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Prog 2247 - Sick Building Syndrome

Started by Freddychopper, 28 August, 2021, 05:57:05 PM

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norton canes

Pretty good for a semi-jumping on prog (a 'semi-on'? perhaps not)

A promising start to 'The House on Bleaker Street' - and how very Niemand to imbue the titular towers with a personality. Love the way Dredd casually exhorts his junior colleague to catch the plunging infant. Sure thing, sir! Let me just extend a Chimpsky-esque limb and pluck him from the air! Couldn't be simpler!

Quote from: Barrington Boots on 31 August, 2021, 11:07:23 AM
I'm puzzled by Dredd telling the other judge to disregard spooky stories of the haunted block when he himself spends a load of time fighting all sorts of supernatural stuff..

Well, yes, but equally, I suppose he's hardly likely to tell his subordinate they're about to embark upon one of the most dangerous and terrifying escapades of their lives. (Or perhaps that's exactly the sort of thing Dredd would do..?)

Jaegir goes straight for the jugular, as usual. It's been fantastic to have the Rennie droid consistently in the prog of late. 

Quote from: The Corinthian on 01 September, 2021, 01:34:50 PM
There's an odd colouring error on page 3 of 'The Path of Kali', where the GI (Rosario?) is given normal human skin tones for her first appearance

I can only assume that the surfeit of cyan already in that frame put the O'Grady droid off its game!

Dexter continues to be a joy, it's really benefitted from a run of more than a couple of weeks. I mean plot-wise it's all a load of clichés but it's done with such elan. Klinks is the robot that guarded their apartment, right..?

BTW I was so intrigued as to how the Abnett droid came up with a name like 'Vegvísir' that I Googled it; turns out it's an "Icelandic magical stave intended to help the bearer find their way through rough weather". I mean you guys all knew that already, yeah?

The 3riller was decent enough; like most of us I had to go back to progs 2215-17 (not 2217 Tharg, come on, it's a 3riller, there's a clue in the name) to remind myself how the last one played out... suffice to say, I'm hoping for an equally gruesome and gratuitous payoff in a couple of weeks' time.

Is it bad of me to say that Skip Tracer always seems better when there's less dialogue?


Skip Tracer always seems better when there's less of all of it.

Barrington Boots

Quote from: norton canes on 01 September, 2021, 05:58:26 PM
BTW I was so intrigued as to how the Abnett droid came up with a name like 'Vegvísir' that I Googled it; turns out it's an "Icelandic magical stave intended to help the bearer find their way through rough weather". I mean you guys all knew that already, yeah?

Great spot! Perhaps shamefully I didn't give the strip my full attention and missed this. Always impressed by stuff like this: the story may feel like it's on autopilot but Dan Abnett certainly isn't.

As to Skip Tracer... with all but it's staunchest defenders turning on it now, surely it must be the last run this gets?
You're a dark horse, Boots.

Link Prime

Quote from: Barrington Boots on 02 September, 2021, 11:20:59 AM
As to Skip Tracer... with all but it's staunchest defenders turning on it now, surely it must be the last run this gets?

Not until Tharg gets those negatives back from Peaty.


I like bursting bubbles but this will be on the last page of the last episode of Skip:

The End
Skip Tracer returns soon in 'Do not fear friends I have multiple adventures and will gladly share with you....'
When I die, I want to die like my grandfather who died peacefully in his sleep. Not screaming like all the passengers in his car.

Old age is the Lord's way of telling us to step aside for something new. Death's in case we didn't take the hint.

Alien Goodness

Referring to the Dexter story - who is Klinks?


Her first appearance was in prog 2019. She is a robot that is a janitor, cleaner, function coordinator as well as a security system. Her full name is Kalinka.
When I die, I want to die like my grandfather who died peacefully in his sleep. Not screaming like all the passengers in his car.

Old age is the Lord's way of telling us to step aside for something new. Death's in case we didn't take the hint.

The Corinthian

Quote from: broodblik on 02 September, 2021, 12:06:19 PM
I like bursting bubbles but this will be on the last page of the last episode of Skip:

The End
Skip Tracer returns soon in 'Do not fear friends I have multiple adventures and will gladly share with you....'

'2000AD Featuring Skip Tracer'

Alien Goodness

Quote from: broodblik on 02 September, 2021, 12:45:14 PM
Her first appearance was in prog 2019. She is a robot that is a janitor, cleaner, function coordinator as well as a security system. Her full name is Kalinka.
Thanks broodblik  :thumbsup:

Sean SD

My Top 3 for Prog 2247

Enjoyed this prog with all stories having something to offer.

1st - Dredd - Creepy story with matching art by Nick Percival but not in Deadworld, cool!

2nd - 3riller - The Mask of Laverna - another creepy story that got my attention, perfect for a 3riller

3rd - Jaegir - Great to see this thrill back with Coleby and O'Grady doing their Nu Earth thing which they do so well.


Quote from: Barrington Boots on 31 August, 2021, 11:07:23 AM
Post bank-holiday, post-Regened Prog review. Tbh this one, on the whole, didn't sparkle for me.

Dredd - it's a set up episode and feels like a bit of an ordinary start, but has potential to be cool: I'm puzzled by Dredd telling the other judge to disregard spooky stories of the haunted block when he himself spends a load of time fighting all sorts of supernatural stuff.. I'm not a fan of Nick Percivals art myself as I find it feels a bit static, but that's very much a personal thing and I can't deny the craft at work here.

Skip Tracer it's cliche-fest sadly, but there are some terrific panels here using Nimrod's cyber-eye: the one at the top of page 3 is great! Really enjoyed this episode visually.

Dexter same as before really, all interest has been sucked out of this especially with one protagonist (antagonist now, I suppose) now unkillable. Some lovely kinetic violence in the art on the final page however.

3riller - Sets the story up and it's ready to kick off. I remember enjoying the previous Thriller with Delphi but can't actually remember much about it so I need to go back and reread that, I think. Cool art from Steven Austin - I'd actually quite like to see this in black and white.

Jaegir Delighted to see this back and things certainly seem to have taken a darker turn. The Nordland looks superbly dour and the Norts themselves remain all impressively ugly, and I liked the holographic conversation / flashback giving us the backstory. Atalia going full on baddie seems soul-crushingly inevitable - I'd read a strip about Klaur and Reesa having adventures if it came to it though. This is a grim story and I am really into it: the downside being I'm assuming we're only getting three episodes, if 2250 is a jumping on Prog, or am I wrong?

This for me too ^^^
DDT did a job on me


Quote from: The Corinthian on 01 September, 2021, 01:34:50 PM
I am going to be mildly annoyed if it turns out Jaegir is only 3-4 episodes after sitting through what feels like 89 weeks of Skip Tracer.

and this!
DDT did a job on me

Funt Solo

Quote from: The Corinthian on 01 September, 2021, 01:34:50 PM
There's an odd colouring error on page 3 of 'The Path of Kali', where the GI (Rosario?) is given normal human skin tones for her first appearance. Rogue Trooper's been around for 40 years now, you'd think everyone would know they're blue by now.

Ah - that had me a bit confused as well - I was getting mixed up between the hologram coloring, the normal skin tones and the GI skin tones.

Quote from: The Corinthian on 01 September, 2021, 01:34:50 PM
I am going to be mildly annoyed if it turns out Jaegir is only 3-4 episodes after sitting through what feels like 89 weeks of Skip Tracer.

I can't remember what cynic I'm quoting, but "90% of everything is shit". For an example of this in action, check out YouTube's "free with ads" page.
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.