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Forum’s Favourite Thrill - Dan Dare vs. Robo-Hunter (Sam) Round 3 Heat 3

Started by Colin YNWA, 10 May, 2022, 06:15:00 AM

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Robo-Hunter for Verdus and Brit-Cit to the end of Farewell My Billions.  Let's ignore the MM stories (such a waste of full-colour painted Casanovas), and Hogan/Hughes tried to recover something from the mess that had preceded it.

I try to reconcile the racism of Robo-Hunter as being 'of their time' - an unfortunate product of late 70s, early 80s British culture.  Millar was writing much later though, and doesn't get that pass.

Seems a shame to vote against all that Gibbons, Belardinelli, et al art, but there you go.


Never rated Robo-Hunter as among the prog's better thrills back in the day- and for me, if it weren't for a great deal of nostalgia for 'The Beast of Blackheart Manor', Dan Dare would be walking this. However, 'The Beast of Blackheart Manor' is a strip I have a LOT of nostalgic love for, and that's enough to give my vote to Robo-Hunter.



"Where once you fought to stop the trap from closing...Now you lay the bait!"

Funt Solo

An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.

norton canes

I guess it's in match-ups like this one has to decide whether it's permissible to cherry-pick the best era from a particular story. I've decided... no. Therefore: Dan Dare


It's gotta be Robo-Hunter.

This was 2000AD's first fully formed classic - at the stage it appeared, Dredd still hadn't fully crystallised.  More than that - it was one of those strips which really helped form 2000AD's identity and showed what it could do; despite his punk rock makeover, contemporary Dare was still a traditional, straightforward action strip whilst Robo-Hunter was a perfect blend of high-concept sci-fi with proper humour: satire, slapstick, silliness...

Day of the Droids - Decades later, I can still recall reading the episode 1 android reveal which blew my tiny mind. And then we have the teeny-meks. Such a great invention and yet Wagner only uses them only twice.

Best of all though is Farewell My Billions. Career best art by Gibson on a stellar script. A rare example of a story being totally character driven rather than plot driven.

Funt Solo

I was taking it as read that my Robo-Hunter vote is for the *proper* stories ('78-'85) and not any of the reboot nonsense from the 90s.
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.

Colin YNWA

To mis-use the name of one of our favourite boarders, it doesn't seem like Dan will be Daring to get into Round 4. Ro-Hunters lows seem to be easy for many to ignore, or are DD's just too many? Either way there's a day to wrap this up and I'll announce the result in the morning.


Quote from: Funt Solo on 12 May, 2022, 05:44:06 AM
I was taking it as read that my Robo-Hunter vote is for the *proper* stories ('78-'85) and not any of the reboot nonsense from the 90s.

Robo-hunter (Sam)
DDT did a job on me

Colin YNWA


Impressive result this for Robo-hunter, it wasn't close. And for all its low points and issues its wiped the floor with Dan Dare, the first Prog 1 story to fall. DD is a thrill blessed with good art if not the best scripts. Robo-hunter just fell short of joining the 20 vote clubs, but given the strenght of the opposition, the apparent problems with Slade's strip this is a possible sign of a good contenter?


left DD smoking behind him as he used his boots to stride into Round 3 (what, huh, that's poor!)