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Started by SmallBlueThing, 04 February, 2011, 12:40:44 PM

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Gonna get lynched for this but it's probably my least favourite of the MM films and at times embodies some of Millers worst habits as a director. Still a fun time in the first and final acts with a lot of drag in between.


Quote from: Hawkmumbler on 04 September, 2021, 11:20:31 AM

Gonna get lynched for this but it's probably my least favourite of the MM films and at times embodies some of Millers worst habits as a director. Still a fun time in the first and final acts with a lot of drag in between.

I won't judge.  I prefer Beyond Thunderdome to Road Warrior. 

Colin YNWA

Well we won't lynch you ... both... but only cos its illegal... I mean really that's the only reason...

And Zac to think I used to have such respect for you..


Mad Max '79 still reigns for me as the best in the series. Theres something so...palpable, about its world. The all encroaching sensation the world is just about on the cusp of a massive social-political change. Like some great cosmic horror is happening just off screen and even out in the sticks people have been feeling its influence for some time.

I enjoy the camp pomposity of The Road Warrior but really Fury Road is now just a better, slicker, more refined version of the same concept.

Beyond Thunderdome I at least admire for just being thoroughly bizarre in its intentions.


Quote from: Hawkmumbler on 04 September, 2021, 11:20:31 AM

Gonna get lynched for this but it's probably my least favourite of the MM films and at times embodies some of Millers worst habits as a director. Still a fun time in the first and final acts with a lot of drag in between.


To think that RW is the best in the series. Then again, I've never been a fan of MM franchise.
No one long chase like in Fury Road and perhaps the best character of Max we've got.
Reyt, you lot. Shut up, belt up, 'n if ye can't see t' bloody exit, ye must be bloody blind.


Quote from: Hawkmumbler on 04 September, 2021, 11:20:31 AM

Gonna get lynched for this but it's probably my least favourite of the MM films and at times embodies some of Millers worst habits as a director. Still a fun time in the first and final acts with a lot of drag in between.

I reserve my judgement and remain silent due to a crushing feeling of horror and deep, deep disappointment.


I very much enjoyed FREE GUY despite it being predictable and by the numbers.
Be excellent to each other. And party on!


Shang-chi, best marvel movie since Guardians.  Slick fight choreography, fun not to annoying sidekick that actually has a point rather than just there for the jokes, and some fun cameos [spoiler]who ever thought we'd see Trevor again[/spoiler].  Fun enjoyable couple of hours I think worth it even if you are a bit burnt out from Marvel movies.  First half better that second half and like all Marvel moves es climax is a bit battle in the sky but still a fun time.

CU Radbacker



The premise, exposition and setting are all better than the movie itself.  It's a sci-fi horror film with a plot based around paranoia.  Except the paranoid tension doesn't really build and the third act just gets silly.  It starts pretty strong, even with a bit of intrigue that I don't think got explicitly resolved.  Some motivations are... non-existent really, once the film plays out.  Like I say, it gets silly and that does undermine a lot of the narrative.

I enjoyed the look and design of the film.  I enjoyed the performances.  The world building is good.  It also has Peter Weller as the lead.

I'd have to say it's a very mixed bag overall.

Funt Solo

Mad Max: horror
Mad Max 2 [aka The Road Warrior]: action
Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome: popcorn
Mad Max: Fury Road: legendary
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.


The Avengers

No. Not Marvel's Avemgers. Yes, these Avengers are indeed horrible. Granted, I never have seen a single episode of the 1960s show, so i don't have a point to compare, but this movie indeed is a failure on other levels (even if being true to the series character-wise, plot-wise and any other - wise). When I was 10 - year old, I actually enjoyed in this. The plot is incoherent (reportedly, around 20 minutes were cut before the release); I don't think the movie would improve even with the full version. Characters are cardboard, Ralph and Uma have zero chemistry, their acting is on the verge of section eight and general treatment of the material is so disrespecting it offends.
And what's up with the built-in tea dispenser with the milk in the Ralph's car?
Reyt, you lot. Shut up, belt up, 'n if ye can't see t' bloody exit, ye must be bloody blind.

I, Cosh

Finally caught up with some of those recent Marvel movies last weekend.

Avengers 3: Infinity War I: Infinity War. I'd actually seen most of this before on a very long flight and had wanted to give it a proper watch ever since. This was quite brilliant. It manages the same trick as the first Avengers to have a pretty huge cast and give almost all of them something to do. I've seen less than half of the MCU films , but it was generally fairly easy to work out what was going on and what was important or could be glossed over as being explained in another installment.

The mixture of serious plot stuff and superhero banter was just right. Some pretty heavy plot beats tempered just enough with jokes and leaning into some of the ridiculous, cosmic awesomeness that only comics can give, like Thor having to restart a star to get his new axe. The villain fits into that too: patently ridiculous but played completely straight and with enough gravitas to carry it off.

Probably my favourite thing about it was something completely incidental. Something that mildly irks me is the way that 99% of films are filmed with everything happening in the dead centre of the screen with just the occasional change of focus. I really liked how this had lots of little background jokes, e.g. Mantis bouncing around in low grav, that you catch out of the corner of your eye. The cinematic equivalent of the little details that can be packed into a comic panel and only noticed on third or tenth read!

Avengers 4: Infinity War II: Endgame. Shite.
We never really die.


ENDGAME truly is woeful, and i'm glad some of even the most sycophantic Disney stans are in agreement on that front. Just a turgid, boring, loathsome slog.


Be excellent to each other. And party on!


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