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Meg 443: Rough Rider!

Started by Goosegash, 21 April, 2022, 08:52:10 AM

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Guess I should start this one since no-one else has.

Dredd: Praise Zort! comes to an end with a tease for future developments.

Deathcap: Goya's in a bit of a pickle as her condition has lead to a literal loss of identity, not to mention her [spoiler]arm, although since the same episode sets up that the shroomers can regrow body parts within a short space of time it's not really that much of a loss[/spoiler]

Diamond Dogs: A surprise reverse heel turn for one of the baddies, which would be more shocking if we actually knew anything about them or their motivations. It amused me that the other two members of Jones's crew are so unimportant that their fate doesn't even warrant a passing mention, so I guess they just got killed off-page somewhere?

Lawless: This is pretty much Metta hitting rock-bottom, having thrown away her job on a rigged election and with any attempt to investigate electoral fraud stonewalled by the SJS. Remains to be seen where this is heading but there are so many things in play it's anyone's guess at this point.

Surfer:  The chase continues with our hero pulling some tricky moves to evade capture. My only criticism of this story is it probably should've run in the weekly, as it's a bit too fast-paced for a monthly read.

I haven't read Hawk yet as I've still got the last couple of issues to catch up on.


When I die, I want to die like my grandfather who died peacefully in his sleep. Not screaming like all the passengers in his car.

Old age is the Lord's way of telling us to step aside for something new. Death's in case we didn't take the hint.


When I die, I want to die like my grandfather who died peacefully in his sleep. Not screaming like all the passengers in his car.

Old age is the Lord's way of telling us to step aside for something new. Death's in case we didn't take the hint.

Blue Cactus

Nice paper stock on Hawk this month - much less floppy than the usual floppy.

Colin YNWA

With a late Prog this week I've only had time to finish The Meg tonight - which is a shame as it ends on a couple of absolute doozies, but we'll come to that as its a bit of a trek to get there...

Dredd was ... well pretty good. The action ending was satisfying the 'to be continued' fine. I'm just not sure I'm sold on the crazy government of octoheads as a premise, well executed closing page aside. Still enjoyable, great art and not at all bad so we'll see how the bigger picture develops.

Death cap ... I want to like it. It has to give me someone to give a toss about and it doesn't which entirely dismantled an interesting premise.

Diamond Dogs ... I want to like it but it has to give me something to hang onto to pull me through and it simply doesn't and this one drifts by again.

AFTER THAT THOUGH - WOW! I'm going to flip the order.

Surfer is just excellent craft and excitment - simple and superb. Love it.

When I read Brink in the Prog I think, well it just doesn't get better than this. Then I read Lawless in the Meg and fuck me it turns out it does! What absolutely blows me away is after the almighty war against Munce Inc I was left wondering where else could this go. How could it top that. Has the series shot its bolt. One piece of musical genius made clear that Dabnett wasn't sort of interesting ideas BUT this months Meg he shows he tops it my changing the focal point and zooming in. Making it tighter and more personal. Raising the stakes in an entirely different way. Seeing the 'destruction' of Metta is just heartbreakingly brilliant. One thats elevated even further by when you see the layers of political manipulation building and closing in on taking control... though warring fraction seem to unpin the danger.

All of a sudden if we thought the odds against Lawson and Badrock were bad against Munce Inc - well that was at least a straight fight (kinda - the resolution was a little more ingenius of course) here it feels darker, closer and even more dangerous. How the fuck did it manage that. By Dabnett and Winslade being chuffin' genius is my only answer. Course Brink isn't the best thing in Tharg's Thrill Palace Lawless bloody well is and this is one of the single best episodes of the single best current series...

... but did I like it is the question... ahem...

Nice text pieces and Hawk continues to be very enjoyable with astonishingly beautiful art. So okay this might be a very inconsistent Meg, 2 Muh, 1 pretty good and two mindblowing so I call that a pass as when its good Jez Lousie is it GOOD!


Not a bad meg again the stand outs are Lawless and Surfer

Dredd – This episode focus much more on the action and we end with a thread that will take this episode into a future new arc. [spoiler]Too be honest I am never the greatest fan of using a "religion" as a story thread but when it is done properly aka Brink then it can work wonders.[/spoiler]

Death Cap – I am enjoying the story of revenge but I also now feeling more inclined to agree with most posters here and the main problem is that we do not really care for the protagonist.

Diamond Dogs – Strange that this one has not grab people since it is certainly the strongest of the DD arcs so far. The story is intriguing enough for me to see where the plot is headed and how will the main protagonist get out of the pickle, she is in especially with all the betrayals. Who does not like Armitage?

Lawless – What an interesting episode and this almost feels like Abnett has rebooted the series and we are back in the beginning, but everyone is just worst off. This might sound like it is a bad thing, but this leaves the series wide open for Abnett to add a few more magic touched to the script.

Surfer – Although I find the over arching plot not that unique or different, I just enjoy the fact that even with a more generic storyline Wagner just knows how to tell a story. The real stand-out for me here is Colin's wonderful art.

Hawk – This how you do a floppy people great fantasy yarn from Ennis and Flint. So, backstabbing some magic some action and you have your fantasy trip.
When I die, I want to die like my grandfather who died peacefully in his sleep. Not screaming like all the passengers in his car.

Old age is the Lord's way of telling us to step aside for something new. Death's in case we didn't take the hint.


When I die, I want to die like my grandfather who died peacefully in his sleep. Not screaming like all the passengers in his car.

Old age is the Lord's way of telling us to step aside for something new. Death's in case we didn't take the hint.


Dredd: Rory McConville has really improved as a Dredd writer.
I enjoyed this one. His stories are much better when he just shows us what is happening.

Lawless is just superb as always. A contender for DAbnett's best.

Diamond Dogs: I'm enjoying this. It's light but fun. And it's much better than I thought it would be after the first series.

Surfer: it's also a fun read, even if it's not doing much new.

Death Cap is ok. Don't think I'd ever get a collected edition, but as one of five strips in a Megazine it does the job.

Hawk the Slayer. Well it's is great to get original content in the floppy but I don't I'll buy the collection.


Only LAWLESS and SURFER doing it for free me at the moment. Just can't get into the Diamond Dogs or Death Cap or even the Dredd. And text pieces not working for me either.
Be excellent to each other. And party on!

Funt Solo

Uhm ... nothing happens in that frame.

An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.

Blue Cactus

Quote from: Funt Solo on 01 May, 2022, 06:16:10 PM
Uhm ... nothing happens in that frame.

I thought that too! What's Armitage doing here, just standing and staring grumpily into space?