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Prog 2249 - Her father's PSIs

Started by Colin YNWA, 11 September, 2021, 08:45:22 PM

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Colin YNWA

What's better than a Prog landing on your door matt on a Saturday morning, two progs landing on your door Matt on a Saturday morning... weird I got two delievers of this Prog, have no clue why , so if anyone misses this one let me know and I'll pop my extra across... not that I think I've got someones elses, just for whatever reason two of my address sheets got printed off??

What's better than two Prog 2249 landing on your door matt on a Saturday morning... well if I'm being honest one of a good Prog... sorry this issue is weak and feels all of the issue before a relaunch Prog.

There are of course positives and they appear at the beginning and the end. Dredd ends really nicely and is a great antidote to that style that Neimand has developed, not that his normal stories are bad, just the opposite, I love them. They were however developing a theme and tone of more upbeat insights into citizens, often (not always) with upbeat endings. Here its as if he's trying to prove his range and going to the opposite end of the spectrum with a dark ending to the dark horror of this story.

Then we get the 3 in the 3riller... I mean it was just doing things by the numbers. This one washed over me I'm afraid.

And then we get to the biggest frustration of the issue the end of Skip Tracer, which feels very much like the end. Nothing said I don't see this coming back (???) but I actually hope it does... why its  not a strip I've enjoyed to date, though its been building some momentum of late. The previous story was decent, this one good, not perfect but good and the introduction of his daughter I thought could make this story move into interesting places.

Instead we get a fumbled ending. Rushed and unsatisfying. Rooted in the cliche that still blight this series and well... maybe if it'd got another go or two it could have surprised and pushed to places. My guess (???) is we'll never know now.

Another John Tomlinson Terror Tale another miss I don't have the time and energy to investigate this any deeper than the struggling surface read it got first time. It just drifted from me and gave me no reason to pull it back... nice art aside

Jaegir now this was good BUT good in relation to the rest of the Prog and if it was in a stronger Prog I'd have bemoaned the fact it was clearly placing pieces for what coming next. As it is I relished it.

So yeah alas I got two of this Prog one of the weakest I can remember for a long, long time... BUT heck fresh lineup next week and one I have much hope for. So it is with the Prog, for ever dip (and they are rare these days) there's a fresh rise just around the corner.


Cover by Paul Marshall and Dylan Teague:

When I die, I want to die like my grandfather who died peacefully in his sleep. Not screaming like all the passengers in his car.

Old age is the Lord's way of telling us to step aside for something new. Death's in case we didn't take the hint.


When I die, I want to die like my grandfather who died peacefully in his sleep. Not screaming like all the passengers in his car.

Old age is the Lord's way of telling us to step aside for something new. Death's in case we didn't take the hint.


I think you've pretty much summed up how I felt reading this week's prog, Colin.  As I often observe though, the prog at half strength still beats so much else out there.  The whole concept behind the Dredd tale was an interesting one and I'm surprised it hasn't been done before.  It just felt a bit rushed overall. 

My big concern with the 3riller is that it felt a little like testing the waters for a longer series.  That being the case, there were some interesting aspects to it.  The artwork carried the tale well, there are hints of depths to the tale that could be teased out and it was reasonably well paced.

On the downside it didn't really feel like it was bringing anything new to the table.  Echoes of Carver Hale, Red Seas, American Gods or any one of a number of tales featuring pantheistic conflict.  If it is going to return then this is something that needs addressing for me.

As for Jaegir, well, what has not already been said?  Coleby's artwork goes from strength to strength, doesn't it.  This feels like a teaser to something far more substantial and it has most certainly whetted my appetite for more!  Of all the attempts to find something sustainable out of the Rogue Trooper ashes, this really has been something of a treat.

As for next week ... well, is that a McMahon cover I see before me?  Scarlet Traces is back!  Out with the Out!  Tidy ...


As we end our mini-run I am ready for something new and fresh. This prog was more on the weaker side so yes roll-out the new carpet.

Dredd – Another goody by Niemand a little bit short but still a nice 3-parter. Percival's art was made for this, and the full creep-o-meter set to full blast.

