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Started by SmallBlueThing, 04 February, 2011, 12:40:44 PM

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Just watched  M. Night Shyamalan's The Village (2004) for the first time in ages. Good cast story runs along at a slow but suitable pace,but it is ruined by the twist at the end and if you have seen it before you loose alot of the mystic of the story. Not a bad film overall worthspending 1 1/2- 2hrs on if you have nothing better to do


Some guy who kills people

This was a rewatch because I just wanted to watch something.  It's mostly a sweet story about an estranged Father connecting with his Daughter... plus murders.  It's adorable.  Except when it isn't.  Oh and there is a love interest with that woman who was in the Office and that Wonder Woman film.

Scanners 2

This was better than it has any right to be.  Really happy with this one.  Watch it on the sole basis it stars David Hewlett and I've been watching a lot of SG1 recently.  It ended up being everything I hoped it would.  It is in that kinda goofy transitional period between the 80s and 90s, it's kinda cheap looking despite outdoing the original in exploding heads and it's pretty silly.  I was hoping for a good time, I had a good time, but it did end up being a lot better than I was expecting.


The Breakfast Club

This movie I should've watch months ago, but I think went with some utter garbage instead. Anyway, I love this movie. It's not just 1980s thing, but rather universal stuff. John Hughes dissection of the inner lives of high school teenagers can't be relatable to everyone (everyone who went to school that is). Heck, I know we had a problematic case, a weirdo, a princess, a nerd and a jock. And teachers who are stuck at least 20 years in the past, wilfully unaware of the changes that each generations brings. I find fascinating about the film how easy it goes between funny and sad/serious. Which made to consider Hughes's teenage film rather as coming of age dramas, with humorous undertones. And as a bonus, the movie starts and ends with my favorite song. One thing i find odd here is the hooking of the problematic guy with the princess at the end when they all the movie spend at each other throats. Or maybe is true that there's a thin line between love and hate...?
Reyt, you lot. Shut up, belt up, 'n if ye can't see t' bloody exit, ye must be bloody blind.


Worst. Cinematic makeover. EVER!



Be excellent to each other. And party on!

The Enigmatic Dr X

Lock up your spoons!


I've been busy with films.

The Toll - 80 minute road horror.  A bit limited in scope and budget but a well put together horror film.  Even though I'm an '80s horror fan, I love the fact that we get so many decent horror films these days with fairly unique ideas.  A solid 7/10, watch once kind of effort. 

Predators - I wanted to see if I still don't like it.  It's not great.  But to be fair I like all of it until Laurence Fishburne turns up.  Then the momentum sort of disappears.  By the end I was bored.  And the lack of an ending makes it even more frustrating.  Has moments though. 

Hitman's Wife's Bodyguard - A generic action/comedy starring the generic Ryan Reynolds.  Every single modern action/comedy trick is used.  Action sequences set to kooky '80s pop hits etc.  Elevated considerably by Salma Hayek though who is brilliant in it.

Jeruzalem - low budget, low effort Cloverfield rip off.  Remember how Blair Witch got 95% of its tension from them just being lost in the woods?  Well this gets 95% of its tension from you watching girls getting a bit lost in Jerusalem.  Throw in some okayish demon things and you've got a weak horror film but not a terrible one.

Reservoir Dogs - I'm thinking of doing the entire QT run.  I love RD.  Oddly I didn't like it much in the cinema when it came out but now I love it.

Friday the 13th - the first one.  I'm a fan of the Fridays generally, much more so than Halloween (which I find insufferably dull).  Hadn't seen this one in so long that I'm not actually sure if I ever saw it at all.  Anyway, it was surprisingly good.  Not nearly as dated as I feared it'd be.

Meander - girl stuck in a pipe.  Basically its that film Cube but worse.

Terminator Salvation - much like Preds, I wanted to see if I still hate it.  Boy, I sure do.  The problem with Salvation is that there is nothing interesting in it.  Not enough Terminators, boring characters, lacklustre setpieces, stupid ending, even more stupid CGI Arnie.  Absolute shit.

Campfire Tales - middling horror anthology.  Has a couple of good ideas but not brilliantly executed.

The Suicide Squad - I can't say I've really liked a DC film since Superman 2 back in 1980 but that changed with this film.  I know it's not exactly high art but it was pretty funny, had good action and I was never bored.  Harley Quinn was as tolerable as I've seen her and even Idris isn't bad.  Loved it.

A Quiet Place 1 & 2 - hmmm.  I really like AQP when I first saw it but when I rewatched it to then watch AQP2 I ended up not liking it as much.  You can blame that squarely on the liability kids in both films.  Insufferable little fuckers.  Also, for sure don't have a baby when noise will get you torn apart immediately.  America has this thing in films/TV where babies trump everything and it often ruins the story.  Did you ever see Battlestar Galactica?  The guy's robot girlfriend gets pregnant and he immediately forgives her for her significant part in destroying all of humanity.  But anyway, AQP is still good but not as good as I thought.  AQP2 was a bit dull and stupid, much less enjoyable.

