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Started by Funt Solo, 19 October, 2021, 02:40:32 AM

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Barrington Boots

Quote from: Funt Solo on 20 October, 2021, 03:57:38 AM
22. Robot Commando - every time you find a new mech you get an interesting decision, weighing up the pros and cons.

This book RULES.
You're a dark horse, Boots.


Quote from: Barrington Boots on 20 October, 2021, 09:17:38 AM
've got a couple of the Duelmaster sets as well - these are essentially a set of two 'PvP' gamebooks where two players read at once and are competing against each other. Typically when you reach the end of a paragraph you're given a command to wait until the other player hits a wait command and then you both proceed. Actions give you keywords that effect what the other player encounters, with players prompted to ask the other if they have keyword in various locations, and then if they do they'll move to a different paragraph describing a monsters body or an empty chest and so on. You win if the book kills the other player, or you can meet and fight each other to the death. They're great.
FF also did one of those (that I know of anyway), 'Clash of the Princes'. I remember buying it in Smiths and then haring to my mate's house to play it immediately. It was exactly the same rush as buying a new 10 game for my Commodore. :)


Quote from: sintec on 20 October, 2021, 09:11:05 AM
Quote from: sheridan on 19 October, 2021, 10:35:17 PM
Quote from: sintec on 19 October, 2021, 04:15:04 PM
I got given a copy of Warlock by my gran when I was 7 or 8 I think. Was the start of a path that led to D&D then Vampire: The Masqurade then goth clubs lol.

Oo - which goth clubs?

Mostly around Norwich and Ipswich area initially (late 90s) so things like Wraith and Chains On Velvet. Then added fairly regular trips down to Slimelight in Islington and annual excursions up to Bradford for Infest.

Cool - I went to Chains on Velvet the one time (around this time of year, back in 1999 I think) but mainly went to Death by Misadventure (the one in Ipswich) and Bury'd Alive (in Bury St Edmunds).  Also went to whatever the Colchester night was called - it went through a few name changes and was run by Martin, who also ran DbM.  Like you I also went down to Slimes and Infest (though mostly Whitby).


Death by Misadventure - that was the name of the Ipswich night. It had been lost in a fog of clove cigarettes and snakebite and black. Don't think we ever got down to Colchester

I grew up near Bury St Edmunds... we may have bumped into each other some time back around then it's not exactly a big place. Spent most of my underage drinking years at The Lucky Break and The Grapes. Left for "the big city" (Norwich lol) around 99. Ended up DJing at Chains a few years later and did that for most of the 2000s.


Quote from: sintec on 20 October, 2021, 12:32:18 PM
Death by Misadventure - that was the name of the Ipswich night. It had been lost in a fog of clove cigarettes and snakebite and black. Don't think we ever got down to Colchester

I grew up near Bury St Edmunds... we may have bumped into each other some time back around then it's not exactly a big place. Spent most of my underage drinking years at The Lucky Break and The Grapes. Left for "the big city" (Norwich lol) around 99. Ended up DJing at Chains a few years later and did that for most of the 2000s.

FB friend request winging your way - though surprised we only have 5 friends in common (1 2000AD, 4 Goth-types).

Funt Solo

FF#73 - Rise of the Gothlords
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.


Barrington Boots

Quote from: wedgeski on 20 October, 2021, 09:23:08 AM
It was exactly the same rush as buying a new 10 game for my Commodore. :)

This is such a retro statement, I know exactly what you mean.

In the spirit of contributing to the rest of the thread, I have never been to a goth club in Bury St. Edmunds.
You're a dark horse, Boots.

I, Cosh

This thread inspired me to buy Citadel of Chaos this afternoon. They didn't have any of the others.
We never really die.

Funt Solo

I like Citadel of Chaos well enough - the original cover was a bit pants compared to the first one, but the monsters you meet are well freaky. There was a sense of real threat about entering the Citadel.
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.


I always found Citadel much tougher than Warlock - I could never seem to find a way past the Ganjees.

Barrington Boots

I hate those bloody Ganjees.
You're a dark horse, Boots.


I still own  lot of FF books, probably around 70% (without checking) of the original run and a couple of the later ones.

One of my faves was Armies of Death which carries on directly from Trial of Champions and has you literally raising an army to fight some random evil that I cannot remember. Crypt of the Sorcerer is another one that really stuck with me. Great book.

I'm going to single out Scorpion Swamp as the utter piece of crap that it is. It's far to vague in it's setting to keep my interest and the paragraph's aren't very descriptive.

I was a never a big fan of the Lone Wolf books but Way of the Tiger is pure gold. Assassin (book 2) is the best in the series, all other viewpoints are to be considered at the very least misguided and ill-informed or at the most, just plain old wrong.

"Where once you fought to stop the trap from closing...Now you lay the bait!"


I have emerged from the uncharted deeps of my storage bin with a slightly cobwebby box of FF books. How do we want to do this? Fixed skill scores and then everyone gets to choose their own potion? Start with Warlock and report on how far you get?


I had thought I knew where my FF books were but today I've found that I moved them, by the simple process of moving my head about two millimetres found that I'd put 'em all on the bookshelf behind my monitor (so I can see my copy of Warlock without moving).