46:09 PM
Dog - you need a new thread called "things you wouldn't put on your CV" or "skills for the apocalypse" - you've got the most efficient way to molotov a car. I know how to jimmy a Yale (purely for altruistic purposes, I should add). Does anyone know how to make moonshine?

Logical deduction from 'known stuff'... but I have comedy stereotyping and a username to live up to.

Cold tea wine, yes- ready in around two weeks but absolutely foul beyond thole. And calling it 'wine' is a not inconsiderable stretch- it is 'the tipple of the desperate'... a man of your refinement has no use for this knowledge. Adding vodka to your tea would likely taste better and have a similar conceptual distance from 'wine'. Drinking it is very much the 'sniffing tippex' of alcohol consumption.
But not moonshine specifically, no- 'home distilling' is probably somewhere on you tube though- I once got recommended a video on how to manufacture 'natural painkillers' from poppy heads...

The comments were hilarious. I'm not sure what to make of the person who uploaded that- 'deranged hippy' springs to mind. I hadn't even been watching anything remotely dodgy either- rotator cuff exercises IIRC.
Looks easy enough though...
Just a little rough and tumble, Judge man.


Quote from: Funt Solo on 02 April, 2021, 08:46:09 PM
Dog - you need a new thread called "things you wouldn't put on your CV" or "skills for the apocalypse" - you've got the most efficient way to molotov a car. I know how to jimmy a Yale (purely for altruistic purposes, I should add). Does anyone know how to make moonshine?

Definitely Not Mister Pops

Why is egg nog associated with Christmas and not Easter?
You may quote me on that.


Quote from: Mister Pops on 03 April, 2021, 02:57:12 PM
Why is egg nog associated with Christmas and not Easter?


"Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest"




That has to be whatever the current bizarro-world version of astroturfing is. Doesn't it...?  :-\

The Legendary Shark

Of all the things in this world deserving of hatred, actors acting roles has to be amongst the very least of them - if such can be included at all. My heart goes out to all these hateful human beings - may they each find love and all the joys it brings.



Aye. I'm reminded of the lady who used to play Hilda from Coronation Street and how she used to get verbal abuse on the street. I mean, did people realise that she wasn't REALLY Hilda?

Actually it could have been Mrs Mangel from Neighbours either. One of the two anyway.  Probably both in fact.
"Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest"

The Legendary Shark

I have a Hilda Ogden/Jean Alexander story.

When I was young and not quite legendary yet, I worked at Woolworth's in Southport at weekends and school holidays. I saw Ms Alexander, who lived in Southport (or maybe Formby) at the time, walking through the shop but, as she was out of costume, I recognised her but didn't know who she was. Assuming that she was one of my Grandmother's seemingly infinite group of friends, I smiled and said hello.

She looked at me like I'd just pissed in her handbag and marched off in a huff.

Some years later, at Manchester Airport, I was told to f*ck off by someone I didn't recognise who turned out to be George Harrison.

Stars. They're an odd bunch.



Heh.  Sounds a bit Hilda-ish alright. 

On a less impressive scale, I was doing a painting job in the city centre a couple of years ago and saw someone I knew on the street.  I opened my mouth to start talking but then realised I couldn't remember who he was.  He looked back at me equally confusedly, and then I realised I didn't know him at all, he was merely Todd Unctious from Father Ted, so I thought I'd better close my mouth and walk on.
"Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest"

Link Prime

Quote from: JayzusB.Christ on 07 April, 2021, 10:25:40 PM
I mean, did people realise that she wasn't REALLY Hilda?

Forget about that and answer one simple question; why did you let them capture Ragnar, you useless bastard?