Blood Red Sky - decent mix of airplane heist and vampire horror.  Good concept, well executed.  Only let down by another liability kid.

How it Ends - super pretentious end of the world comedy.  Entirely up its own arse but I somehow enjoyed it.

Straight to Hell - Repo Man is my all-time favourite film, so I figured I'd see what else Alex Cox has done.  Oh boy, this was pure dogshit.  Although Joe Strummer and Dick Rude were okay in it.


I'm immediately going to have to leap to the defense of JeruZalem- which is not only one of my favourite found footage horror films, but is one of the more-played DVDs in my collection. I've seen this multiple times now, and every viewing adds new layers. I reckon it would be even more impressive if you were of a religious bent, which I'm not in the least, but even when looking at the subject matter as a load of whiffle and hokum it still manages to impress and disturb.

They keep threatening a sequel, but it never appears and it's probably too late now. A shame.


Funt Solo

Quote from: repoman on 20 August, 2021, 08:47:12 PM
Did you ever see Battlestar Galactica?  The guy's robot girlfriend gets pregnant and he immediately forgives her for her significant part in destroying all of humanity.

Most of the plotting of the new, improved BG was absolute bonkers, I agree. I mostly loved it for watching Adama's cratered fizzog grit it's way through every scene.
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.


Quote from: repoman on 20 August, 2021, 08:47:12 PM

Predators - I wanted to see if I still don't like it.  It's not great.  But to be fair I like all of it until Laurence Fishburne turns up.  Then the momentum sort of disappears.  By the end I was bored.  And the lack of an ending makes it even more frustrating.  Has moments though. 

Predators is the kind of movie that I bleat on just why they had to spoil the franchise after two immensely superb movies, which I keep very dear to me. Then, it was nothing compared to 2018's crapola. But I must say, Laurence Fishburne role may be the greatest asset to the film, in the way he plays a man who went mad. That's why I never understood why they had to include Topher Grace, whose part is basically redundant.

Straight to Hell - Repo Man is my all-time favourite film, so I figured I'd see what else Alex Cox has done.  Oh boy, this was pure dogshit.  Although Joe Strummer and Dick Rude were okay in it.

Yes, Repo is definitely a must see him. Too bad it may be the only valuable film by Alex, which suggests he was rather lucky.

Flash Gordon

It was okay film. Not bad as I thought at first it's gonna be. The acting is So-so (the actor who plays Flash horrible), dialogues ridiculous and direction rather sterile. But it had its moments. Max von Sydow was surprisingly good. Sets and costumes top-notch. Queen's theme song never bores from listening. If only the movie is treated more seriously. Superman is a campy film by today standards but you never get the feeling it turns into self-parody.
Reyt, you lot. Shut up, belt up, 'n if ye can't see t' bloody exit, ye must be bloody blind.


Kid Detective

CalHab sold it, I watched it.

I really liked this.  I kinda want to gush about this film but it would all be spoilers.  The kid detective and noir mix works really well.  It reminded me a little of Brick.  I am really impressed with what this film has to offer and I'm really glad CalHab watched it and piqued my interest with his synopsis.  Really liked the ending, it was a good choice.  Yeah, I'd recommend it even if you might not like it as much as me it's at least worth giving it a shot.

Definitely Not Mister Pops

Wrath of Kahn was on Film4 today.

It's such a well put together movie. There's horror tropes in the first act, cut between the Starfleet training stuff. The middle of the movie has very pleasing sciencey Trek, where the maguffin is explained in lovely technobabble. Then the cat & mouse game in the last act yields one of the most compelling space battles ever committed to screen.  Top it off with a delightful villain: Ricardo Montalban chewing scenery while proudly displaying his bosom.

The whole thing is fantastic.
You may quote me on that.


Jungle Cruise more like Jungle Snooze 😴
Actually it was alright if a bit to much like The Pirates movies, helps that I seem to like anything with The Rock in it and Ms Blunt is one of my favourite actresses working today.  Tried to watch Snake Eyes but that one truely put me to sleep, might try again at a late date.

CU Radbacker


Quote from: repoman on 20 August, 2021, 08:47:12 PM
Straight to Hell - Repo Man is my all-time favourite film, so I figured I'd see what else Alex Cox has done.  Oh boy, this was pure dogshit.  Although Joe Strummer and Dick Rude were okay in it.

I'd definitely recommend Walker and Sid & Nancy. I really rate Cox as a film-maker (and as host of Moviedrome) but his output has been uneven. Patchier, but still interesting is the Christopher Eccleston starring adaptation of Borges' Death and The Compass.