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Life is riddled with a procession of minor impediments

Started by Bouwel, 10 August, 2009, 11:08:13 AM

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My Grud, that is something of a clesterfeck.  Hope things pick up for you.
"Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest"


coming from someone whose home just exploded around them, I feel pretty lucky, but cheers!

Funt Solo

Something like that could be the backstory for a super-villain like Doctor Doom. He was a nice, quiet, considered man - an accountant - until his 'phone broke, his bank-card was eaten and some security jobs-worth wouldn't let him into the office he'd been going to for twenty years ... then something inside him SNAPPED!!!
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.


Damn right it did. I left my cups on the counter instead of the dishwasher at work (HA!) and wrote a strongly worded web message to my bank (BOOM!)

I scare myself sometimes


Quote from: Dandontdare on 21 October, 2021, 01:49:16 PM
Nothing to compete with exploding boats, redundancy or depression, but this last couple of weeks has just been one annoying shitshow after another.

Christ DDD, truly a matryoshka doll of misfortune. Hoping you can get the stuff that NEEDS resolving sorted asap, and the stuff that can't be helped doesn't smart for too long.
Some weeks really do feel stacked to just test our limitations.


I received a series of emails from the property land owner, mortgage lender, and surveyor of the apartment I'm supposed to be moving into in the new year.

It would seem the solicitor I chose to deal with these transactions just hasn't been doing their job.
Profoundly aggravating when you have to run around cleaning up the mess of someone you employed based on their qualifications at no small amount of pocket change.
I don't know about stepping further up the property ladder but if the first rung is the LEAST stressful, I think I'll be content with my little flat for the next 60 years.


The move may have been delayed. Again. COVID once again sending enough of the building team home to close the site until further notice.

I know this is incredibly petty considering how lucky I am in a cosmic sense, I have a roof over my head and food on the table right now. It just smarts a bit. I already chalked up the money and my apartment IS done, obviously though its still a building site elsewhere and health and safety blah blah...

Would have been nice to be in for Q4 '21 but Q2 '22 is looking more likely.


Gotta love it when the bank mortgage team requires you to submit in a designated online portal and the document attachment widget doesn't work. Accepts the typical variation of files up to 5MB, so a 48KB PDF should be a doddle right? Wrong.

So i'mma have to drop in and hand them in in person and uuurrrggghhhh.

Definitely Not Mister Pops

Brace yourself Hawk, there's a non-zero chance the staff at the local branch will get a bit pissy that they have to deal with your paperwork and you didn't just do it online.
You may quote me on that.


Oh absolutely, but theres little option. The lending agreement document I had to sign was uploaded no problem, just the proof of identity and wages PDFs where being daft buggers.
Lad I spoke to on the phone was nice enough so fingers crossed it will be painless....


They're just fobbing you off while they finish building it  :lol:


DDT did a job on me

Link Prime

Quote from: Hawkmumbler on 19 November, 2021, 06:26:13 PM
Accepts the typical variation of files up to 5MB, so a 48KB PDF should be a doddle right? Wrong.


Every Forumite who ever tried to attach a Pic.

The Legendary Shark

My left Achilles tendon has been giving me the gyp for about two months now, so I've been limping around the place like an eldster. A month ago, I pulled something in my left shoulder, so I've been dithering around the place like a seasoned eldster.

Today I was endeavouring to tie up a massive rose bush that's trying to block the driveway. On the final heave, the rope snapped and I fell, no, plummeted to the ground. Right on top of a rockery. One rock thumped my right thigh, dead-legging me. A second rock kissed my right elbow, dead-arming me. As I lay gasping, the wheelbarrow fell on top of me, casting its load of thorny rose branches as a ready-made tangle onto my chest and face. When my workmate, Michel, had stopped laughing and helped me up he discovered that the rockery contained an enormous dog turd, half of which was now stuck to my back and head.

My every limb is now sore and throbbing - but at least there is symmetry.


Link Prime

Quote from: The Legendary Shark on 14 December, 2021, 03:59:38 PM

Today I was endeavouring to tie up a massive rose bush that's trying to block the driveway. On the final heave, the rope snapped and I fell, no, plummeted to the ground. Right on top of a rockery. One rock thumped my right thigh, dead-legging me. A second rock kissed my right elbow, dead-arming me. As I lay gasping, the wheelbarrow fell on top of me, casting its load of thorny rose branches as a ready-made tangle onto my chest and face. When my workmate, Michel, had stopped laughing and helped me up he discovered that the rockery contained an enormous dog turd, half of which was now stuck to my back and head.

It was said that you would destroy the Shit, not join it!