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Alan Grant or Pat Mills - Writers Solhiem Cup - Tie 1

Started by Colin YNWA, 21 June, 2021, 06:25:52 AM

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Colin YNWA

Team Classic vs. Team Current
Only work for Tharg to be Considered

The crowd is going wild, literally days of anticipation are now over as we kick off the first of 16 ties to determine which era of 2000ad has the greatest writing Droids, the deep and rich history OR the current bunch, still cranking out thrill after thrill for Tharg.

And what an opening tie we have (genuinely this was the first pairing out the hat!) , demonstrating the rich history of the Prog and Tharg's organs beyond. Very few, maybe only one other Droid has a history for Tharg as these two. Not much needs to be said, but some head scratching needs to be done.

The jubilant crowd suddenly falls respectfully silent as they realise the scale of the competition they are about to witness.

Time for you to decide your favourite as the droids square up to the tee...

Alan Grant - more info


Pat Mills - more info

Remember for this tourney you have 5 votes to distribute as you please between these two artists, whole numbers only. So you can vote 5 - 0; 4 - 1; or 3 - 2; either way depending on how much more you like one artist's work over the other.

If you can't be doing with that just name your favourite - remember bold tags, or other ways of highlighting always appreciated - and I'll give them 3 votes and nowt to the other droid.

Three day votes, so this one ends morning of Thursday 24th June

Remember we only consider work for Tharg in these Tourneys

What the heck is all this about - well we have a thread for that

How does this voting work? Look here

I don't understand how this works, what are the rules of the Solhiem Cup - yep got ya covered there too

Anything else just ask and I'll make something up. Most importantly, have fun!


When I die, I want to die like my grandfather who died peacefully in his sleep. Not screaming like all the passengers in his car.

Old age is the Lord's way of telling us to step aside for something new. Death's in case we didn't take the hint.



Well a doozy to kick things off. I know we wouldn't all be on here having these discussions if it wasn't for Uncle Pat, but for me his polemic too often gets in the way of the story. As Mr Grant keeps things more subtle, my scores are:

Alan Grant 3, Pat Mills 2.



Mills at his best produced simply the greatest thrills to ever appear in the Prog (apart from the odd Dredd and Stront) in the early to middle books of Nemesis, early Slaine and the first book of ABC Warriors. On the other hand his later stuff (last 30 years really) was no where near that standard.

Alan Grant was responsible for some of the very best Dredds, but these were co-written with Wagner so it's hard to know who wrote what. Plus Stront and Anderson. I somehow think he doesn't get the credit he deserves.


Alan 2
Pat 3


It's true that Grant doesn't get the credit he deserves, I know I'm guilty of it but it's partly because many of his solo Dredd stories have been frankly, poor. But then, his solo Anderson stories have been, largely, amazing. Still and all, I literally don't think I'd be the person I am today without the writing of Pat Mills, even taking into account his lazier, retreading work. Such a weird thing to have to quantify.

Mills 4, Grant 1.


Wow, this is gonna be a juicy topic. Almost all writers left an indelible mark on 2000ad, so it's tough to go picking up.

I gotta go with Alan 3, Pat 2.

I'd rather split 2.5 each, but bloody hell. I was never really a staunch decision man.
Reyt, you lot. Shut up, belt up, 'n if ye can't see t' bloody exit, ye must be bloody blind.


Quote from: abelardsnazz on 21 June, 2021, 08:24:37 AM. As Mr Grant keeps things more subtle...

I would remind you of BLAIR 1 going to hell as punishment for doing a bad job as PM...

Pat's not as good as he was, and his self-righteous ranting grates on me these days, but, well, Sláine, Nemesis and the ABC Warriors make up for everything.  Even his obscure Ronald Reagan Diceman story would make up for everything. 

Sorry, Alan, but it's PAT 4, ALAN 1

"Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest"


For sheer hit to miss ratio I'm gonna go:

Alan Grant - 4

Pat Mills - 1

Rogue Judge

When Grant worked with Wagner, it was all magically so good...however, I can't say I've enjoyed his individual contributions as much. I enjoy a lot of early mills stuff, and  the Volgan Wars in more "recent" times, so its Pat for me.

Alan Grant 2 : Pat Mills 3

Leigh S

Despite my absolute love for Stront above all else, no contest when considering Grant's solo output v the man who gave us Slaine, Nemesis, ABC Warriors and 2000AD, even before yiiu factor in the hard work he put in making Judge Dredd live up to Carlos's vision.

Pat 4, Grant 1



Funt Solo

Two exceptional comic-writing talents. What swings it is Nemesis the Warlock.

Mills 3 : 2 Grant
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.