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Life is sometimes sort of okay because...

Started by House of Usher, 23 March, 2009, 05:17:47 PM

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Funt Solo

When I had my knee operation, they checked a ka-zillion times that everyone was in complete agreement as to exactly which knee was the correct one to be cutting open ... then they cut my knob off.

Parts of this story are true.
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.


At my advanced age, I think I'd miss a knee more than me knob.  I'd make an even worse living if I had to rely on the latter instead of the former, and now I come to think of it, given the state of my belly, I've not seen either for a while.


Speaking of knobs dropping off, I got my first Pfizer jab yesterday.  A huge relief after my first real Covid scare three days before - If it had been a positive result I'd have had no chance of a vaccination for at least 6 months, not to mention fecked lungs and no sense of taste in the best case scenario.

No side effects apart from a very slight dead arm for the day, and the guy with the needle even agreed to photograph it as I was doing it (not that I'll be sharing those photos on any social media; I can do without being called a microchipped, bloodclotted sheep with 5G poisoning).  I believe my second jab in a month's time will feel like a full-on hangover but I'll cross that bridge when I come to it - it's not like it's a feeling I'm unfamiliar with, and it won't come with the usual added guilt and shame.

"Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest"


Life is sort of okay for me, because last week I had one of those terrifying blood tests upon which your life and future depend, and one of those invasive examinations which men of my age will be sadly all-too familiar.

I therefore spent the week absolutely convinced that the symptoms that led to my gp in the first place were obviously indicative of the very worst.

However, they're not! Well, there are strange markers in my blood that are worrying, but that word that we all live in fear of hearing from the mouths of medical people was only mentioned in terms of "it's probably not that". So- I have tablets and more tests. The first tablet has made me feel like someone has sneaked me onto a waltzer fairground ride, but that's fine and I will get used to them. I await further effects happy in the knowledge I may not be pushing up daisies as soon as I had feared.


And tomorrow I have a Sunday appointment at a hospital in another town, which will result in me having gel smeared into my eyes for hopefully the last time. I may have to blindly feel my way back to the railway station and then home afterwards, but at least I wont have to do it again- I hope.



Delighted to hear it, SBT.  I've had more than one of those kind of examinations middle-aged men live in fear of, and know all too well how much of a relief it is to hear that I didn't have to make funeral plans just yet.

And best of luck with the eye thing.  Sounds like a huge leap forward from a few years ago when it was looking much worse for your eyesight.

"Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest"


Thankyou. And yes, losing my sight is pretty close to my biggest fear, and having sticks shoved under my eyeballs one of the most unpleasant things I've ever had done to me. I won't be sorry to see the back of all that.



Yikes, SBT! You really have been through the mill. Glad to hear that the outlook is good.

Best of luck to you!

And ditto to yourself Jayzus. Got the jab myself last week and not a bother from it, save for a slightly sore arm and a wee pain in the gulliver. So all is good!


Quote from: paddykafka on 22 May, 2021, 06:02:27 PM
Yikes, SBT! You really have been through the mill. Glad to hear that the outlook is good.

Best of luck to you!

And ditto to yourself Jayzus. Got the jab myself last week and not a bother from it, save for a slightly sore arm and a wee pain in the gulliver. So all is good!

Great to hear it! Onwards and upwards
"Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest"


Good news gents, always very welcome.


Well, in this sad, harrowing times of covid epidemic, I found myself trying to washing it away with clips of Hale and Pace. Forgot how much these two gents were funny. Yorkshire Airlines, here I come!
Reyt, you lot. Shut up, belt up, 'n if ye can't see t' bloody exit, ye must be bloody blind.


Second Jag yesterday, no side effect, all good!! and a week's hols next week.
DDT did a job on me


Quote from: Proudhuff on 27 May, 2021, 03:43:30 PM
Second Jag yesterday, no side effect, all good!! and a week's hols next week.

Second Jag?  What are you, a deputy prime minister?


Quote from: sheridan on 27 May, 2021, 05:52:44 PM
Quote from: Proudhuff on 27 May, 2021, 03:43:30 PM
Second Jag yesterday, no side effect, all good!! and a week's hols next week.

Second Jag?  What are you, a deputy prime minister?

Oh, well played.

Glad to hear it, though, Proudhuff.  My second one is in three weeks - in your face, Covid, you spikey little bollix.
"Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest"


Finally saw the business end of a (first) needle this morning (Moderna, if anyone is keeping score - thanks Dolly!  :thumbsup:), in the truly impressive Citywest Conference Centre location (the vaccination operation, not the ugly planning-permission-defying dump itself).

I won't get into the bizarre mental double-vision I'm struggling with these days, suffice to say if there's an opposite to anti-Vaxxer or Covid-denier I'm it, but filing silently into an army-manned processing centre still left me with an unwanted insight into the upsetting view of the world that some people must experience.

The flip side of this was how heartening it was to see so many individuals, and so much effort and organisation, contributing to a national and international project. Maybe there's some hope for the bigger battles to come, if self-interest can align with sense on this scale.

Funt Solo

Congrats. I was lucky - despite living in a weird dichotomy of a country, my Covid experience was very homely - it was set up in a local school's gymnasium, and I actually got the injection from a colleague who is also a nurse.

But, sure, if you thought the needle contained nefarious nano-ware piloted by Bill "Blofeld" Gates, there's not much that wouldn't be awful about it.
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.