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The Book of Boba Fett [SPOILERS]

Started by rogue69, 29 September, 2021, 08:52:42 PM

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If nothing else, I hope part of the lesson is that series give properties space to breathe and are often a better format. But I also hope the lesson of Mando is that there's not really a need to keep mining the past.

Link Prime

Nice to see a classic character return this week.

* I am of course referring to Joe Soap. I wouldn't subscribe to Disney+ for all the Green Milk in Ahch-To.


Quote from: Link Prime on 08 February, 2022, 02:45:47 PM
Nice to see a classic character return this week.

* I am of course referring to Joe Soap. I wouldn't subscribe to Disney+ for all the Green Milk in Ahch-To.

You can wait it out in the hills all you want, but we'll find you, eventually.

Richmond Clements

No spoiler warnings as per previous comments

I mean, this season has been an uneven mess with some superb moments. The bizarre idea to have Ming-Na Wen explain the plot for a couple of minutes at the start of the episode was weird.


Boba and Mando kicking ass. Boba fighting Cad Bane and, most of all, Boba riding a fricking rancor and smashing shit up a was the most Star Wars thing ever.

Trooper McFad

Enjoyed the last episode and was wowed to see the Wookiee using eletronux surely Jonny Alpha used them first and there must be some sort of copy right!
Citizens are Perps who haven't been caught ... yet!


All felt strangely flat and cheesy to me. I do hope they are done with this and, I don't know, try something not set in the one fucking place. I know Obi Wan will have Tatooine connections but please I hope they find a way to vary the locales.
Be excellent to each other. And party on!

The Legendary Shark

Yeah, I thought it felt a bit flat, too. That last battle, while containing some truly memorable Star Wars-y imagery, also missed on of SW's best tricks - the multiple simultaneous battles with high stakes. For me, Boba should have been vying with Cad Bane for control of as-yet-dormant battle droids (or something) while Mando led the attack on the Syndicate guys and Ming-Na and the Wookie stirred the population of Mos Whatsit to defend themselves. In this episode, all the civilians just melted away and the outcome pivoted on the arrival of a dozen moisture farmers. I mean, even the ewoks joined in at Endor but here the civvies were just defenceless set dressing. Frustratingly disappointing.



The whole series was a bit odd, really. It was watchable, but Fett took a back seat in his own show, the best parts of which were Mandolorian season 2.5. Tactically, Fett wasn't strong. The writing was often clumsy, notably with Shand spending several minutes explaining the plot in that last episode. Also: how strong were those shields? Is that a Star Wars thing I've missed over the years? It felt very "because otherwise the plot can't happen". Still: nice Rancor action and that very final scene made everything else worth it!

The Legendary Shark

Maybe it'll be better on a back-to-back re-watch in a few months. Then again...



It was such a little show, the Book of Boba Fett promises so much, but it ended up being the sort of a reverse breaking bad.

I'd've been good with a slow steady climb to the Hutt throne, series 1 shouldv'e ended with that shot from the Mandelorian with Fett on the throne and Fennec Shand- the whole thing could''ve been about Fett slowly building alliances to defeat whoever was previously on Fett's throne, Fett being worse than anyone else (while at he same time slowly cracking with a little bit of compassion showing through seeding the doubts that series 2 could've played up on). Series 2 starts some months later - Boba ensconced in power but, well what are you gonna do with it? As he starts to decide that maybe he's got it wrong and realising he wants redemption those former allies sense weakness and turn on him, s2 ending with his leaving tatooine, but not before he's demolished all the bad guys and left the keys of the place with someone decent (Cobb Vance steps in) Boba heads off to right wrongs from his past, and now you've got a book.

(I mean, ultimately the Book of Boba Fett should end with him getting his hands on that blade and being the uniting force behind the Mandelorians, we cut to 1,000 years later as some little madnelorian children are being taught all about him in their schools, of the Mando Empire)

ANYWAY -- what we got instead was a deeply unambitious show all about how boba fett met some guys, decided he wanted to run things with two other people despite clearly needing an army, and the best bits - THE VERY BEST BITS - where when the [spoiler]Mando showed up and we got a little connection with mando again[/spoiler]

I dunno, I dunno if it was the writers losing interest, or whether it was the main actor just couldn't carry off what was being asked of jim. But give me cobb vance or Din Djaror any day.


I suppose The Pamphlet of Boba Fett doesn't really have the same ring to it. (It also feels in hindsight like all the flashback framing didn't really work either. Had they just told the story linearly, it might have worked better.)

The Legendary Shark

It seems to me that the Sandpeople flashbacks were used to inject something into an otherwise lacklustre central plot. Flashbacks are okay if they add depth or meaning to the "present-day" plot, but in this case I fear they were used because that's where the action (and character development) lay.


Funt Solo

Mostly still enjoying it because so does my kid.

- Fennec Exposition.
- Fennec firing through skylights we can't see and teleporting through walls.
- Vespas and the cyborgs who ride them.
- Two guys in jet-packs not using cover, ever.
- Try falling off a building in a suit of armor. You will die.
- How did the Wookiee get back from the palace to Mos Espa when he was let go that first time - it's 85 miles of desert and he's a hairy bastard.
- Peli Motto's jolly factor is turned up to eleventy-stupid now she's a recurring character. It's like Frank Drebin realizing the crowd will cheer him when he yells "STRIKE!" in The Naked Gun.
- The Book of Boba Fett was also the Mandalorian 1.5

- The Book of Boba Fett was also the Mandalorian 1.5
- Rancor Kong
- Cad Bane's voice
- CGI Luke - it was just fascinating
- Black Krrsantan
- The end credit sequences
- Those sand worms! Oh, wait ... wrong thing ...
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.


I was genuinely surprised when the Rancor didn't get killed. I was so sure he was going to be the 'dog' in the series. I didn't care about the post-credits scene, but I did hugely enjoy the "no—not again" one.

Colin YNWA

Careful not to get too many spoilers so not playing close attention here, but I get the impression Book of Boba Fett is getting lukewarm reviews. Now thinkgs might change but we've just watched episode 2 and that was excellent. If it keeps this up I'll be good to give it a right good defending!