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Garth Ennis or Rob Williams - Writers Solhiem Cup - Tie 2

Started by Colin YNWA, 22 June, 2021, 06:21:52 AM

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Colin YNWA

Team Classic vs. Team Current
Only work for Tharg to be Considered

There will be many occasions when emphasizing that we are only thinking about work within Tharg's Sphere is being considered (see the rules link below for details) but few when it will be more relevant. Both these writers have gone on to have astonishing careers in the US and across comics. Here though we are considering a subset of that work. So however good I think War Stories / Battlefields are, however much I love UnFollow I will be banishing them from my noggin and focusing on work like Troubled Souls (I count Crisis) and Low Life here.

Time for you to decide your favourite as the droids square up to the tee...

Garth Ennis - more info


Rob Williams - more info

Remember for this tourney you have 5 votes to distribute as you please between these two artists, whole numbers only. So you can vote 5 - 0; 4 - 1; or 3 - 2; either way depending on how much more you like one artist's work over the other.

If you can't be doing with that just name your favourite - remember bold tags, or other ways of highlighting always appreciated - and I'll give them 3 votes and nowt to the other droid.

Three day votes, so this one ends morning of Thursday 24th June

Remember we only consider work for Tharg in these Tourneys

What the heck is all this about - well we have a thread for that

How does this voting work? Look here

I don't understand how this works, what are the rules of the Solhiem Cup - yep got ya covered there too

Anything else just ask and I'll make something up. Most importantly, have fun!


Garth only became a writer once he left 2000ad, I love the man but his prog work is just a no for me.

Whereas Williams is the best c21 Dredd writer - he gets Wagner's terse noble savage Dredd and creates great secondary characters.

5-0 Williams.
If I'd known it was harmless I would have killed it myself.!/FutureShockd


Rob 5 Ennis 0

Ennis work outside the prog is great but this is about the prog
When I die, I want to die like my grandfather who died peacefully in his sleep. Not screaming like all the passengers in his car.

Old age is the Lord's way of telling us to step aside for something new. Death's in case we didn't take the hint.



I quite like Judgement Day *ducks* but Rob has developed Dredd's world with tremendous style via Low Life, Enceladus, Judge Smiley etc.

Garth Ennis 1, Rob Williams 4.



Early Ennis is better than early Williams, no contest, but late Williams is way better than any Ennis.
Williams 4, Ennis 1



Wow, you lot are harsh to Garth. I quite enjoyed Emerald Isle and Judgement Day. Rob, on the other hand...meh. So--

Garth 5
Rob 0

Reyt, you lot. Shut up, belt up, 'n if ye can't see t' bloody exit, ye must be bloody blind.

James Stacey

Just looking at 2000ad output there's no comparison.
Garth 1 - 4 Rob but only as it feels mean to give a zero


Garth 1 - Rob 4

Basically, what most of you lot said.

Ps. At LAST an easy one to vote on!
The hippo has wisdom, respect the hippo.


Yeah, has to be a 5-0 drubbing with Rob Williams doing laps afterwards and the crowd going nuts.



Funt Solo

Williams 3 : 2 Ennis

I like Williams drive to actually do something with characters, but we still ended up with shouty maniacs on Titan (again) and now Super-Hershey (all down to some alien magic sauce), so it's not all a bed of roses. End of Days is a sort of literary romp, but it's arguably not really Dredd.

Ennis was a sort of confectioner of Dredd during his tenure - but it was well written, well plotted and always entertaining.
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.

Dog Deever

I like 'Death Aid'. There are a couple of other Ennis Dredd yarns I think are okay as well. Not a vote for Ennis or anything- I also like a lot of Morrison's output too.
Just a little rough and tumble, Judge man.