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NEXT UP - Anniversary Special - Writers Solhiem Cup

Started by Colin YNWA, 16 June, 2021, 06:37:37 AM

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Colin YNWA

I tend towards the writer end of the spectrum. But I can defo appreciate a story more with good art, however bad BUT bad art can wreck even the best story and make an average story unreadable BUT you can be a great story with average art cos great writing has a bigger influence on me.

Colin YNWA

Who qualifies for Team Classic?

So the divide I went for was Classic, essentially artists who we don't really expect to appear in the Prog, or Meg anytime soon. Whose work for Tharg seems to be done, the odd one off, or occasional Dredd aside. We'd welcome many of these back with open arms - just not expecting it anytime soon. These 16 who meant this criteria AND have the most content make up the team.

So Team Classic consists of:

Alan Grant
Robbie Morrison
Gerry Finley Day
John Smith
Garth Ennis
Alan McKenzie
Mark Millar
Si Spurrier
Tom Tully
Grant Morrison
Alan Hebden
Al Ewing
Alan Moore
John Tomlinson
Steve Moore
Michael Fleisher


So of course there's not room for everyone in this 32-droid line-up, but I wonder if in your 'Current' team your fingers slipped and you meant to type 'Milligan' instead of 'Hogan'??

Of course both people could be in either team, making it all a little fiddly. I'm still holding out for 'The Devil's Railroad' to appear out of the blue one day...

Colin YNWA

Let's talk about the Uncle Pat in the room

So one question that needs addressing is why is Uncle Pat still in Team Current? He's told us he's retired has he, done with Tharg and off to pasture creator owned. Well yes - except we know he has work lined up - the Joe Pineapples story that was going to be Biz but is now... was it Clint Langley - I forget. He's also mentioned that he has ideas to wrap up a couple of other series. Now whether we'll see them remains a consideration BUT given that he's said Joe Pineapples is being drawn I think we will see it at some point.

How long he'll be in Current is open to debate but for now in my mind he still qualifies (I have a backup identified if that causes trouble.

Similarly there are a lot of writers that straddle era and I did debate setting John Wagner aside BUT he qualifies, he's still writing, we know he has material coming and is still a present force so fo me he is still Team Current.

Colin YNWA

Quote from: AlexF on 18 June, 2021, 09:32:13 AM
So of course there's not room for everyone in this 32-droid line-up, but I wonder if in your 'Current' team your fingers slipped and you meant to type 'Milligan' instead of 'Hogan'??

Of course both people could be in either team, making it all a little fiddly. I'm still holding out for 'The Devil's Railroad' to appear out of the blue one day...

Not far off - I actually omitted Peter Milligan from that run down but fear not he is very much in the Current Team line-up - as is Peter Hogan.

Thanks for the catch.

Colin YNWA

Voting in the Writers Solhiem Cup

Voting will be the same as last time - in the Artist Ryder Cup:

Essentially rather than a binary a over b, each voter will have 5 votes to distribute as they please. NO HALF MARKS though, only whole numbers.

So if Current Writer A is MILES better than Classic Writer  A you can award all 5 votes to Current Writer A = 5 : 0

If Current Writer B is a LOT better than Classic Writer B, but you want to give a nod to Classic Writer B then maybe you'd go for a 4 : 1 split

If it's really tight and there's a hair's breadth between them maybe you'll go Current Writer C - 3 votes, Classic Writer C - 2 votes = 3: 2 split

NO HALF MARKS whole numbers only, but you can allocate your 5 votes between the two options in that tie as you like, but have to state a preference. I suppose you don't even have to use all 5 votes if you don't want to.

If you can't be arsed with that faff - that's fine just name the artist you prefer but I'll only award them 3 votes - none to the other writer.

I'm going to let reduced tied votes stand for now. If we get too many though I might make an executive decision mid tourney to encourage as few ties as possible.

Writer with the highest number of votes wins that round and scores a point for their team in the overall score.

Anyway cos the voting is more faffy we'll just have one tie a day. Over 16 ties that's 4ish weeks for this one (I'll skip weekends as ever). Each vote will be 3 days as normal.

Colin YNWA


Look this is for Fun (I've copied and pasted this, from a copy and paste... and done edits, so ya know if this feels familiar...) this means the rules are what the rules are. Guidelines to help us all chug along and enjoy this and find some consistency and understanding of what the heck we are doing.

1. MOST IMPORTANTLY - any writer who appears in these votes is a better writer than we'll ever be AND YES THAT INCLUDES MR MILLER and so even if you really don't like someone's work (which is fine) keep it lovely like I know you can.

   1a. The art of writing is massively subjective so we won't agree on what makes a good story, but we're talking favourites here. So by all means disagree with each other, be surprised about folks' decisions, debate and chew over, but be lovely and remember you ain't going to change anyone's mind about whose art they prefer so why try!

1b. Runner privilege means that yes I do whinge like no one's business when votes don't go the way I want them to... I need to learn to get over these things!

2. I will start one thread a day - Monday to Friday - all you need to do is allocate 5 votes between them (as whole numbers) to say who is your favourite and by how much.

   2a. We are only considering work for Tharg here, so Prog and Meg - defo counted. I don't however give a fig if you think Skreemer or Outcasts is the best EVVVEEEERRRRRR, it's not for Tharg so we shouldn't consider it here - though you can of course discuss it.

   2b. When we consider sister publications it gets a bit fuzzy, so I take a much more casual - decide for yourself - attitude. For me I'd say Crisis, yeah sure include that, Starlord and Tornado, you know why not. Revolver... maybe, I wouldn't, but if you do, heck how the hell will I know?!?

3. For each tie simply type the allocation of your 5 votes for each Script Droid so for example:

Woolly 4 : Colin YNWA 1

- feel free to say what you will after that, but it will help me (being lazy and all) if you type the names and the votes at the top of the comment - or make it clear otherwise by adding Bold tags.

3a. If you can't be bothered with that, just name the artist you prefer - clearly - and I'll award them a default 3 votes (the other artist getting nowt)

4. I will count up the votes for each artist in each thread after 3 days of it starting and announce the winner of the tie and the overall tourney scores:

Classic Writers x Points (i.e. ties won): Current Writer Y points

5. In the event of a tie both teams score ½ point each.

6. We are voting for our favourite, so not whose had the most impact, or is most important. There are no scales for objectively who's the best writer. It's art, it's whose stuff you like to read the most. We won't agree and there are no right answers (except where I say there is so I can bitch and moan about some writer I love not getting as many votes as I think they deserve.)

7. I'm winging this so anything thing I've forgotten I'll make up as we go along.

See you Monday when this all kicks off...

Colin YNWA

Damnit - when typing up the ties it occured to me I've made another mistake on Team Current.  To that end rather than swop someone out there will now be a bonus 17th tie (which I'll drop in the middle) and add in the next qualifying Team Classic Droid to match up with them!

Sorry folks!

Funt Solo

Quote from: Colin YNWA on 17 June, 2021, 03:33:37 PM
Quote from: The Mind of Wolfie Smith on 17 June, 2021, 01:32:07 PM
city of the damned 5-0

Get out now....

... just get out...


Although perhaps there's room for a Best Frame From City of the Damned Tourney?
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.