The Mask of Laverna – Not a bad 3riller and it is setting things up for a return either as another 3riller or a full-blown series.

Skip – if this is the last series, I can see a lot of people (especially on the forum) rejoicing by dancing naked around a bonfire drinking dark ale and howling at the moon. Back to the story yes, it is quite generic but for me it was always readable. The ending is not that surprising [spoiler]with Nolan and his daughter hiding away on some remote planet with new identities.[/spoiler]

Terror Tales – Another disappointing tale and again coming from a seasoned writer. I expected more and to be frank rather try an upcoming writer.

Jaegir – Well I am quite disappointed not at the story that is awesome as always but when can we have this back? Great work from Rennie and Coleby just love this series. Top marks this prog again.
When I die, I want to die like my grandfather who died peacefully in his sleep. Not screaming like all the passengers in his car.

Old age is the Lord's way of telling us to step aside for something new. Death's in case we didn't take the hint.

Barrington Boots

Wednesday prog for me, what is this postal devilry? So starved am I of Thrill-Power I have already read it, here's my early thoughts.

Dredd It seems I'm in the minority but I felt this was a substandard Dredd. One note villain and the story was pretty much by the numbers and lacked any of the nuance we normally see in a Niemand tale. The art's not for me either. Disappointing.

3riller Mixed feelings on this one. Decent little story - nice art, quick pace, but obviously a setup, either for another Thriller or a longer run: I think the concept has legs (I don't think the 'ancient god return' thing is overused) and I'd definitely read it but I find the protagonists Spiderman-esque quippy dialogue to be somewhat annoying. Other than that, this was good if not stellar.

Skip Tracer Definitely seems like the last ever time we'll see this and I can't say I'm sorry about it. I feel like we've given this strip a lot of chances, and whilst I don't hate it like some do it's rarely risen above mediocre and unlike, say, Night Zero which was also full of cliche but at least full of crazy ideas, it wasn't really that much fun. I liked the decapitation in this epsiode but in the end it finishes as it lived: in a boring manner. Nice art though!

Terror Tale Looked fantastic but what on earth was going on here? I only read it once, in fairness, but didn't have a clue and sadly, like Colin said, I don't really want to read it again.

Jaegir Good but frustratingly all too short. Here's what I'm not sure of on this one: the Kali virus is some kind of flesh-eating biological weapon that the Southers are desperate to stop, but... isn't Nu-Earth already loaded with stuff like this? How is this worse than all the other awful stuff the Norts and Southers are throwing at each other? I assumed it was going to work through containment suits or something.
Anyway, as per last week this is grim stuff and evil Atalia is very evil here. I hope, going forward, she remains a complex character rather than full on irredeemable villain - or failing that we have more from Klaur's perspective as he's an interesting character in his own right.

Roll on next week.

You're a dark horse, Boots.

Barrington Boots

I've literally just got the cover tagline. Doh!
You're a dark horse, Boots.

Funt Solo

More realistic hold, with ubiquitous drool spreading slowly across arm:

An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.

The Corinthian

Quote from: Barrington Boots on 15 September, 2021, 10:48:03 AMHere's what I'm not sure of on this one: the Kali virus is some kind of flesh-eating biological weapon that the Southers are desperate to stop, but... isn't Nu-Earth already loaded with stuff like this? How is this worse than all the other awful stuff the Norts and Southers are throwing at each other? I assumed it was going to work through containment suits or something.

I get the impression it might be something that's engineered to target Southers specifically.

QuoteAnyway, as per last week this is grim stuff and evil Atalia is very evil here. I hope, going forward, she remains a complex character rather than full on irredeemable villain - or failing that we have more from Klaur's perspective as he's an interesting character in his own right.

The whole thing feels far more mature and interesting than the "Durham Red kills innocent people now and that's fine, it makes her edgy" kerfuffle from earlier this year.


Aargh! Loved the Dredd but should have been way longer. So much potential and fantastic Percival artwork.

norton canes

That's weird... I've spent all week thinking this was going to be the jumping-on prog, and was surprised when first glimpsing it in WH Smith's to discover it wasn't. This despite the fact the ongoing strips last week clearly hadn't reached a conclusion. I think I'd seen that McMahon cover posted around so many places in the last few days, I assumed it was the upcoming one.

