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The Great Dante Readthrough Podcast

Started by Simon Fraser, 26 February, 2021, 06:50:38 PM

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Thanks for this once again, Edie and Simon.  I'll miss you both while you're on your (much-deserved) podcast break.  Really interesting discussion of a really important scene (that post-coital scene in the shack, of course). 

I don't think 2000ad has ever had a more sexually explicit scene than that one - Jena talking about 'over and over again' as her hand did something to Dante just off-panel, and then grumbling about how 'some things shrink when commitment is mentioned' when Dante turns away from her with a look of shame.  I seem to remember the internet being up in arms over a far less overt Marvel scene when Thor's mental issues put paid to his bedroom antics.

But more than that, it was when everything changed - Dante and Jena finally realising their love for each other, and then the reality of war dashing their dreams in minutes.  It was also about the time when Nikolai began to really start leaving his Loaded-stye Dikolai antics behind him, and I started warming to the character properly.  As always, the podcast has made me appreciate Dante on a much deeper level and realise the absolute epic scale of what Robbie and Simon crafted over the years.
"Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest"


Forgot to say - I can't believe it took the podcast to make me realise that 'All the Russias' meant the entire world.  Obvious in hindsight!
"Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest"

Colin YNWA

Finished this one off this morning on my run and look forward to you returning when you are good and ready. Its been a blast so far and I'm (almost) as excited about the idea of interviews with all involved. It will make this an even more of glorious companion piece to Dante. If and when those get done they will be an fantastic addition.

You've certainly picked a good place to pause and returning on Tsar Wars will be quite a thing and something I'm looking forward to a tremendous amount.

Most importantly though have a lovely honeymoon. May all those distilleries serve you well and whatever else you get up to be fun.

See you on the otherside.


Quote from: Colin YNWA on 11 June, 2021, 01:46:57 PM

Most importantly though have a lovely honeymoon. May all those distilleries serve you well and whatever else you get up to be fun.

Ah yes, apologies, should have mentioned that! Have an amazing honeymoon - a tour of distilleries sounds absolutely brilliant.
"Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest"

Bad Andy

I've just finished the entire run of Nikolai Dante for the first time. Gosh I think they got the ending just right.

How satisfying.

Going back a couple of weeks, I'm not having Nikolai with a glasweigan accent. My dad's from Glasgow and NO WAY is Nikolai sounding like my dad. No way. I'm not having it.

Funt Solo

I don't know - saying "diavolo" in a Glasgow accent is quite fun.
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.

The Monarch

plus minor spoiler ahead [spoiler]one of Dantes disguises later on is scottish so its not far off xd[/spoiler]


HELLO IRREGULARS! How is your summer going?

We miss you and we hope you're doing ok. We're still in Scotland, but the honeymoon is over (cue weeping) but we managed to drive (well, Simon did) about 2500 miles through Alba's islands and Highlands and we're married.

So that means season 2 of the podcast is coming!

Ideas for season two:

-Continuing our readthrough (of course)
-Edie and Simon chatting with people about their involvement in Dante (artists, editors, publisher big wigs etc)

So what would you like to hear in season two? We're open to suggestions.

We'll be overseas through the beginning of September, so look for episodes to resume at the end of that month. When we're back in the Delta-soaked United States! Yay! Oh well, more time to stay quarantined inside our home to be safe and make more episodes.



Bad Andy

I do like the idea of guests on the show. Not that you two aren't gold, but might be good to freshen it up  bit for series 2.

Colin YNWA

Yeah I love the story insights from the two of you but guests will add an extra dimension.

For me though its best if these were done as extras / specials and the podcast as a whole remains the reflections of the core team (you and Simon) on what you read. That way we have a 'travelogue' through a single 'journey' and a personal insight on one level. Then the more resource / compaign piece on another.

Whatever you decide and find time for I'm looking forward to it immensely and

CONGRATULATIONS on ... errr completing the honeymoon... hope you had fun.

Barrington Boots

Hurray! Honeymoons rule and so does this Podcast returning.

Going forward, more of what we've had before, please! I'd definitely be interested to hear the thoughts of other Dante 'alumni' in the same sort of relaxed format.
You're a dark horse, Boots.


This near to the end of the year I'll bet the honeymoon seems like something that happened an age ago - but you have to start off the next series with a brief run-down of how it went - did you visit many distilleries?  Or is that just something that the Irregulars would do while in Scotland?


Hi Simon and Eddie, I'm not sure if you are still checking in here but I just wanted to say how much I've enjoyed the podcast and am now finally up to date. (It's been a bit surreal reading it given what is actually going on in the real world now).

The podcast has really added to my enjoyment and understanding of the strip and you have addressed a few things I was wondering about myself. Like how come Dante knew where Jena's cabin was.

I was wondering when you'll be back? Hopefully it will be soon.


Eadie not Eddie.

Blinking autocorrect😢.


When I saw that this thread had been updated I thought that meant there was a new season of podcasts starting!  Alas, no - just somebody else in the same boat as me, waiting for it to begin again :-)