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Forum’s Favourite Thrill - Breathing Space vs Clown - Rd 1 Heat 44

Started by Colin YNWA, 30 November, 2021, 06:27:33 AM

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Colin YNWA

Week 6 and, brace yourself, we get over the half way marker in Round 1... yes when I said this was the biggest of these things yet I wasn't messing about! We're not even half way... in Round 1... and Round 2 is bigger than Round 1 before you get your hopes up... we're in for the long haul here folks!

Great example of why this tourney is so interesting. These thrills feel at opposite ends of the thrill spectrum to me, in terms of tone at least. One very dour and earnest, the other while dark madcap and chaotic. All that matters of course - aside from your pony - is...

Which most rattles your thrill-receptors:

Breathing Space - more info


Clown - more info

Just reply in this thread naming your favourite thrill of these two series at the beginning of your post (or use Bold tags so I can spot it easily) and say what you like about these wonderful stories after that.

Match ends early on the morning of Friday 3rd December and the winner gets a place in Round 2 (of 9!!!).

What on Earth is ALL of this?

For those that need 'um and can be bothered to follow 'um there's some simple rules

Any questions, just ask as ever - and have FUN!


When I die, I want to die like my grandfather who died peacefully in his sleep. Not screaming like all the passengers in his car.

Old age is the Lord's way of telling us to step aside for something new. Death's in case we didn't take the hint.


Breathing Space. The Clown just feels like an oddity, even in Tooth's varied history.


Dammit, the Clown. Yes, the second series is barely readable, and yes it's all a bit silly. But the art in Book 1 is SO GOOD, and I kinda like the skewering of pretentious comics writing in Book 1, too. 'Murder clowns' is like the lowest on the rung of horror monsters, but it's still a rung I like to climb sometimes. Wonder if Tharg would ever dare try it again?

I do actually rather like Breathing Space, too, but it's another story about a Judge who was clearly not fit to be a Judge in the first place. That Justice Dept Academy needs to hire some WAY better psychologists.

Link Prime

Breathing Space was pretty good, but never lived up to the weight of the initial build-up if I recall.

I'll vote a wild card here - I would re-read The Clown this morning if presented with the choice.

The Mind of Wolfie Smith


I just dug out the progs to remind myself of The Clown (well, the first series, at least). It's like a ridiculous parody of '90s comic violence. It's so utterly, utterly stupid that it's either written by someone who is attempting to copy comic book writing of the time based on what they've been told in the pub while drunk, or it's an unrecognised piece of ultra-dry comedic brilliance (maybe both).

I had also remembered the art as '90s painting with mud stuff, but it's actually all very colourful and expressive.


Dark Jimbo

I came here expecting to vote for Breathing Space, but Link Prime made me realise that, if presented with both series right now, I would absolutely read The Clown over BS.


Never liked the Clown, horrible 90s stuff. Breathing Space I remember being ok.

Funt Solo

I liked The Clown - art and manic story of insane revenge - but I really rated the noir of Breathing Space.
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.



"Where once you fought to stop the trap from closing...Now you lay the bait!"

Colin YNWA

As I said on the other thread both of the match-ups today are really defying my expectations by being pretty close which I wasn't expecting and I adore that and the diverse options we have here. Keep on keepin' on you fine folks!