Anyway, putting aside my inability to distinguish one week from another

Dredd wraps well, the Percival droid's ethereal art lending it a suitably hallucinatory air. Only quibble with the story was the callbacks to Necropolis - I know they didn't exactly demand an in-depth recall of the plot but as demonstrated above I have trouble remembering what happened this week let alone 30-odd years ago.

The 3riller seemed a bit perfunctory and while the ancient gods aspect might provide plenty of material for a series, I'm not sure the dialogue or characterisation was really compelling enough. In fact there seems to be a certain circuit with which only some of TMO's droids are equipped that allows them to rattle off pages of engaging dialogue with apparent nonchalance - I presume this circuit contains fire opals from the heart of Betelgeuse, or some similarly hard-to-obtain substance, otherwise it would be fitted as standard to all droids.

Fortunately the Rennie droid appears to be fitted with a deluxe version, as in Jaegir his output continues to fire on all cylinders. The second page panel with Rosario and the Souther insignia picked out in cyan was especially striking. Please, can 'Ferox' be an uninterrupted 10-parter?

Agree with the consensus that the Terror Tale was too convoluted. I feel that as a reasonably intelligent adult (albeit one that doesn't know one prog from another) I shouldn't be confounded by a six-page comic strip but... yeah, it just doesn't click, even though I sort of get the gist.

And finally... Skip Tracer ends, with a touching last page (and the only cover by its own artist). I wonder, if the whole series had been framed as Nolan's bedtime story to Eden...


Quote from: norton canes on 16 September, 2021, 09:41:40 AM
Please, can 'Ferox' be an uninterrupted 10-parter?

Second that, South-side yeeeaaah
When I die, I want to die like my grandfather who died peacefully in his sleep. Not screaming like all the passengers in his car.

Old age is the Lord's way of telling us to step aside for something new. Death's in case we didn't take the hint.


When I die, I want to die like my grandfather who died peacefully in his sleep. Not screaming like all the passengers in his car.

Old age is the Lord's way of telling us to step aside for something new. Death's in case we didn't take the hint.


Bit of a weird one for me. Dredd wasn't my favourite from Neimand, although even what I'd call quite serviceable from him remains very readable (much like an 'OK' Wagner Dredd). Quippy language aside, I liked the 3riller, which is clearly setting things up for a full run. I'd happily see that, with some minor tweaks to the language.

Jaegir was great, but frustrating, given that it's a three-episode teaser. The series runs a real risk of losing momentum. I imagine basic reality is stopping it appearing more often, but this is a fully top-tier strip, unfortunately broken up into tiny parts.

At the other end of the scale, the Terror Tale seemed a strong enough premise, but the storytelling was borderline incomprehensible for me. Perhaps it made sense in the writer's head, but it didn't in mine. And is this really the end of Skip Tracer? I've not enjoyed it very much at all, bar one or two episodes in this run, prior to the fridging, and so I hope so. But arguably the most interesting element of the strip just happened and now it's done. It could be an intergalactic Lone Wolf and Cub (and with the doubly rare combination of a father/daughter relationship and non-white leads), if it wasn't so mired in cliché.

So: Jaegir > 3riller > Dredd > Skip Tracer > Terror Tale

Barrington Boots

Quote from: The Corinthian on 15 September, 2021, 07:21:04 PM
I get the impression it might be something that's engineered to target Southers specifically.

That makes sense, especially as one of the Norts comes into the room with all the dying test subjects and starts shooting them.
Agree with your point about Durham Red also. I think it's very tricky to write a story about genuine absolute bastards that retains the readers sympathy, or interest beyond villain voyeurism - the Diaboliks, for example, didn't nail that for me on the last run, or see anything by Mark Millar.. I'm interested to see what happens next here.

Whilst I'm agreeing with stuff, IP is right about Skip Tracer in that setting up the father / daughter teamup IS the most interesting thing that's happened in the strip. Gah!
You're a dark horse, Boots.